Welcome, guest! Did you know that Logical Gamers offers a variety of features to registered users? These include free giveaways, contests for prizes, a currency system, the ability to trade in the Marketplace, access to game hacks and exploits, and much more! Registration is quick, easy, and free!
Want some Gaia gold/items for your LG gold? Send PM if so and I'll offer on your gold.
Oh yeah, and make nothing for several hours of bullshit?
Lol maybe you should try a new gig a new way of advertising make a shop with a logo etc ;o
I haven't sold shit in a week and a half...
Lmao your business is going well bro how long has it been 2 mins? I Shall Call You ~GodOfGaia~ Or ~Gaia'sLifeline~
Not a fan of reading unless it has a $$$ on it or xxx either way yeh i went boating and tubing in the lake went to silverwood seattle space needle and got laid the end ;3 well as sson as i get on the plane next week and go home i will get active x.x everyone hogs the laptop im using everyday
It's the first thread on LG... "Applications" thought you could figure it out on your own... And yeah, Summer sucks, mine was 28 days long.
And i think pink fits for yah xD
Boo x.x why didnt you tell me that we had to apply to be in ug now x.x im gonna fail the apps xD well by the way i was thinking on being a advertising member o.o since i deal alot with $$$ so btw whats up / p.s summer sucks doesnt last very long
lol i could imagine i always see him on aim hes so quiet now