I've been getting failed login attempt e-mails from Facebook for weeks now. It's some account I didn't even know I had. I'm guessing made it ages back when Facebook was new, and I was just migrating over from MySpace. It's an account for my website, not myself, which is weird, because I again don't even remember having it. But I'm guessing someone just tried all my e-mails until they found one with an account associated with it and has just been trying to get into it ever since.
I mean, good luck. But there's nothing on it, and I don't even know what my password is.
But the e-mails you are making Facebook send me are annoying, so I'd appreciate you not doing that anymore.
Results 1 to 12 of 12
- 21 Mar. 2013 03:52pm #1
Is one of your trying to get into my Facebook account?
- 21 Mar. 2013 04:06pm #2
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- 21 Mar. 2013 04:10pm #3
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Is your username starting in the first letters of the alphabet? Eg. a, b, c, d.
If so, you could be experiencing random dictionary attacks where people are trying to go through usernames in a bruteforce fashion and try each account with a few common passwords.
Eg, they would first go to facebook.com/a
then /aa
then /aaa
until they get to /ab
then /aba
then /abaa
etc etc.
Eventually, they would hit usernames like /gamechief or /charles or whatever yours is.
If it's not that, I have absolutely no idea what it would be. Random stalker or something? Whuld know about that account? Make a list, then narrow it down by technical skill, then narrow it down by ones that don't like you.
- 21 Mar. 2013 04:34pm #4
Except I've been getting these e-mails for weeks, so someone is trying this account specifically.
Which again is weird because I didn't even know I had this account. But it's probably tied to one of my billion e-mail addresses, so I can see how someone would think it is my personal account and not some spammy advertisement account for my website.
So IDC either way. I am just tired of the e-mails from Facebook.
- 22 Mar. 2013 12:40am #5
- 22 Mar. 2013 01:05am #6
Probably Aleena. That 1337 hax0r.
Him and Flareboy are the best hackers i know.
- 22 Mar. 2013 01:19am #7
- 22 Mar. 2013 12:50pm #8
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- 22 Mar. 2013 01:21pm #9
I'm a haxor tho so I haz to crack it! Nah just kidding its not me but I remember when I got a flood of emails one day from someone trying to crack my account haha they locked my account down to the point I had to call to verify myself
- 22 Mar. 2013 02:42pm #10
- 22 Mar. 2013 03:17pm #11
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Just link the account to a NEW BS email address and delete all content on the account so that it doesn't matter if anyone hacks into it.
- 22 Mar. 2013 11:33pm #12
It doesn't matter if anyone hacks it now. It's not big deal. I would just like to not get the e-mails anymore, so stop trying plx. I don't think the solution to this should be me changing the e-mail address on the account when someone can just stop trying to bruteforce it.