Arti and him would always fight, don't matter, long story.
i know bro x.x your boobearsh after all btw what happened to gamechief why was he banned?
Little heads up, I don't go first. So plain words, if I try the card, and it won't let me do anything with it... um, I don't know what to do xD. I'll figure it out, just saying, I send second on anyone.
ill send you a pm or message
Alright, good luck. Tell me when.
lol well ill get the cards for the gaia stuff when i can
I don't do Maplestory, I don't know how to transfer shit... at all... bored the hell out of me.
lol you redeemed that shit in combat arms? hmm i wanted to play combat arms but i get error loading that shit lol
Well I don't know how to use the NX I have other than to buy some shit for Combat Arms. lol.
you sure do message back fast x.x mmk