Quote Originally Posted by Frostbite View Post
That's not homosexuality, though. (3.)
You all are making hypothetical situations that simply don't happen.(1.)
Straight guy dating a guy: Not gay
GAY guy dating guy: gay

Homosexuality: Being sexually attracted to men (3.)

What you all are saying: Some random straight guy trying to lie himself into a same-sex relationship.(2.)

1. Do say how Oscar Wilde deciding to remain gay is "hypothetical".

In addition, you are acting hypocritical by bringing up (1.) in your post. Let's look at the hypothetical situations that you've posted.

Quote Originally Posted by Hypothetical Situation 1.
Way to provide evidence that gays, which you're evidently not, consciously decide "I want to be attracted to guys!?!". That's retarded. When did you "consciously decide" to be straight?
Quote Originally Posted by Hypothetical Situation 2.
You're viewing attraction has just "I could have sex with this person."
Quote Originally Posted by Hypothetical Situation 3.
Ok, of course we're gonna act like we think girls are hot. We know most people are idiots that think we're doing it as a choice and reject us and stuff. Any gay guy who has dated a girl or thought about dating one was doing it, not because they thought the girl was attractive, but because society says, "boys date girls."

If you're not gay, then you don't know. You can't say, "You guys are gay because of _______" becuase:
b. YOUR OPINION is not your god's. Therefore, it's the opinion of a "sinner" which could be lying.
Quote Originally Posted by Hypothetical Situation 4.
Yes, but do I care about what the Bible says? nope. Do YOU? you should if you're a christian.
Every nonchristian has a right to use the bible against a christian.
Quote Originally Posted by Hypothetical Situation 5.
Like, I've never had trouble with girls, I've even had some "girl friends" but that was only because that's what was expected from me, not because I like girls. Most of the girls in my grade have expressed attraction to me, BUT I'M NOT ATTRACTED TO THEM. Therefore, I obviously didn't "choose" to be gay because girls don't like me.
Quote Originally Posted by Hypothetical Situation 6.
I never understood why anyone could think someone would want to CHOOSE a life where:
a. Love is harder to find.. a ton less gays than straight people.
b. Most people don't like you.
c. You're officially a target of the KKK. (lols)
d. People constantly argue about why you made such a "stupid choice"
Quote Originally Posted by Hypothetical Situation 7.
I never understood why anyone could think someone would want to CHOOSE a life where:
a. Love is harder to find.. a ton less gays than straight people.
b. Most people don't like you.
c. You're officially a target of the KKK. (lols)
d. People constantly argue about why you made such a "stupid choice"
Quote Originally Posted by Hypothetical Situation 8.
I never understood why anyone could think someone would want to CHOOSE a life where:
a. Love is harder to find.. a ton less gays than straight people.
b. Most people don't like you.
c. You're officially a target of the KKK. (lols)
d. People constantly argue about why you made such a "stupid choice"
Quote Originally Posted by Hypothetical Situation 9.
Straight guy dating a guy: Not gay
GAY guy dating guy: gay
Hypothetical is most nearly "based on a Hypothesis", in which a hypothesis is "a proposed explanation for an observable phenomenon".

Up to this point, you've been saying nothing but "I've done this, I've done that". How do we know it's true? It's merely an explanation to prove your point.

These are all Hypothetical Explanations because they are merely here to prove your point.

2. Do say how Oscar Wilde tried to "lie himself into a same-sex relationship".

He did not lie to himself. Rather, he met a person who he tried the experimented on, and decided to remain gay.

3. Actually, Homosexual is the proper term, not gay. Based on the meanings from Old and Proper English, Gay means to be happy, and so your definition of gay is synonymous with Homosexual.

Also, Look at this link That defines Gay. Look at bullets 5 and 6. Actually, I will quote it just for you.

Quote Originally Posted by Definition of Gay
- Homosexual: someone who practices homosexuality; having a sexual attraction to persons of the same sex
- Homosexual or arousing homosexual desires
Thus, your statement that Gay and Homosexual are not synonymous is false.

If I am wrong, then do provide a clear definition rather than a hypothetical situation of what being "Gay", by your definition, truly is.

You're showing your degree of arrogance by stating this claim:
Quote Originally Posted by Frostbite View Post
You are ignorant if you think you can tell a gay person that you know more about them than they do.
By definition, ignorance is "lacking knowledge or sophistication". However, who are you to call me ignorant when you have no idea what kind of life I dwell in? How do you know that I'm not friends with lesbians, gays, or that any one of my relatives happen gay? Of all things, I should be calling you ignorant, not the other way around.

It does not matter if you are gay or straight, this discussion is about "Is being gay a choice or is it not?"

If the answer to this thread's question was analogous to God, then being gay does not make you Jesus.

Your belief that "being gay is not by choice" comes merely from your own observations, whereas the belief I have comes from the fact that one of my cousins is gay, that a neighbor across the street is gay, and that I am part of a Gay-Straight alliance association, thus providing multiple insights on my belief that Being gay is by choice, as multiple people have told me that.

It is fine for you to accuse these twenty-some odd individuals of committing blasphemy to your ideals, but that would also mean that your ideals are also an act of blasphemy to what they happen to believe.

Am I saying you are wrong? No I am not.

... But am I saying you are right? No I am not.

By the way,
Quote Originally Posted by Frostbite View Post
But I understand why you don't want to debate with me
I know I'm a good debater regardless.
That's called being cocky.