Discrimination is part of the country in every aspect, racially, gender based, age based, even regional biases. The question is: is there ever a situation in which being discriminatory is acceptable, in any fashion, for specific situations?
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Thread: Descrimination
- 08 Feb. 2013 11:59pm #1
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Last edited by Souleater; 09 Feb. 2013 at 02:45am.
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- 09 Feb. 2013 01:59am #2
- 09 Feb. 2013 02:44am #3
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- 09 Feb. 2013 02:48am #4
- 09 Feb. 2013 03:06am #5
- 09 Feb. 2013 04:05am #6
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Discrimination for the sake of discriminations is wrong, but I think that we tend to be overly sensitive about it and take things too far.
Legally speaking we discriminate all the time, the government gives huge kick backs to special groups and sections of industries just because. They also try to make up for past discrimination with "protective measures" that ultimately reverse discriminate.
I feel like there are instances where we fail to deal with reality because of our collective fear of discrimination.
For instance, would anyone disagree that a large portion of the african american community has a culture and life style that creates a negative image of them in society at large? Does that mean every member of the race is like that? No, but it creates a situation where it becomes difficult to give people a fair shake because you learned something and you naturally apply that information. My mother had her throat slit open by a african american man when she worked at a hospital and was repeatedly robbed as a teller at a bank by african american men years ago. She's never going to get over it and she's always going to have a fear of members of the african american race because she has learned to distrust and be fearful of them. Does that make that ok? Well, I think it's a gray area. If she was in an area where crime was being cared out largely by african americans, then it makes sense for her to discriminate because it helps keep her alive. Doesn't actually mean anything about the african american race, it merely helps her survive in a certain environment. For the sake of fairness and because this was an exampleyou can change african american to any thing really.
I'm very aware of discrimination, I look a certain way and people hold it against me. They assume things about me that are entirely untrue before even speaking to me. Is it fair? No, but it's the way life is.
Ultimately think of all that what you may but my general feelings are that individuals are responsible for themselves in this regard. If you want to discriminate, go for it. It's an expression of what you believe and an extension of your free speech.
- 09 Feb. 2013 12:05pm #7
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- 09 Feb. 2013 03:56pm #8
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I think internally, we naturally discriminate without realizing it, or meaning to be harmful.
It's pretty much by preference.
For example, if I'm playing a fighter, I'm going to choose a -male- fighter, and the most badass looking one at that.
I'm not hating on women or ugly people, it's just a preference.☜(* x *)☞FOOL ON COOL GENERATION
Originally Posted by C0FF1NCASE
- 09 Feb. 2013 04:19pm #9
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See, I pick the women characters so I don't have to stare at a man's ass the entire time I am trying to enjoy a game.
That's just me though.
Sometimes I will rock a male character just because they have different stats from a woman character but other then that, it's female all the way.
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- 09 Feb. 2013 06:02pm #10
Of course that's not okay. The only exception I can think of is not hiring obese people for positions that come with healthcare benefits, since obese people have higher health insurance costs for the company. The same principle applies for smokers, but no one ever seems to call refraining from hiring smokers discrimination as they sometimes do with not hiring people who are overweight.
- 09 Feb. 2013 06:03pm #11
- 09 Feb. 2013 06:48pm #12
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