Hm, First Post - And Relavent To My Interests (:

Weed itself isn't addictive, as in - it doesn't contain any compounds that you can become addicted to. Your brain however can choose to make it a dependacy due to the psychological effects it has. Such as Euphoria, which means you feel like shit if you don't have it - much like you would if you went without something you were addicted to.

Your body slowly builds an immunity (not a complete immunity) towards the effects of THC and you're then required to take it in larger amounts, which ofcourse brings physiological problems.

It's still illegal, which means dealing through generally, but not completely, untrustworthy people in dank dark alleys (Or in my case, the scum central of where i live). Which adds danger to the collection process rather than the actual smoking.

There is no evidence to say that weed alone can cause lung cancer, but solidly smoking blunts rips through your throat - and theres always the fact that there is more tar in weed than there is in cigarrettes. A normal spliff will contain both - so inhailing large amounts of tar is always an issue.

I think no one should begin smoking weed having not concidered all of the above, but i can't deny it is quite possibly one of the greatest feelings. I myself go through phases where i smoke it everyday with the occasional skipping of a few, then don't for a month or so.

This allows my body to remove all the remaining THC (give it 6weeks) and then when i begin smoking again it feels as if i've never done it before, and it takes less to get you stoned again (;

tl;dr: Each paragraph is a point, non-biast in my own opinion, just stating the potential reasons to not, then stating my own reason for.