Well, What do you think of it?
I remember in 2005 when Twilight first came out I was 13 years old,
The book would have been perfectly targeted towards my age group but at the time no one every heard of Twilight
No girls walking around an oohing over Edward.
I read it, It was a pretty good book at the time though I didn't really like the idea of Sparkling Vampires. I didn't understand it and I thought it was pretty stupid, but an interesting concept [until girls went Gah gah over it and believed that's actually what vampires were like.]
From a harmless medeoker book to high franchise saga, one that even is responsible for the creation of a Cult people have gone crazy for this series.
It's not all that great, The New Moon movie is coming out this weekend and people are lined up at the theaters
One ET Someone said they've been in like for 3 days!
Another family came from Australia!
Even Burger King is all over this one!
I don't believe it, these people are crazy.
What's your opinion on the series and and how people react to it.
Lulz Facts
If you might want to look for something to laugh at check out this page
Twilight - Encyclopedia Dramatica
It's like wiki but the harsher version.
Results 1 to 40 of 61
Thread: Twilight [Book and Movie]
- 17 Nov. 2009 01:15am #1
Twilight [Book and Movie]
- 17 Nov. 2009 01:16am #2
i think it sucks cause its to fake for me.
- 17 Nov. 2009 01:17am #3
- 17 Nov. 2009 01:22am #4
That's understandable,
I went back and read it before the first movie came out and all I could think is,
Gee, this book isn't as good as I remember it
I saw the movie and thought it was to fast, and emotionless.
All in all it sucked
And your right she's not that good looking,
As a matter of fact she looks like a druggie
Offtopic fun fact:
In her next movie she's going to be a prostitute xD
- 17 Nov. 2009 01:22am #5
i like it ,but i just CANT STAND STUPID EDWARD !
- 17 Nov. 2009 01:22am #6
I hate it.. cause my ex and friends would compare me to one of the characters D:
and They cant stop talking about it..
- 17 Nov. 2009 01:24am #7
He's so annoying D:
Every time this one girl is obsessed with vampires and what not I'd tell her I'm with team Jacob just because he's more of a man then Edward was.
Edward is so damn Bi-Polar I can't stand it
And Jacob is a Prdo now to though >->
Breaking dawn is just messed upLast edited by Cal; 17 Nov. 2009 at 01:26am.
- 17 Nov. 2009 01:33am #8
- 17 Nov. 2009 01:34am #9
- 17 Nov. 2009 01:44am #10
He's just sick
I thought I lost brain cells trying to read Breaking Dawn
If they actually pull that off as a movie I might actually see it for the lulz
I even saw shirts people wearing that says like "I like the way you smell"
That's just weird
"Oh Edward how long have you been watching me sleep?"
"For a while now."
- 17 Nov. 2009 01:47am #11
- 17 Nov. 2009 01:49am #12
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- 17 Nov. 2009 01:52am #13
- 17 Nov. 2009 01:54am #14
- 17 Nov. 2009 01:56am #15
She has no emotion on her face, that's why the movie was horrible. I liked the book series, as a series. New Moon looks better than twilight, but I wouldn't wait in line for 3 days. I saw twilight the night it came out.
- 17 Nov. 2009 01:59am #16
The book or movie isn't bad its just the fact that they took what was this.
and turned it into this.
- 17 Nov. 2009 02:00am #17
- 17 Nov. 2009 02:03am #18
Hahaha i cant stand tht girll too .
- 17 Nov. 2009 02:19am #19
Terrible movie, Okay book.
The second should actually look at the damn book, the only thing I liked about the 1st movie was the kissing scene, which overall was mediocre.
- 17 Nov. 2009 02:24am #20
any of u actually gonna go see it ? i know i am how bout u guys ?
- 17 Nov. 2009 02:31am #21
Im a person that has to do something before i can judge it, or judge the people who like it, for the most part. I read twilight, and the rest of the saga, and i won't deny that, but i will agree to the fact that it was a horribly written book. I love great literature. Julius Caesar, Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, anything edgar allen poe, i loved the book exit here, and the book feed. A few of my favorite's. But twilight, and the rest of the saga, was one of the worst written pieces of literature iv ever read. Not only was the word 'fangs' not mentioned one time in this "vampire" novel, but VAMPIRES DON'T FUCKING SPARKLE. Now all these tinybopper girls have this insane idea of what vampires are floating around in their heads, and it's pathetic and annoying.
Twilight has sprung upon us a plague of horribly written, or directed vampire shows, and books, (excluding True Blood, because that's actually a well directed, and produced movie) but it has the world going goo goo eyed for this false version of vampires.
There's my rant.
- 17 Nov. 2009 02:34am #22
Both of them suck.
Yo, a school called Boston Latin School got closed for like a day cus of Twilight.
Some students got into the movie and believed they were vampires so they went around biting people. Some kids came in to the school with garlic around their necks.
- 17 Nov. 2009 02:35am #23
woooow what freaks...
- 17 Nov. 2009 02:37am #24
I know rite, and that school is suppose to be the smartest school in boston and the second smartest in New England.
- 17 Nov. 2009 02:38am #25
Well is it grammar school or middle school or Senior High?
If it's grammar school or middle school that's more reasonable than a high school, but our high school asks questions on our daily television news about twilight and it's just dumb shit.
- 17 Nov. 2009 02:41am #26
- 17 Nov. 2009 02:45am #27
It's a High school. Well it's a Junior and High school. Its from 7-12 grade
They teach latin so they do better on the SATs. They also require their students to learn another language including latin.
- 17 Nov. 2009 02:45am #28
- 17 Nov. 2009 03:13am #29
Movie sucked cunt. Haven't read the book, but if it's as full of plotholes and horrible storylines as the movie, then it prolly sucks too.
- 17 Nov. 2009 03:16am #30
Twilight is horrible, poorly written, and it's also the kind of book where, if a decent author read it, they'd proceed to commit suicide at once. The movie's nothing better than a waste of time. Don't worry, this isn't opinionated, compared to the rest of the genre, it sucks, nuff said.
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- 17 Nov. 2009 03:17am #31
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Twilight was an abortion in the terms of literature. it sucked out any real interest people may have had in vampires and spit into a ditch and left it there to die.
The fact that they had enough gull to make it into a theatrical version of an abortion makes me even more sick. The only way that the story would intrigue me is if at the end all of the characters were to die in a hilarious way. which will never happen because the world is too politically correct to allow. which makes it suck even harder.Voted Hottest Male Member
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- 17 Nov. 2009 03:25am #32
I read the book and saw the moovie. Sure it was good. But then so many people got addicted to it and got gay [:
- 17 Nov. 2009 03:27am #33
the book isnt really my genre but i still read it and it was pretty decsent then i watched the movie and it was a complete mockery
- 17 Nov. 2009 03:36am #34
If you think that the original was bad, just head on over to fanfiction.net and read the other abortions people conceived over there related to the Twilight world.
You want to read real literature, Lukyanenko's Night Watch series makes for an excellent read most times.My contributions:
For all the stuff that happens around here, LG itself is always remarkably unchanged. Thanks to the folks who still remembered I was once here and welcomed me back despite me being retarded.
- 17 Nov. 2009 03:55am #35
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- 17 Nov. 2009 03:56am #36
Read the book a couple of years back.
Loved it, then hated it as soon as little 12 year olds and 60 year olds started gushing about it.
And then the movie came out. And I cried at how bad it was.
THEN the fourth book came out.
And I completely blocked out the series from my mind.
And yet I'm still going to the midnight showing for New Moon.
- 17 Nov. 2009 04:00am #37
I'm waiting for it to go to the late theater and I'm going to see it when tickets are a dollar
You read the fourth book too?
Do you think they'll actually make it a movie?
I mean it was just so... Ew D: There's so much wrong with it it like a disgusting fan fiction
- 17 Nov. 2009 04:09am #38
I enjoyed the books.
The movies, eh...the first one was okay. The very emotional scenes were funny instead of suspensing, which disappointed me.
- 17 Nov. 2009 04:10am #39
- 17 Nov. 2009 05:55pm #40
I liked the first book, second book bored me, third had too much drama, and the fourth was... eh.
Saw the first movie, don't plan on going to any of the others unless a chick drags me.
Disco is neat.