Shane was demoted!? what happened buddy?
that 60 was its combat level =.= besides i hate fishing >.< i used to pick flax for my money xD pff besides i doubt you'd even try to get me back all the things that you apparently lost
I could possibly start you off with a fishing pure i'll bot one up for you. just make the account and send me the details and ill get it to like 60 fishing for you. make sure it's off tut island
wow shane you suck Dx i gave it to you waaaay back like a whole year ago =.= but seriously though i cant beleive you lost my account
I wouldn't have it in a text file. I don't keep the infos I just remember them.. but i don't even remember you giving me the account lol.
lol you lost my level 60+ x-member? but in any case it was something along the lines of sgamer4 or sgamer001 in basic just look for something that has an sgamer in it.
I can't even remember the info, what was it? I might still have it but I doubt so.
Hey Shane i been wondering if i can have that old RS account i gave you back xD i wanted to check out how the new community is going along (i heard its better now?) so yea get back to me when you can
I guess you can say i hope so .... but hey enough about how my crummy life is going. mind locking my thread? i already got the answer i wanted and its just getting spam posts and answers that were made by people who CLEARLY didnt read the 1st post T.T
ahhh you'll be alright