Basically have you ever been suspended?
I got suspended around this time last year, for using my Karate on someone.
I broke his arm and the lower part of his leg, fractured something else (can't remember) And I broke his nose, I got one week ISS (In school suspension)
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Thread: Have you ever been suspended
- 19 Nov. 2009 12:18am #1
Have you ever been suspended
- 19 Nov. 2009 12:21am #2
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I amost did.
Stupid dumbass principal wouldnt do it, even though I broke a rulee.
I like texted when I said i didn't i forgot. But who gives a shit? My crush totally deserved the text from me.Google was here
- 19 Nov. 2009 12:23am #3
- 19 Nov. 2009 12:24am #4
- 19 Nov. 2009 12:27am #5
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- 19 Nov. 2009 12:27am #6
- 19 Nov. 2009 12:30am #7
Never been suspended.
Never really gotten into any trouble like some of the idiots at my school have.
- 19 Nov. 2009 12:30am #8
surprisingly not, but with the stuff i've done before and the stuff im doing, i should have been expelled. maybe im just good enough so no one finds out
i mean i have all the tests for the upcoming year for a subject >.>;;
- 19 Nov. 2009 12:32am #9
I raped someone. Haha, just kidding.
No, I follow all rules when I am being watched.
I do txt, break rules, play pranks, etc. I know my school and what it can do, xD
- 19 Nov. 2009 12:32am #10
You guys are such goody two shoes XD.
And IABB, I'm good enough to do anything secretly except fight, because you can't ;]
iWarez, nice!
- 19 Nov. 2009 12:37am #11
I got suspended last year for getting in a fight with some mexican kid on my way to English. He was talking some shit, and i was like, i bet i can make you cry for mercy in 30 seconds, and he socked me in the face, so i elbowed him in they face, and got him into an arm bar, and i would have broken his arm, but my coach came out of his class room (across the walk way) and then made me get off and all the teachers came out and it was a big scene, but the kid was pretty much asking for it.
- 19 Nov. 2009 12:39am #12
- 19 Nov. 2009 12:42am #13
ISS once in fourth grade. I sat in the office and they gave me all the work from my classes that day... Which I finished in 30 minutes. They wouldnt let me move out of my seat unless I went to the restroom.
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- 19 Nov. 2009 12:44am #14
I've never been suspended. How do you guys get suspended, i tried to by pulling the fire extinguisher but they put me off the hook. I wanted to get out of a big test, but after that i got in trouble with my parent so i dont wanna get suspended anymoars.
- 19 Nov. 2009 12:59am #15
I haven't been suspended, but I almost got expelled once. I got into like 3 fights in a week (I won all of them
wrestling helps). The dean was really cool and he just let me off with a 5 hour detention the day school ended for Spring Break. I usually don't get caught doing stuff though, plus I have a 4.5 GPA and the teachers like me so no one ever thinks I did anything.
My school sucks though, people get expelled for like fighting and stuff. It's really gay.FoRspArTA from the old LG, back in the Golden Age.
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- 19 Nov. 2009 01:01am #16
i got caught in girls bathroom getting a bj
- 19 Nov. 2009 01:04am #17
Nice GPA, I have 0.1 below the highest GPA possible, so they were surpirsed when I got suspended, and when I kicked the shit out of that kid!
- 19 Nov. 2009 01:22am #18
I accidentally broke a kids arm in PE class while playing thermopaly he had to go to the hospital and get a cast
- 19 Nov. 2009 01:39am #19
Lol thanks Elirocks, yeah 4.5 is the highest I can have right now. I'm in 9th grade atm and my school offers no AP classes so I am doing all honors, so since honors gives .5 bonus to GPA 4.5 is the best I can have. Straight A's baby
. And sick GPA to you too, smart people FTW.
FoRspArTA from the old LG, back in the Golden Age.
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- 19 Nov. 2009 02:18am #20
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i got suspended for punching a teacher in the face. he grabbed me by my shirt and started yelling at me face to face for something i didnt even do. and it was totally worth it to fucking punch his lights out.
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- 19 Nov. 2009 02:20am #21
Yeah got in this fight. Broke someones arm. Got ISS for like 4 days. And it is fun as hell. The morning teacher is cool [:
- 19 Nov. 2009 02:21am #22
That's pretty bad ass, one of my teachers got escorted off campus and fired on the spot last year, we were in Silk Screening, and someone was flinging paint around and fucking up the projects, and he started yelling, and the kid said "Calm the fuck down" and the teacher grabbed one of the little desks and threw it at the kid, so the kid threw it back at him, and the teacher like just exploded and started kicking shit over and, our class felt gifted to be there and see it happen. Hahaha.
- 19 Nov. 2009 02:29am #23
Can't punching a teacher get you expelled?
and I got suspended for stealing a psp, some gangster guy that wanted to buy it off me snitched because I didn't want to sell it to him, and got ISS for calling my teacher racist after telling me that if I want to sing in spanish then I should go back to Mexico.
- 19 Nov. 2009 02:31am #24
- 19 Nov. 2009 02:38am #25
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Normally, yes it can get you expelled, or even arrested, but 20 other students swore up and down that he hit me first. So all i really got was a slap on the wrist, he would have gone to jail, but i said if he couldnt take a punch from a 15 year old, he would probably die in prison, so nothing really happened. i just got suspended for it because the principal wanted to keep up appearances.
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- 19 Nov. 2009 06:17am #26
- 19 Nov. 2009 06:52am #27My contributions:
For all the stuff that happens around here, LG itself is always remarkably unchanged. Thanks to the folks who still remembered I was once here and welcomed me back despite me being retarded.
- 19 Nov. 2009 06:52am #28
Never been suspended. I always weasel my way out of things. I'm pretty convincing when I need to be.
- 19 Nov. 2009 06:57am #29
LOL nope, but I almost got in shit because I was on MSN and was in some group convo where they were talking about this kid, and I said "i'mma break his legs", and the kid wasn't even there, but someone else printed it and gave it to the VP. The kid didn't even know about it until the VP told him, lmfao. At the time, "I'll break your legs" and such was like, my phrase, so it was a habit and yeah, haha. They just gave me a warning and made me stay after school for an hour(cause the VP was taking her sweet ass time).
- 19 Nov. 2009 09:04am #30
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Never been suspended.
-.- maybe someday this school year...
i want to kill someone. -.-
- 19 Nov. 2009 10:07am #31
I was suspended once during my freshmen year for a short story I wrote. they said it was considered "Written Pornography"
pft. stupid school
- 19 Nov. 2009 12:53pm #32
I got ISS in 7th grade for one day because I forged a note saying I could go home early with one of my friends...all because I wanted to go to the roller rink. XD
In school, I was always one of the "good" students, so when I got ISS I got to sit in the library all day and read as opposed to sitting in a small room and do school work.
- 19 Nov. 2009 01:11pm #33
- 19 Nov. 2009 01:21pm #34
yup..3 days suspension when i was still in HS
- 19 Nov. 2009 01:37pm #35
Found an iPod in my classroom, and didn't give it to the teacher. 3 day suspension.
- 19 Nov. 2009 04:03pm #36
- 21 Nov. 2009 04:46am #37
For a fight in middle school, aha.
- 21 Nov. 2009 02:05pm #38
I haven't been suspended for a long time.
Due to i am in a small school now, and im pretty
much friends with everyone. So no fights.
- 21 Nov. 2009 02:10pm #39
never did (:
- 21 Nov. 2009 02:10pm #40
Almost, I got 3 fights in a row for a whole week.
I broke someone's nose...
Then the second one, got his lips bleeding and his ears is hurting like hell.
Third one, i lost... xD
I was almost suspended but our principal gave me another chance. xP