I could keep on going with this, but okay, let's go back to the dragon topic.
I don't need to show evidence about them not existing, because there is no evidence. The way of proving something did not happened is by showing how the evidence of that happening is wrong.
For example, a defense attorney doesn't have to prove his client is innocent, just that he is not guilty. And yes, there is a difference.
Forgot to tell you, the conspiracy stuff goes to my sig.
Results 41 to 80 of 89
- 02 Apr. 2010 05:09pm #41
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Last edited by Drakonid; 02 Apr. 2010 at 05:22pm.
- 02 Apr. 2010 05:58pm #42
Dragons are awesome and i believe in them >O
- 02 Apr. 2010 06:04pm #43
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The nails and hair do not grow after death, rather the skin begins to dry out and retract making it look like they do. Its an old wise tail, nothing grows after death except the bacteria eating you.
The brow is not a bone, its part of the skull, does not grow after death. Older variants of our species just had larger brows. This is where this wise tale comes from.
Yay science. Next you'll be saying that maggots spawn from meat, and turtles form from mud, and to make mice you need oily rags and rice in bowl.
Dragons do not exist, nor have they. If they had we would have evidence with in the fossil record, for they would have lived during the time of the dinosaurs. The legends regarding them from more recent times are merely stories.
- 02 Apr. 2010 09:51pm #44
- 03 Apr. 2010 02:08am #45
but if you think about , all culture and religion around the world had classify a creature similar to a dragon , during china 500bc had many story of dragons , and from the early 15th century there were story of dragon like creature as well , coincidence ? I don't think so :/, dragon may live with us once upon a time, they made have evolve to live in the sea, they may had evolve to live and die where no man had ever reach.
If you go to Europe church the really old one , there usually picture of knight slaying dragon in the glass window , but why did they put it there ??
- 03 Apr. 2010 02:14am #46
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Every culture in the world has legends about the same creatures and events. From great floods to cyclopes. The has been cultural exchange between people all over the world for hundreds if not thousands of years. Pictures of Egyptian pyramids and sail boats among Aztec records. It merely shows that we as humans talked to each other.
Dragons symbolize the devil in European culture.
- 03 Apr. 2010 02:34am #47
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Dragons are represented as a great evil in the world. The Devil. The Devil is associated with fire, hence the fire breathing. And in Aztec records, Quetzalcoatal was worshipped as a God Serpent. Serpent. Snake. Not Dragon.
All dragons is, is a good show that we communicated with other cultures long before it was thought that we did.Voted Hottest Male Member
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- 25 Apr. 2010 04:00am #48
The dragons you speak of are, as stated before, a symbol to evil.
There where no physical fire-breathing reptile dragons.
You can't take things in the bible literally, (or metaphorically to me).
But, this isn't a religion topic.
- 25 Apr. 2010 04:38am #49
sorry but i'm pretty sure i know more about what i speak than anyone else. i am, afterall, the one speaking about it. and if you would read the other parts of the bible, you would know for a fact that not every reference to a dragon is just referring to evil. there are actual references to giant dragons.
- 26 Apr. 2010 07:48pm #50
There is no way in hell that dragons exist...How are there humans if theres dragons...They would have surely ate everybody and everything if they had the chance...Plus it just doesn't seem logical to have 500ft monsters roaming around blowing fire everywhere and crap like that
- 06 May. 2010 10:59pm #51
Yea, i think they did exist, there has been a lot of proof and unexplainable things that have happened if dinosaurs were real, why not dragons? and yes, i still think they do exist, very few, but still somewere hidding in our world in unfound caves and mountains : )
- 06 May. 2010 11:54pm #52
i agree with you for the most part meofthetribe. but trying to get the people on this website to reason logically and think for themselves instead of using what some crack pot theorist from hundreds of years ago said is like trying to get a new born baby so recite the alphabet backwards.
its even dark in the daytime
its not just good, its Great Depression
when i was lost i even found myself
looking in the guns direction
and so ive tried everything but suicide
but yes, its crossed my mind
but im fine
- 06 May. 2010 11:57pm #53
If you make it sound less like an all powerful creature you could probably see that it may have been possible.
I mean maybe the 500ft fire-breathing thing is what is keeping some people from even remotely thinking that dragons were once real creatures.
Ex. The Kracken people said this was a creature the size of 5 ships and could crush anything with it's beak. Now what I think they saw was a Giant squid, but they just added a little bang to the story, and look what it ended up like.
Now try to remove the completely impractical ideas of dragons like fire-breathing and them being huge, and you may be able to get an idea of what they were like.
- 07 May. 2010 02:07am #54
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Its not the fire breathing that is a total throw-off concerning the belief in the existence of Dragons. The very fact that it would have the ability to fly with wings such as described, and the very fact that something like that in basically modern time and being extinct is unbelievable.
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- 07 May. 2010 02:13am #55
they probably existed i wonder if they ever tried to eat a dragon and see if it tasted good
- 07 May. 2010 02:18am #56
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- 07 May. 2010 02:20am #57
- 07 May. 2010 02:30am #58
ever heard of pterodactyls? they have entire skeletons of those creatures. and like chow said, they weren't neccesarily these massive creatures and therefore, a specifically trained human/group of humans would have most likely been able to kill it. humans are known for being clever after all
its even dark in the daytime
its not just good, its Great Depression
when i was lost i even found myself
looking in the guns direction
and so ive tried everything but suicide
but yes, its crossed my mind
but im fine
- 07 May. 2010 02:35am #59
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This is true, but lets face it, pterodactyls were pre-human, and dragons are recorded as being modern day. and given the way the world was way back then, and they way they were created and bred, that is how they lived, in massive size. dragons, which in theory and what has been recorded would be about the same size, and would have had to survive the mass extinction that occurred during that time.
And since the weaponry would have been very primitive and basic, the chance of even a group of people, highly trained at the time would have nearly died many times before killing even one.Voted Hottest Male Member
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- 07 May. 2010 02:42am #60
yea that makes sense too. well idk really i don't know too much about dragons/dinosaurs but i'll do some more research on it i guess
its even dark in the daytime
its not just good, its Great Depression
when i was lost i even found myself
looking in the guns direction
and so ive tried everything but suicide
but yes, its crossed my mind
but im fine
- 09 May. 2010 12:41am #61
It still seems to much of a coincidence for them to be recorded in different human civilizations before there was contact, and if they were flying creatures wouldn't their bones be delicate? That would make finding fossils very difficult.
Is there another animal that was never real, that was recorded in so many parts of the world?
Also humans probably did not try to kill them if they were real, since that would be like a native American trying to kill a sabortooth tiger.
- 10 May. 2010 01:50pm #62
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Considering their size and probable diet, their bones would have roughly the same durability of a dino-bone.
Other animals: Unicorns. Faeyries. Sasquatch. Barbara Streisand.
If humans didn't kill them, where are they? And if they are all dead, how would something like that go extinct?Voted Hottest Male Member
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- 10 May. 2010 04:31pm #63
- 28 May. 2010 02:05am #64
i believe in them :]
- 07 Jul. 2010 04:09pm #65
I find this intresting. Maby have you thought the dragons them self are withholding the evidence of their existance? it is a known fact in some dragonologist circles [no they are not recognized due to the egg heads who say that dragons dont exist in the past or now.] dragons dont share things about them self. they hardly put it down on paper. i even know a real dragon soul. i have done my research and have found many inconsistancys with the theory that they dont exist. they for all we know be in this forum right now posting in this topic and we will never know because they are clever. not all dragons were or are fire breathers. according to my research from my dragon soul friend there are 20 maby more differnt types of breaths for each type of dragon. also not all dragons want to kill us. my guardian angle is a dragon for Tiamat's sake. she rather teach me then kill me.
- 08 Jul. 2010 02:24am #66
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Dude are you fucking high?
Seriously listen to what you just said. It sounds like you're talking about a damned video game :/
No, dragons do not exist, nor did they. For if they did, they would not be domesticated and would have killed whatever got in its way.
I do, however, believe snakes used to have appendages, though who's to say if those were legs? They could have been little nubs or even extra, strangely placed tails.
- 08 Jul. 2010 08:27am #67
no im not high, and no im not talking about games. my teacher btw in anthropology is an assosseate dean or vice dean [the titles are confusing]. he gave me a a+ on my assignment which was on dragons. and he is hard to win over like that. they do exist somepeople just dont want to admit they are not the only ones who could be inteligent in this universe. i have in my research 6 articles written by people with a phd in their field out of the 6, 3 have evidence that they did/and maby still exist. if you read my post before it says got clever and are hiding, the hollywood version is over rated as the norm for dragons.
- 09 Jul. 2010 02:04am #68
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Just going to point out, just because you get an A on a paper doesn't mean your paper is correct. It could be just the teacher found your paper interesting. In all honest though I think you should seek professional help if you believe people are secretly dragons. I knew a kid that said he had the soul of a golden dragon, oh and that I had the soul of a Manticore. Unless you can show us this "proof" I don't believe you at all. Then again there isn't any real proof, just like you going on about your super special guardian. You want to know what it is truthfully kid? People want to feel special, people want to believe there is magic and mystery, and want to be a part of something. I bet in real life you have particularity low self esteem and not all to many friends outside of your "dragon" click. I don't think you realize it, but all of that is bullshit. You've got some friends with some crazy ideas and an imaginary friend on your hands. There is no proof of dragons, let alone them being in someone's soul. Unless you can give me some sort of REAL example, I'm just going to have to say bullshit.
Last edited by CL0V3R; 09 Jul. 2010 at 02:10am. Reason: Typo
All hail kitty pig.
- 09 Jul. 2010 10:33am #69
Now how to respond to this blatant one. Lets see. First I will take offence to your assumption on me. Actualy I have high self esteem to my self. I do have friends outside my clan. We don't go around preaching our secrets. I'm not trying to turn non believers to my side. I am only putting my two cents in. I never said someone was. I said might, and I just did a great job on my paper. Some people [not saying any of you], just don't want to believe that dragons are or were real. You have a right to your opinion CLOV3R, as I have a right to mine. please don't curse or disrespect me just because of my views. this is how wars tend to start. The topic is did they exist. My theory is they did and do to their secrecy of their culture the evidence is hidden from us by our government or we just haven't found their graveyard.
Last edited by theldrakis; 09 Jul. 2010 at 11:51am. Reason: typo
- 09 Jul. 2010 11:16am #70
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- 12 Jul. 2010 01:47am #71
Did dragons exist?
Coming from a religious view point, a resounding yes. They are gods of the old religions, some are considered "demons" (I use the quotes because I don't believe in a being of pure 'evil', nor pure 'good'). Can it be proven or disproven as to physical manifestation on earth? Not overly I stress the disproven part of the question... just because we haven't found hardcore evidence either way yet doesn't mean we won't in the future. You cannot say they don't exist and still say you believe in any of the other thousands of gods because they fall under the same situation. And no you can't pigeon hole gods into "hey this one is similar to this one so they are the same being" because contrary to popular belief, not all religions believe in the same ethics/morals/stories.
But, this isn't a religion topic.
You can't mention someone's gods and say it's not a religious topic... This goes for ancient humans, those who follow ancient religions, and especially those who follow one of the dragon-centric paths.
Dragons are fire-breathing lizards
OK fine maybe the Western dragons are depicted as such, but there are more than one country and view of dragons out there. They are various forms, found in various climates and environments, and have various traits. The only thing that is a common element of all dragons world-wide is that they are composite creatures.
Asian dragons are depicted as having the head of a camel, horns of a stag, eyes of a demon, neck of a snake, belly of a clam, scales of a carp, claws of an eagle, soles of a tiger, and ears of a cow.
Western dragons are large lizards with bat-like wings.
Amphiteres are dragons who are essentially bird winged serpents.
Hydras are multi-headed dragons.
Sumerian dragons much resemble fu dogs mixed with gryphons.
Caribbean dragons are large serpents.
Nagas are often depicted as dragons, which are humans with snake bottoms who can also change into full snake.
The dragons you speak of are, as stated before, a symbol to evil....
Dragons being solely symbols of evil is a relatively new concept. Most of the dragons, even the stories of hoarders don't show evil.
The "treasure" they hoard is not normally declared. It can be shiny, could also be a clutch of eggs, another dragon, perhaps a person, or even wisdom. Even the act of protecting their hoard is a sign of guardianship over evil. As for them attacking intruders, any being (animal, god, human, otherwise) would attack intruders to protect what's their's, esp if it's progeny.
Also chaos and destructive acts do not mean evil. Pure peace in the sense of how it's preached now-a-days is stagnation. Stagnated energy needs to be freed so that things can be created. Therefore destruction is just as needed as anything else.
Examples of some good dragons are:
The asian celestial dragons chase the pearl of wisdom through the air. Asians also have stories of serpents and koi who can transform into celestial dragons after a life of virtue, wisdom and good deeds.
Abrasax was a hydra who was a composite of a two legged dragon and serpent. He is the lord of 365 virtues.
Agunua was an amphitere creation god.
Aido Hwedo is a serpent who is a creation god as well as supporter of the earth.
Tiamat is a sumerian creation goddess. Yes she raised against her children, but only after they killed her husband. She suffered their imputence much longer than her husband did out of motherly duty.
Anata is a creation/destruction hydra. (creation/destruction as in the cycle of life)
Muchalinda was a cobra, king of the nagas, who wrapped around Buddha protecting him while he was meditating under the Bo tree.
In the Philippines there is lore of a dragon who was destructive to all but the one girl who did not try to hurt her. The one who showed the dragon clemency gained it's protection. It would raise the tide against those whuld hurt her, etc.
mean, god did put all animals on the earth to fulfill a purpose, whether to be food, help humans, or comfort us (dogs, cats etc...) so why couldn't they're be another type of animal in charge of this kind of thing
How could god put dragons here when the creation gods were dragons? Well goddess, since Abzu was never declared what his form was, but many draconic sects view him as a dragon.... but Tiamat bore the first of the gods, who subsequently created humans later on. They pre-dated Judaic religions and their version of god...
...they would not be domesticated and would have killed whatever got in its way.
Thel saying "guardian" is not saying "hey look at me, I domesticated a dragon!" Like all spiritual guardians, dragons can choose to teach a human if they so choose. Also like other gods, guides, teachers they can and will make your life a living hell if you don't follow what they suggest.-=Ex Ignorantia Ad Sapientiam; E Luce Ad Tenebras=-
- 13 Jul. 2010 08:28pm #72
answer= no
- 17 Jul. 2010 02:43pm #73
I think they did exist.
- 17 Jul. 2010 10:32pm #74
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honestly after reading the description from the bible the possibility of them dying from what ever killed the dinousaur makes sense. I mean if you can breathe fire then what is smoke going to do. If your scales can break iron and bronze like its nothing i mean just after shock isnt going to kill it.
(maybe it went under water!!!)
- 01 Aug. 2010 11:20pm #75
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No i don't believe that dragons exited but i believe that snakes had legs and looked like dragons.
- 02 Aug. 2010 01:24am #76
Those were recorded in different places *after* humans made contact with each other right?
It may seems impossible for humans to kill them, but doesn't it seem kinda unbelievable that humans could kill Mammoths? Creature that was a 100 times their size, but they were clever enough to drive them to fall off a cliff therefore killing themselves, but dead is dead.
Well, again, Saber-tooth tiger was a creature that could kill most things, and was probably viscous, not many things could kill it. Yet, here we are today with Old Saber-tooth on the extinct list.
- 10 Aug. 2010 03:54am #77
I want to believe dragons are real but i just can't. No matter how cool they are its pretty impossible. They are kind of like god. They are something made from humans b/c they have no proof on how it happened. Don't forget that people back then didn't even know how earthquakes where created. If they do turn out being real i doubt they are what we imagine them to be. The closest i can find to a dragon would probably be a leoploradon(however you spell it) aka nessy aka leviathan(well a kind of leviathan), or a ptyredactyl(however you spell that too). And if they where once real, someone wanna help me make a time machine and then live life like Monster Hunter!
- 10 Nov. 2010 04:01am #78
I never believed in dragons. I mean they definetly don't exist right now on earth. The acidic or flaming stuff was probably just a nice addition to the already existing reptiles. Or even if there were once dragons, then I don't see a point why do we have to act like they were some kinda fantastic creatures. I mean it would be awsome to know they existed, BUT in that case they were probably flying lizzards, breathing fire. Or flying dinosaurs. So basically animals. Because everything, except dead stuff are either animals, plants or mushrooms. Even the humans fall in the "animal" cathegory.
The basic things why I don't believe they existed are:
1-all cultures give them different abilities and bodies, if you do some research, you'll realize they are always similar to the area's reptiles
2-too many mythical stuff, like speaking, being gods, etc, that is not logical, even for believers, because believing in one usually denies the other cultur's belief systems
3-Ok for huge carnivorous flying lizzards. NO for firebreathing, there are no creatures like that. There would definetly be more animals inheriting similar breath system.
- 10 Nov. 2010 04:12am #79
I remember watching this documentary once about how dragons used to exist and throughout the whole movie they were all like and this this this and that about how dragons were real.
At the end of the movie they stated "Dragons do not exist nor did they ever exist"
- 15 Nov. 2010 11:45pm #80
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Let's put it like this:
If you believe in dragons, they exist, but solely for you.
If enough people believe in dragons, the idea will be forced upon the reality of others.
If enough people are forced to believe (this leading to murder and abuse of power), then yes, dragons can become reality.
But let's face it, what truly IS reality?
If reality is a purity lying behind every statement, then what entity could possibly be able to decide what that purity is? God?
Yet to me, God is but an idea in which many believe, thus granting it strength and power.
If nobody believes in God, there is no God. If nobody believes the Earth to be round, it won't be.
I'm sure a lot will question that last sentence, but think about it:
If nobody believes the world to be round, then every evidence that could possibly indicate something else,
will be merely dismissed by 'made-up' facts, in which everyone then shall believe.
And so, I say dragons are just as real as that 'purity' -being the truth- is to you.
If you believe in a God deciding this truth, then perhaps you can force your believes onto others
(like Christianity did, and let's not forget what happened... Inquisition, anyone?),
but this -to many others- would be regarded as immoral.
So I'd say:
Let's stick to our believes and share whatever we have to offer.
If you convince someone into believing in your idea, it'll grow stronger and yes, so will your confidence that it is true.
But also consider the fact that it might not be true (to you!).
Who knows...
Some people's reality is never altered.
And then again, some change every day. :]
Like Bob Dylan -I believe- once said:
Life's about reinventing yourself each and every day.
But at the core of it all, you'll always remain the same.
"The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance."