Here's a few things I've been thinking.

- Programmers need trk together.

If we could get a group or two(maybe 3?) for the major languages.

so like have a VB / Python / JS teams that work on releasing projects together.

I could write a lot about this dynamic and how it could help, but i'll leave it as an idea.

- Open the scope of LG

gaia is dying (sadly) and we need to attract users from the PC / web-based games that are emerging.

this may mean taking the gaia board, and making it a web-based board, and moving releases under the programming section.

- Content

I feel LG lacks from not enough strong content.

I remember EBU in it's old days had a review section. This could be a way to have members share what they're playing and generate more content

This is just what I'm thinking after reading the thread.

advertising will play a huge role as well in brining users in.