There seems to be a misconception going around on a number of subjects, so I figured I'd take the time and break them down, and hopefully solve a lot of problems and answer some questions:
Fats: The Good. The Bad. The Fat-fuck Inducing.
Portion Control
Night Eating
Meal Number
Fats: The Good. The Bad. The Fat-Fuck Inducing.
First, I think it's important that people know the kinds of fats. Its important. Trust me. There are four different kinds of fats:
-monounsaturated fats
-polyunsaturated fats
-saturated fats
-trans fats
Monounsaturated fats (one of the good kinds) can be found in any and all of the following foods:
◾Olive oil
◾Canola oil
◾Sunflower oil
◾Peanut oil
◾Sesame oil
◾Nuts (almonds, peanuts, macadamia nuts, hazelnuts, pecans, cashews)
◾Peanut butter
As you can see, there are a lot of oils. So you can add them in as a cooking ingredient. Makes things a lot easy to get those healthy fats in if you're cooking something that isn't necessarily abundant in healthy fats. And if you don't want to cook, a lot of the nuts can be eaten for a fast snack, and avocado is awesome on sandwiches.
Polyunsaturated Fat (the other good fat) can be found in these following foods:
◾Soybean oil
◾Corn oil
◾Safflower oil
◾Sunflower, sesame, and pumpkin seeds
◾Fatty fish (salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring, trout, sardines)
Once again, lots of nuts, and some things that aren't actually good for you because of the other ingredients (tofu). But all Fish is full of Omega-3 fatty-acids. But they're the best kind out there for skin and heart health. Don't like the taste of fish? There is cooking oil with an Omega-3 base. Boom. Healthy.
This following fat, saturated fats (the bad kind) can be found in the following foods:
◾High-fat cuts of meat (beef, lamb, pork)
◾Chicken with the skin
◾ Whole-fat dairy products (milk and cream)
◾Ice cream
◾Palm and coconut oil
Now, keep in mind that chicken and meat cuts are an exception to the rule. They are both filled with protein (chicken has a kind of protein that beef doesn't and vice versa), and are healthy for you. Just watch the fat content or how "marbled" the cut is. You want almost no marbling. Its cheaper, and healthier.
Dairy products are dependent on a few things, namely the pasteurization process and how fresh it is. Companies like Crowley have an extensive pasteurizing process and is usually fresher then the average milk company. You need milk in your diet. Just not a lot.
Now here are the things that can take you from this:
And turn you, into this:
The Trans fats (The Fat-Fuck Inducing), are in all of these foods right here:
◾Commercially-baked pastries, cookies, doughnuts, muffins, cakes, pizza dough
◾Packaged snack foods (crackers, microwave popcorn, chips)
◾Stick margarine
◾Vegetable shortening
◾Fried foods (French fries, fried chicken, chicken nuggets, breaded fish)
◾Candy bars
I know, I know, this would be common sense to everyone. Right? Not really. Most people just see the word "fat" on a carton or a box and say it's not healthy. Now you know what is the good, the bad and what fats can make you a fat fuck.
Portion Control:
Every diet I see blabs on and on about portion control. It's great that you can sit there and read about how your portions need to be smaller and you need to eat less with a lesser frequency. That's awesome. Till you get hungry or a craving.
There are a few techniques you can use to hack your body into eating less, and you wont really even notice:
Almonds: These little nuts have the ability to make you less hungry from just a small handful of them. A small handful of natural, unroasted nuts, will suppress your appetite and get some of the healthy fats into your body.
Ice Water: Water that is so cold your teeth almost chatter is a good thing, especially when you eat. For all the men out there, when your body is really cold, certain appendages draw themselves inward for heat. Same idea with your stomach. The water will force the lining in your stomach shrink to try and warm itself up again.
Pacing: Eat fast and you risk over eating. How you ask? Your body doesn't register food in you stomach for the first 20 minutes of a meal. If you have 3 plates of pasta in 15 minutes, you're gonna feel like a fat-fuck after the next 5 minutes pass. Take your time, enjoy your food, and if you take 20 minutes, that ice cold water you drank with the meal will kick in and you will fuller even faster.
Night Eating:
There is nothing wrong with eating at night. There's not. It all depends on how you eat. If you have a handful of raisons or almonds or something, you won't be in starvation mode when you wake up, so your body won't store as much fat from breakfast the next day. Have a triple Baconator with extra bacon and extra sauce before your head touches the pillow, and you're already a fat fuck, but that fat will go into your body faster when you're asleep. A small snack before bed is fine. Your metabolism is a fire, and if you want it to keep burning, you add kindling and keep it burning.
Just like with night eating, snacking is good for you, so long as its not a bunch of candy or a bunch of ice cream. Eat a few snacks during the day and your metabolism will get a small boost. People that say snacking all day is bad for you, is stupid. Having a snack between meals is one of the best things for you. Never stuff yourself with your snacks, snacks are meant to just keep you from getting too hungry. Keep in mind, those snacks will help you not over eat at meals since you will already have something in your stomach. Starting to see it all tie together?
Meal Number: 2 to 3 meals a day. Missing a meal doesn't hurt. Miss more without the right supplementation and you go into starvation mode, and then you store more fat. Building muscle: eat up to 5 small meals a day with a high protein yield. Building mass: Eat 4 small meals a day and 2 big meals a day with a very high protein and glutamine yield.
Calories are the enemy when it comes to fat and losing weight. People will tell you that you should never exceed 2500 calories in a day. This is true, unless you are trying to build muscle or mass. The magic number for calories is: Anything 1800 and down. The FDA and researchers don't know anything since their ratings and suggestions have changed with the times. In a few years it will be 2500 is the suggested minimum you intake daily. You want to build lean mass, or lose weight, reduce your caloric intake. Simple as that. And I think I've given you plenty of pointers on how to handle your portions and therefore, your caloric intake.
You need energy to burn fat. Carbs give you energy. Carbs help you burn fat. You need trkout with them though. If you have a carb intake, you need to think about how much you need t
rk out. Next to nothing: You can walk it off. Indulge over and over? You better be hitting the gym for 2 or 3 hours at the end of the day.
Keep in mind, this was all written at 1 in the morning, and I'm very tired. I will re-read and add stuff once I have my nerves in order and a solid few hours of sleep.
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Thread: The Answer To A Lot of Questions
- 21 Mar. 2013 04:39am #1
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The Answer To A Lot of Questions
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- 21 Sep. 2013 07:35pm #2
This is helpful. Thank you. I've been counting calories lately and it is such a headache.