I use it on occasion. Usually it's either in *special* cooking, or via a vaporizer. I consume alcohol in moderation, but I avoid tobacco smoke. Cigarette smoke in particular makes me physically ill (headaches + nausea).
Results 41 to 80 of 81
Thread: Weed.
- 18 Nov. 2009 02:08am #41
- 18 Nov. 2009 02:08am #42
- 18 Nov. 2009 02:14am #43
And how do you know it's going to ruin my life? Also, as an adult, it it my choice to decide what substances I do and don't put into my body (whether legal or not). I know that it is illegal.
Also, what about cases of people around the wold who have actually benefited from the proven medicinal properties of marijuana? I also find it very strange for alcohol and tobacco to be legal when they cause many more problems than marijuana use does.
- 18 Nov. 2009 02:18am #44
- 18 Nov. 2009 03:37am #45
Is it true that marijuana damages the body even though it damages the body? Uhh, no.
In fact, there is no link with marijuana to any bodily damage, except lung cancer after excess use for an entire lifetime. It's hard to describe excessive use to someone who isn't a stoner, but to try my best, marijuana causes lung cancer at an extremely lessened rate than cigarettes. You've have to smoke like 10 times as much before you'd get lung cancer, and that's assuming you smoke continuously for an entire lifetime (i.e. you start smoking at thirteen, a half ounce a week, for forty years). Even at my most stoned self, I smoked merely a quarter ounce a week. And considering there is weed that gets you high with less smoke, there really is no need to smoke a half ounce a week, and lung cancer is completely avoidable. Not to mention alternative methods, such as eating it.
I believe your final statement is backwards. There are cons to weed, but many more pros.
- 18 Nov. 2009 03:44am #46
true that - weed is actually healthier than cigarettes, after analysis. Weed don't have tar compounds in it, which are more likely to cause cancer to begin with, but cigarettes, and don't lets forget barbecued meat of any stripe, have more cancer-causing compounds than weed does, get over it.
And don't forget that weed can actually be used to make rope, and the seeds can be used as a spice in baked dishes quite legally, even if you're someone who doesn't think that weed should be legalized. Either way, it's a divided house; some people just won't condone weed use, or won't use it at all, while others do use it regularly.My contributions:
For all the stuff that happens around here, LG itself is always remarkably unchanged. Thanks to the folks who still remembered I was once here and welcomed me back despite me being retarded.
- 18 Nov. 2009 04:02am #47true that - weed is actually healthier than cigarettes, after analysis. Weed don't have tar compounds in it, which are more likely to cause cancer to begin with
Bob Marley didn't die from smoking. The Marlboro Men (all three of them) did.
And don't forget that weed can actually be used to make rope, and the seeds can be used as a spice in baked dishes quite legally, even if you're someone who doesn't think that weed should be legalized.
Either way, it's a divided house; some people just won't condone weed use, or won't use it at all, while others do use it regularly.
- 21 Nov. 2009 04:11pm #48
i would say weed is amazing! idk why the f@ck its illegal
- 21 Nov. 2009 04:13pm #49
Its just some American poison designed to kill us or get us really sick so we go to doctors so they make more money ff us then when where in the hospital they make you pay for stuff you dont need and they make more money then when your dead you pay like 10,000$ for your funeral
- 21 Nov. 2009 04:15pm #50
You guys need to learn what the fuck you're talking about. If weed is so bad, why do they(doctors) prescribe it. I smoke weed everyday, and I seem more then able to go trk, or school, or have a better social life then 90% of you kids on this website, honestly, weed isn't even a drug anymore, it's a lifestyle now. You have no idea the people I know and how high places they are in society that smoke weed. Just because you can't enjoy weed like the other 80% of the world, don't say stupid shit to try and turn us off of it, because we'll just go get high, and make fun of you.
- 21 Nov. 2009 06:38pm #51
- 23 Nov. 2009 01:12am #52
Weed is yucky xD Well, I wouldn't know, if a fourteen-year-old was smoking weed that'd be bad. :/
Originally Posted by ~Souleater~
- 23 Nov. 2009 01:42am #53
I used to do it once a week.
But then I realized my short term memory started going away.
But I kept it goin for another year.
Now I quit since the beginning of the summer.
Sure I gained some weight since quitting.
I say legalize it.
Cigs are WAY more dangerous and hazerdous to your health.
So why are they legal -.-
- 23 Nov. 2009 03:02am #54
- 26 Nov. 2009 02:23am #55
Well im 13 and i smoke weed.
Lol. Age really doesn't matter.
- 26 Nov. 2009 05:34am #56
Many believe it affects the development of the brain, which isn't that far of a stretch - drugs do affect brain development. The question is to what extent. If I'm not mistaken, mothers who smoked weed during pregnancy only experienced underweight children. Mental health was fine in them, so that should say that it only affects physical development.
I didn't smoke at such a young age, so I can't comment first hand on what affects it has on development.
- 26 Nov. 2009 03:44pm #57
I never tried one, bad for my health i think.
- 29 Nov. 2009 01:50am #58
Why do you think its bad for yuor health?
Did you even read the things Chief has
said? ._.
- 29 Nov. 2009 04:05am #59
Ive thought on trying weed, and I still think I wont but, after thinking long and hard, the risks are greater than the benefits.
I dont care if people do weed, as it isnt that bad. I just wont do it myself.
- 29 Nov. 2009 07:26am #60
- 29 Nov. 2009 08:23pm #61
I woudnt smoke it...If its what you like its what you like...Ill never touch the stuff though
- 02 Dec. 2009 08:02am #62
Mkaes me feel high.
- 02 Dec. 2009 12:17pm #63
It's alright. Its a pussy drug.
- 06 Dec. 2009 10:00pm #64
By pussy drug you mean one of the only ones that don't destroy your life?
- 06 Dec. 2009 10:24pm #65
hell yea i do it its so good wen i first did it i ate all my food i was hungry
- 06 Dec. 2009 11:42pm #66
Weed sucks!! I mean, I like the affect, but the second time I got like really high, My dimondback bike got stolen. SO i quite, because I forget everything.
Last edited by Devon; 06 Dec. 2009 at 11:43pm. Reason: I made another mistake once again.
- 06 Dec. 2009 11:55pm #67
- 07 Dec. 2009 12:03am #68
- 07 Dec. 2009 02:20am #69
Your bike got stolen because Weed slows down your reaction of things around you but u get a killer appetite. Plus weed stinks....yuk
- 07 Dec. 2009 11:40pm #70
- 08 Dec. 2009 01:52am #71
It's perfect for manipulating the masses. For personal use, I have found that it's not my favorite way of pleasuring myself, my personal favorite way of pleasuring myself is just pleasuring myself.
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- 09 Dec. 2009 12:53am #72
Uhm, by that do you mean masturbation?
- 09 Dec. 2009 03:56am #73
- 09 Dec. 2009 02:55pm #74
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Both cause the same type of effect, being Euphoria. Weed actually causes Euphoria, whereas an Orgasm is "Euphoric" indicating it's an act that is done in order to give ones self extreme pleasure or Euphoria.
Edit; Weed does diminish reaction times; it also lowers brain activity as well as causing involentary muscle relaxtion, but no more than being tired; ALOT less than if you were to get drunk (: it also drops concentration, although when focusing on things like driving, you tend to sober up amazingly fast.
Edit2; After smoking every fri and sat for around 3 years i finally finsihed school (living in UK that was @16); i started going to college, after a few months i started smoking around an eigth a day between 3 people, hosting ten to get in parties on weekends, generally smoking blunts but often not - i eventually realised i had a dependancy on cigarettes, even without weed.
Weed is easily addictive, but not in the sence of MSGs but in the general sence that your brain can choose to make it a dependancy, but that works for anything - most people don't realise that they have a coffee dependancy, etc - but sadly weed is slightly more expensive than coffee.
The health risks for weed are few, but they do still exist; things such as short term memory loss, the tar contained in canabis can lead to lung cancer when smoked in rediculous amounts, etc. But the health risks linked to weed are only there because weed is generally smoked with tobacco, and tobacco leads to loads of health risks.
Weed also doesn't promote risk taking behaviour, like alchohol - and is therefore, in places where it's legal, is concidered more socially acceped than alchohol. Shame the UK doesn't see it like that. ^^Last edited by Simon Fiction™; 09 Dec. 2009 at 03:11pm.
Consequentialism - A Firm Beliver In The End Justifying The Means (:
@I Want To Feel The Gear, Pumping Through My Veins, I Want To Feel The Drugs, F**king Up My Brains, I Want To Dance All Night And F**k All Day.
I Want My Cocain, On A Breakfast Tray@
- 09 Dec. 2009 06:40pm #75
Except euphoria can be accomplished through different areas of the brain - different types of euphoria. It's like your saying crack cocaine and weed do the same thing. You'll quickly learn in any General Psychology class that the brain can produce multiple types of 'good' feelings, each one specifically different. The euphoria that meth causes (similar to orgasmic euphoria, but ~10 times stronger) is highly addictive, both mentally and physical. The euphoria that weed causes is only sometimes mentally addictive. So the way the 'euphoria' is achieved is extremely important. Someone addicted to meth would not be satisfied if they smoked weed, thus the effects are different. Of course it's smoked to 'feel good' and what-not, but when physical addiction is added in (which orgasm can cause), the euphorias cross a defined line into different, even amongst multiple drugs that cause physical addiction.
Edit; Weed does diminish reaction times; it also lowers brain activity as well as causing involentary muscle relaxtion, but no more than being tired; ALOT less than if you were to get drunk (: it also drops concentration, although when focusing on things like driving, you tend to sober up amazingly fast.
There was a time when I got high to study, because it helped me focus. It's all about mind-set.
Weed is easily addictive, but not in the sence of MSGs but in the general sence that your brain can choose to make it a dependancy, but that works for anything - most people don't realise that they have a coffee dependancy, etc - but sadly weed is slightly more expensive than coffee.
The health risks for weed are few, but they do still exist; things such as short term memory loss, the tar contained in canabis can lead to lung cancer when smoked in rediculous amounts, etc. But the health risks linked to weed are only there because weed is generally smoked with tobacco, and tobacco leads to loads of health risks.
- 15 Dec. 2009 09:47pm #76
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I have never smoked weed and not planing to i dont want to get addicted to it
- 17 Dec. 2009 09:26am #77
I tried it once and honestly for people like me it makes me speed up. Where as everyone else relaxes I get super hyper ... so XD it's not really as fun for me as it is for other people. I much prefer getting drunk to being high
- 18 Dec. 2009 12:41pm #78
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I'm not a pot smoker, but I still don't see anything wrong with it. Especially since we have cigarettes. And it doesn't really hurt anything, besides brain cells. (so I suggest if you are a first timer, just wait until you're out of school and have nothing to lose)
Originally Posted by C0FF1NCASE
- 18 Dec. 2009 01:00pm #79
For those of you that think weed is natural and it can't hurt you?
Your completly wrong, weed does kill brain cells, not alot but it does kill brain cells non-theless.
I'm never going to do weed mainly because crap that's supposed to slow me down, speeds me up into a basic un-controlled rampage (no joke)
Physical addictions can be rid through will power. My bro smoked for awhile, until one day he was in the car, said he was tired of the crap, and through the pack he was smoking out.
- 18 Dec. 2009 02:11pm #80
One of my friends just got busted (literally 2 days ago) for selling. he's a good guy, but he's made some dumb decisions and got cocky with his drug use.