WARNING: I don't give a fuck what google says.
Welcome to the answer to a lot of questions that people seem to want to know about: Supplements and working out.
Section I: Creatine
Section II: Whey Protein
Section III: Pre-workouts
Section IV: Post workouts
Section V: Mass gainers
Section VI: Fat Burners
Section VII: Stacks
Section VIII: Soul's Suggestions
Section IX: Myths
Section I: Creatine
Ok, I get a lot of people that are confused with creatine. I get it.But its really simple. Creatine is an agent in your body that uses your bodies pathways to deliver creatine to your muscles after working out. Creatine (most of them) will retain water and send it to your muscles, giving a swollen, look to your arms. The water in your arms is put there to make your muscles repair better and faster. And of course when you repair muscle tissue, you make it stronger than ever, and build new muscle fibers with the old ones you tore working out. Creatine can be the door to massive gains in size or even just strength.
There are 2 main types of creatine:
Concentrated: Concentrated creatine is the strongest, most potent type on the market and is found in a lot of other supplements like some proteins, intra-workout supplements, and post workout supplements. There are few companies out there that will give you pure concentrated creatine extract, because of how strong it is. However, if you want to try it, you can easily get it on amazon.com.
Mixed: Mixed creatine can be almost as strong as concentrated creatine. The mixing of multiple creatines can be extremely beneficial, especially when used in conjunction with protein and BCAAs (branch chained amino acids) and basic amino acids. Always remember, not as strong but just as potent as concentrated.
From all of my personal experience and my trainer's experience, creatine should only be used post workout, or during but near the end of your workout. Remember, too much of a good thing is bad, so stick strictly to the dosage listed on the container.
Section II:
Whey protein is one of the better things on the market right now for easy lean muscle mass, all in just a bottle or a shaker cup. Basically, this supplement should be taken at least 2x daily, 3x for better over-all effect. The times these types of protein should be taken are as follows:
1st shake: As soon as you wake up
2nd shake: Right after working out
3rd shake: Right before going to sleep
Now, whey protein has that protein taste in it that a lot of people can't stand and makes people stop taking the protein because it gives a funky after taste. Here is a good way to get around the after taste:
Method 1: The first is the most obvious way, but works against you a little bit. Add sugar. I know, sugar leads to glycol storage which leads to fat around the mid section, but it will hide that nasty taste. A better, more healthy way is fake sugar. Sweet-n-Low, etc. It's minus the calories, and gives the foward taste of the shake a huge plus, and hides that pesky protein taste.
Method 2: Instead of cold water, mix the powder into milk. The protein taste isn't as present, but a lot of proteins give off a worse, more pungent taste when mixed with milk, so stick with the same flavored milk as the protein, vanilla with white milk, chocolate with chocolate milk, and strawberry with, you guessed it, strawberry milk.
Method 3: The brand of protein you buy also has a lot to do with that taste. Companies either pasturize and turn the shake into powder a basic way, or, they go the extra mile and ultra pasturize it at the highest temperatures without degrading the protein, and it removes the taste of protein altogether.
Types of Whey:
Ultra Whey: Despite the name, its not the best kind on the market in terms of whats in it. This type of whey protein is a mixture of hydrolized whey protein and regular protein, heated and pasturized at the highest levels possible. So in most ways it is the best whey protein. This is usually the best tasting protein, and has the standard ingredients and protein percent as most others. It alsrks better with muscle density and cutting cycles.
Hydrolized Whey: This type of whey works better with your system than regular whey protein does. It utilizes your bodies natural pathways to deliver protein to your body better. Usually has a decent protein percent, but tastes like ass-butter.
Regular Whey: Quiet possibly the worst, yet best out of the 3. This type of whey protein is the basest of wheys out there. It tastes horrible, smells horrible, but the golden lining: it can have the highest amount of protein per serving than any of the other types (exceptions are always present). This is the choice to make if you dont care about taste and are dedicated to making the lean mass gains no matter what.
Section III:
Your preworkout supplement can be the key to pushing your limits in the gym. Most preworkouts have a BCAA/nitric oxide mix in them. The BCAAs will give you energy boosts and the nitric oxide will give the BCAAs a pathway to your nerve system. It can cause a weird tingling on your skin, almost like its itching.
A good preworkout will give you the boost during your workout to give a little extra to push your limits. The right amount of BCAAs and Nitric oxide (N.O.) can give the ability to do twice the amount of reps, or 15%-25% more weight at regular or reduced weight. Be careful, too much can cause nausia and vomiting from pushing yourself too much.
Section IV:
Here is the bread winners, and the supplements that will give you the most gains. After your workout you need proteins, creatine, BCAAs, and loads of other things. Food is the last thing you should put into your system. Food will undo most of the work you did in the first place.
There are very few supplements that can effectively combine all of these things, and in the right amount. Keep in mind that your post workout will most likely be the same shake you took in the morning.
Section V:
Your mass gainers are just another form of protein. The main difference being that it will have 10x the amount of calories of a normal shake. The usual mass gainer will be about 1000-2000 calories, and can also be meal supplements. This supplement is used for producing mass, but it can also cause what is sometimes called a protein gut. It has 2000 calories in a shake, its going to give you a gut. You need to mix cardio with this type of protein.
Keep in mind, the protein in these are slow digesting, and work into your body slowly, along with being filled with other vitamins and minerals. This is the kind of protein used in building thick, muscle. Don't use if you want to slim down and build lean muscle mass.
Cardio is the answer to the fat that can build up from the caloric intake.
Section VI: Fat Burners
There are hundreds of methods out there to but the fat that you really can't seem to get rid of. Yes, some of them do produce results, but most of them are negligible. There are really only a few ways that work awesome, but I'll cover both of them anyways.
Works: The following has worked for me and quiet a few others that have started helping me test some stuff out: pepper and lemon juice works great for flushing out your system in general. It won't target stomach flab as much, but it will help you get rid of the literal shit that has built up in your system. Transfats can last in your system for years, so a few weeks won't destroy all of it. All cardio and things that will force your heart rate to go really high will force your body to heat up causing calories to burn, and you get the picture. Non-stimulant fat burners work decently well too forcing your heart rate to increase without it being unbearable and increases your body temp. without you sweating to death.
Doesn't work: Most stimulants and fat burner pills don't work. Save yourself the money because I have tested all of the major brands on the market, and for the sake of being scientific, I had a few friends of mine test the same products, at the same intervals with the same amount of exercise. They all had similar body types and fat percents. The amount of fat lost was barely noticable compared to the results after the use of cardio. You'll lose more with any kind of cardio then relying on these pills, lotions and potions.
Section VII: Stacks
The idea of a stack is to use multiple supplements, each one of them magnifying the results of each other. The best kinds of stacks is a protein/BCAA/creatine/thermogenic/ergogenic/anabolic/HGH stack. Mixing of protein, and BCAAs will fuel building muscle mass. Mixing of those with an HGH/anabolic supplement will cause the whole group to be magnified and increased exponentially. Having a creatine and a thermogenic stack will help to build more solid muscle, and cut body fat at the same time, which can lead to better cuts.
Also, stacking Omega-3 and a liver supplement will protect your liver from any kind of toxins that can build up from using too many supplements too often.
A basic stack, without too much being difficult is just having pre-intra-post supplement stack. The types of stacks get more advanced as your training and needs do. So keep that in mind.
Section VIIIoul's Suggestions:
Prework Out: 2 scoops of N.O. Explode w/ 2 scoops of Concrete Creatine+2 scoops of C4; Animal Stak+Animal Pak
Intrawork Out: 2 scoops Universal Intra-Aide
Post Workout: 4 scoops Anabolic Halo, 2 scoops of Concrete Creatine, Universal Ultra Whey Protein (6 scoops
Protein: Universal Ultra Whey Protein: Chocolate Chip flavored
That prework out is the one I use personally. The N.O. Explode mixed with Concrete Creatine and C4 gives energy on a massive level. It feels like your skin is tingling and keeps the lactic acid from building up in your muscles, and gives you just the right amount of anabolic window to build muscle as you tear it. The Animal Stak and Animal Pak is a intermediate stack that will give your body a huge anabolic window and gives you a strength boost while you are working out. It also increases the post-workout anabolic window and supports your liver while you take it.
The intraworkout shake, Universal Intra-Aide, gives your the nutrients you need during your workout to take your mind off of it, while giving you a boost to keep working out. Not to mention it tastes loads better than water, and is healthier for you.
The post workout, Anabolic Halo, is just what its name implies. It is the holy grail of all of MuscleTech post workouts. It will act as a protein synthesizer in your muscles and help your body produce GH in your body as it synthesizes, building muscle at a very fast rate.
Section IX: Myths
There are a shit-ton of myths out there reguarding supplements and other things out there. These are the main ones, with explaination why they are retarded:
Carbs: Carbs are the building blocks of energy in your body. Fact is there are different kinds of carbs, and your body needs both. So yes, too many carbs are bad, but not over-indulging will keep you in shape.
Anabolic Supplements: These are all taboo because of the main word in the type: Anabolic. The fact of the matter is that anabolic supplements are fine, as long as it isn't in a steroid. And trust me, its easy to tell what are steroids and what aren't. If you can buy it at GNC or the Vitamin Shoppe, and it says anabolic, its not going to be a steroid.
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Soul's Supplement Guide: Definitions and Suggestions
Last edited by Souleater; 03 Feb. 2013 at 07:24am.
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