I've realized that this site isnt extremely large, and I realized looking though suggestions that topics like chatbox aren't going to happen because we barely have any forum activity. Realizing that I thought on a couple other sites like sythe and other places putting in my signature a link to here and all and maybe get some if not a lot of people to join, but at the same time I wanted your opinions on it due to for some reason many people join the site, what if people start abusing the bots ect. So wanted your guys opinion before I do thisThanks sorry if there was a topic like this before :p
Results 1 to 7 of 7
Thread: Getting Our Name Out
- 25 Mar. 2013 12:52pm #1
Getting Our Name Out
- 25 Mar. 2013 01:30pm #2
Go for it. If you check the User CP, you can find a referral link which, if used, any member who signs up after clicking that link will have you listed as their referral, which gives you bonus LGG.
It's entirely fine. There are 10 post requirements for programs and guides to prevent people from abusing them. The only program that doesn't have the 10 post requirement is Logical Gaia, and I don't care if anyone uses it. It has ads for LG built in.
- 25 Mar. 2013 01:35pm #3Ya Bish
[How to make a FMP] • [FLP Guide] • [Gaia Gold FLP] • [Exchanging Guide]
[My Store] • [My Forum]
- 25 Mar. 2013 03:52pm #4
- 25 Mar. 2013 07:45pm #5
- 25 Mar. 2013 08:03pm #6
If anyone behaves without manners, they'll be banned. There's no reason to fear new members.
- 25 Mar. 2013 11:08pm #7