and im not talking about dinosaurs, im talking about fire breathing dragons. some cultures have evidence that what we think were dinosaurs are actually variations of fire breathing dragons. there is so much evidence saying they existed, from biblical points of view, historical, and even scientific evidence for you non christians.
the bible speaks of dragons mannnnny times over again, but one area i like is Job chapter 41:
this basically seems like what we automatically think about when we think dragon, except for the fact that it lives in the ocean.Code:15 His back has rows of shields tightly sealed together; 16 each is so close to the next that no air can pass between. 17 They are joined fast to one another; they cling together and cannot be parted. 18 His snorting throws out flashes of light; his eyes are like the rays of dawn. 19 Firebrands stream from his mouth; sparks of fire shoot out. 20 Smoke pours from his nostrils as from a boiling pot over a fire of reeds. 21 His breath sets coals ablaze, and flames dart from his mouth. 22 Strength resides in his neck; dismay goes before him. 23 The folds of his flesh are tightly joined; they are firm and immovable. 24 His chest is hard as rock, hard as a lower millstone. 25 When he rises up, the mighty are terrified; they retreat before his thrashing. 26 The sword that reaches him has no effect, nor does the spear or the dart or the javelin. 27 Iron he treats like straw and bronze like rotten wood. 28 Arrows do not make him flee; slingstones are like chaff to him. 29 A club seems to him but a piece of straw; he laughs at the rattling of the lance. 30 His undersides are jagged potsherds, leaving a trail in the mud like a threshing sledge. 31 He makes the depths churn like a boiling caldron and stirs up the sea like a pot of ointment. 32 Behind him he leaves a glistening wake; one would think the deep had white hair. 33 Nothing on earth is his equal— a creature without fear. 34 He looks down on all that are haughty; he is king over all that are proud."
also, if you don't believe in the bible, think about it. every single culture has recorded some type of dragon like creature. whether it be gods, demons, guardians, or just monsters. every culture has recorded some type of dragon. and i realize some of these cultures could have mingled and shared ideas, but not all of them could have come in contact with other cultures....its also been said that the missing part of marco polo's notes spoke of the chinese people having chariots pulled by dragons and dragons chained as pets in the royal areas.
well if you want more info on this and other things similar to this go to Creation Science Evangelism | Creation. Evolution. Dinosaurs. The Bible. and watch the videos. they're kinda long but they will make you think alot and make you feel like a complete idiot for believing certain ways. the videos actually provide proof to their claims also. well what do you think about dragons? and sorry its so long
Results 1 to 40 of 89
- 02 Apr. 2010 03:19am #1
Dragons:did they exist? (kinda long but interesting)
- 02 Apr. 2010 03:24am #2
in asian culture , they say dragon is the ruler of the sea , they carry out job which was sent by the sky ( god ) like making rain , flood and tsunami as punishment
- 02 Apr. 2010 03:26am #3
I believe in dragons
- 02 Apr. 2010 03:28am #4
this could be true. i mean, god did put all animals on the earth to fulfill a purpose, whether to be food, help humans, or comfort us (dogs, cats etc...) so why couldn't they're be another type of animal in charge of this kind of thing. idk maybe we'll find out one day though
- 02 Apr. 2010 03:34am #5
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No matter how much evidence is put forht, dragons will always be viewed as fairytale creatures that cannot possibly exist. Yes there is evidence, but I havent seen anything solid yet. And that is what I'm going to wait for. I personally have no view on the evolution of dragons, although it has merit. But lets face it, dragons would probably have died out long before humans ever came along, especially if they were around during the time of the dinosaurs they would have been extinct, because if they lived, what made them so special that they lived the total eradication of 90 some odd percent of the species on the earth, why didnt they live till the time of people, because trust me, if they had, there would have been documentation of those kinds of those creatures.
I'm not saying they dont exist, and im not saying that they do, but until i see some hard evidence, I cannot pick a side.Voted Hottest Male Member
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- 02 Apr. 2010 03:36am #6
I personally don't beleive but one time tis kid at my school wa in the library looking at a kids dragon book (one with the fake materials in the pages saying they are something real) and saw dragon scales and he shouted out
this is proof and he was serious it made me laugh
- 02 Apr. 2010 03:43am #7
i would honestly like to believe they existed. then again i don't know if that would be a good thing especially if they still did lol...i'd be the idiot that was like "no don't kill them they're great creatures!" then i'd be the first to get fried....idk i just like the idea of them i guess
- 02 Apr. 2010 03:51am #8
YouTube - Dragons, a Fantasy made Real - Part 2
watch this and it might give you a different interest :p
- 02 Apr. 2010 03:55am #9
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- 02 Apr. 2010 04:07am #10
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- 02 Apr. 2010 04:10am #11
- 02 Apr. 2010 04:15am #12
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I believe in dragons.
They might have gone extinct before humans existed.
Then again, The dragons may have [evolved] and became smaller and now is a cousin of the lizards that lives nowadays.
Well, that's my belief.
Humans yawn when they think of it.
- 02 Apr. 2010 04:17am #13
that could be too. i mean if you look at a comodo dragon, they're pretty big, and its possible that they were alot bigger at one time. and it is a dragon after all
- 02 Apr. 2010 04:17am #14
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Did you just call me an idiot?
I believe that's flaming, so please calm down.
Also, I'm not finding your "non biblical evidence".
- 02 Apr. 2010 04:20am #15
- 02 Apr. 2010 04:21am #16
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Its called read everything.
As far as the komodo dragons go, it was theorized that they ahd once been the dragons that we are talking about, but that was debunked since they are too different from their winged and fire breathing reptilian-bretheren.
They have many of the same qualities, but there would be some trace of the original, and there are no joints for where wings would have ceased to be, and the gland and structure of the komodo is more comparable to a snake, given its qualities, its size is just a coincidence.Voted Hottest Male Member
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- 02 Apr. 2010 04:26am #17
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It was also believed that snakes had a feet.
Humans yawn when they think of it.
- 02 Apr. 2010 04:31am #18
- 02 Apr. 2010 04:35am #19
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Ok, I'll use a code:
(Both, mainly theology)
Ever heard of dinosaurs?
Woah, big reptiles, maybe crocodiles are evolved dragons too!
Edit: okay my colour code failed, but the idea still stands
- 02 Apr. 2010 06:04am #20
- 02 Apr. 2010 09:54am #21
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There isn't any proof, that dragons made real was just some lame special on discovery a few years back. Also the dragon in the glass jar thing they have at the end has been proven to be a hoax. In any case it's interesting that each culture has a mention of dragons in some way, then again almost all of them also mention aliens. :/ Point being if there was anything close to a dragon, I doubt it would breath fire and be anything like the stereotypical hype. Also I don't really think the bible is proof of dragons, at least not real ones.
All hail kitty pig.
- 02 Apr. 2010 10:49am #22
I think they did exist. Why not? To breathe fire all u need are lungs tough enuf to sustain helium.
- 02 Apr. 2010 12:43pm #23
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Adding to the dragon/alien list, we also have centaurs, phoenixes.
Now, quoting Hobbes in Leviathan(First Part, The Man; Chapter 1, Of Sense):
Much memory, or memory of many things, is called experience. Again, imagination being only of those things which have been formerly perceived by sense, either all at once, or by parts at several times; the former (which is the imagining the whole object, as it was presented to the sense) is simple imagination, as when one imagineth a man, or horse, which he hath seen before. The other is compounded, when from the sight of a man at one time, and of a horse at another, we conceive in our mind a centaur. So when a man compoundeth the image of his own person with the image of the actions of another man, as when a man imagines himself a Hercules or an Alexander (which happeneth often to them that are much taken with reading of romances), it is a compound imagination, and properly but a fiction of the mind. There be also other imaginations that rise in men, though waking, from the great impression made in sense: as from gazing upon the sun, the impression leaves an image of the sun before our eyes a long time after; and from being long and vehemently attent upon geometrical figures, a man shall in the dark, though awake, have the images of lines and angles before his eyes; which kind of fancy hath no particular name, as being a thing that doth not commonly fall into men's discourse.
Nah, I'm pretty sure they carried a bottle of ethanol and a lighter.
- 02 Apr. 2010 12:56pm #24
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So far after reading some of the more recent posts, nothing has really been presented that even remotely has any merit. Yes snakes did at one point in their earlier evolutionary sequence had feet, but they were never present in China or Japan. Japan because its an island, and all history from the first recording it was an island. China's landscape and temperature isnt close enough in hot climate to support anacondas living conditions.
For every piece of fact that there is, there is hundreds of things that show it is pure false-hood. Also, helium is not an element that can be sustained for a very long time, and even then, there is not enough helium in the air to constitute flamibility to a degree that would be theorized for a dragon to breathe fire.
Basically, bones/genetic material/hardproof/underpants/???/profit, or it didnt happen.Voted Hottest Male Member
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- 02 Apr. 2010 01:09pm #25
well i don't like talking in these debates too much cause i always end up leaving out key points and forgetting what to say but seriously guys if you have time you should really watch the dr.dino videos. they're free and even if you aren't a christian you will like them. be open minded people im not trying to shove religion or anything down your throat, jut give you a new perspective with proof of accusations mentioned in the video.
- 02 Apr. 2010 01:11pm #26
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Dragons are used symbolically in the Bible for a great many things.
You can't just look at Asian culture considering dragons in some form show up in all cultures around the world.
While we've looked at how a dragon could evolve in our world and be a real living organism. There have been none and I doubt there will be.
The History Channel's "The Quest for Dragons" was filled with half-truths and significant omissions
- 02 Apr. 2010 01:13pm #27
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Please explain how are we missing the point?
Also, there are so many different forms of dragons that any mutation in any kind of reptile would cause angsty masses to claim it's a dragon.
- 02 Apr. 2010 01:51pm #28
i didnt say you were missing the point, i said i left out key points that i wanted to say. and as far as all the evolution stuff, no. i never said anything about that. there is no evolution. at least not in the since of one creature evolving into a completely different one. i believe if an animal needs to adapt to a new area it will undergo certain changes, but i don't believe in full out monkey to human, pterodactyle to bird evolution.
@coffincase= the bible does use dragons alot of times to represent certain things like evil/satan etc.. however there are many parts that refer to an actual creature alive and living among people. daniel killed a dragon that the king and his people worshipped. jonah was swallowed by a "great leviathan" in job, god describes to job a creature he calls a "behemoth" with a tail like a cedar tree and steps that shook the earth. this may not be a dragon, but its definately something that isn't around anymore.
think about this, early biblical figures (especially those of the pre-flood era) lived to be over 900 years of age. they were recorded to be over 12 feet tall. who's to say that the dragons that we still see today weren't even older and bigger than the humans. there is nothing that says that the dragons were much bigger than the humans, but in genesis it refers to noah walking beside the great reptiles. all animals and humans were said to have gotten along and all creatures were herbivores before the flood. now i know im not the best at giving evidence, and even if i had perfect evidence (is there such thing?) that there would still be those who dis believe. but there is just too much documentation and evidence to just cast aside the entire idea of dragons all together.
- 02 Apr. 2010 02:08pm #29
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I simply will ignore the evolution matter, I believe you should look into that topic, but this is not the time and place. But I will say this, that's not how evolution works.
Now, Leviathan is a sea monster, not a dragon.
Behemoth is the term used for a giant beast.
Also, I'd like you to actually read my post, especially the quote from Hobbes.
Finally, you're not giving evidence at all, after all you're just talking about the bible.
- 02 Apr. 2010 02:52pm #30
i did read your post and its just as stupid as you claim the bible is. and yes i know leviathan and behemoth aren't dragons which is why i said and i quote "this may not be a dragon, but its definately something that isn't around anymore." and are you aware that 90 percent of the occurences in the bible are proven historical occurences? maybe you should be the one to read up. and i have read up all i need to on evolution. its stupid. horribly idiotic. watch the videos. or are you scared of being proven wrong? im an open mnded guy so i don't mind taking other peoples points of view. can you do that?
- 02 Apr. 2010 03:13pm #31
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What I'm saying about behemoth and leviathan is that they are just human exaggerations, in fact, behemoth was sometimes portrayed as an elephant, while leviathan in hebrew means whale.
Also, bible stuff aren't proven shit. There is evidence of events matching the non miraculous parts of the bible occurring.
Next, I never called the bible stupid, I just pointed out it's not solid evidence. About Hobbes, you are probably right, what could a crazy man know, even if he is one of the most remarkable modern philosophers.
Oh, and I also want to apologize, I can clearly see how you're open minded, after all evolution is bullcrap. Pfft Lamarck&Darwin? Oh, you mean the giraffe guy and monkey dude, yeah, totally nuts.
- 02 Apr. 2010 03:18pm #32
atleats i spent the time to understand evolutionists claims and actually listened to them. no proof of evolution exists. and all those supposed skulls of missing links have all been proven wrong or a hoax. the first one was a ape skull attached to a pigs jaw...and the fact that the human skull found with the long eyebrow arch looking like a gorilla only means he was dead for a long time. the human eyebrow ridge never stops growing, thus, dead for multi thousand years, your gonna look kinda like a monkey.
- 02 Apr. 2010 03:30pm #33
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Look, I was raised catholic, I also spent time trying to understand that shit.
Also, cool internet search pal, you can use google. In fact, it's all a conspiracy against the church, since they consider it has too much power. I shouldn't be revealing this, and if they find out, I might be in big trouble.
Also, it's funny how I searched "eyebrow ridge never stops growing" and only found anti-evolution sites. Oh, just letting you know, it never stops growing DURING LIFE.
- 02 Apr. 2010 03:38pm #34
actually i got that information from the doctor dino videos. not google. and what are you revealing? everyone knows about that so don't act like your privilaged member of secret society or something. but anyways were getting way off topic here so lets just agree that we have different opinions and get back on track.
- 02 Apr. 2010 03:44pm #35
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Oh, so you knew about it. The Vatican should give you the "coolest dude award".
Back on topic?
Dude, you just said that bones grew forever, if you have any self respect, just leave.
- 02 Apr. 2010 04:22pm #36
i didn't say bones grew forever i said one bone grows forever which has been PROVEN! and i wasn't showing off when i said everyone knows that i was just telling you its not some big secret oh no the government is trying to attack the church ahhh as if they haven't been doing that all of time....well i've asked you nicely to get back on topic so now im reporting you.
- 02 Apr. 2010 04:38pm #37
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Fine, report me, but first get things right:
The god damned bone does not grow forever, it keeps on growing while the being is alive. Which means the when the being die, the bone stops growing. What you said was:
the human eyebrow ridge never stops growing, thus, dead for multi thousand years, your gonna look kinda like a monkey.
Second, evolution is not a conspiracy, and what government are you talking about?
- 02 Apr. 2010 04:43pm #38
why are you acting like i denied saying that? yes, that is what i said, and it IS CORRECT. has been proven. and don't start with that literate shit. i said it just fine. you understood what i said obviously. and as for the government part, im just gonna walk away because you can't be serious.
- 02 Apr. 2010 04:48pm #39
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So you are saying that the remains of human beings keep on growing after death?
Also, I'm the one not being serious?
- 02 Apr. 2010 05:03pm #40
the one particular bone mentioned, yes. as do fingernails and toe nails. and yes your not being came in a thread about one thing and made it completely about something else...not to mention you've given no proof of anything you've said....all you've done is found faults in what i said and you best argument so far was the literacy thing...good job. just stop trying. im getting someone to close this because your just gonna keep posting garbage even though ive asked you to get back on topic. this thread is about dragons not bones and religion and the government. go make a new thread if you wanna discuss that.