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Results 1 to 10 of 10
Thread: fuck you
- 18 May. 2013 03:29pm #1
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fuck you
- 18 May. 2013 05:41pm #2
A girl with a broom?
- 18 May. 2013 05:58pm #3
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The SJIS didn't really work on here, but it was an anime girl in a dress with a broom
- 18 May. 2013 06:00pm #4
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- 18 May. 2013 06:27pm #5
Have you tried using [pre]?
Pretty sure that's a thing. Although they seem to be just as visible in the default font to me anyway.
Arial ASCII art is weird.
- 18 May. 2013 08:14pm #6
- 18 May. 2013 11:17pm #7
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- 20 May. 2013 06:37pm #8
You'll stop finding it funny when it's not socially reinforced by people with Aspergers.
- 20 May. 2013 06:44pm #9
>non-humor post that isn't funny at all
>suggests it isn't funny because it isn't endorsed by people with Aspergers
>further enforces the fact that he is a shit administrator
You might as well allow every retard that comes to LG to be a moderator. And allow relentless shitposting while you're at it. Because swastikas are relevant to anything at all.
Fuck you and your shitty contributions to the site.Last edited by The Unintelligible; 20 May. 2013 at 06:50pm.
- 20 May. 2013 07:45pm #10
I literally said the exact opposite of that, so I'm going to ignore this entire point and focus on this:
Fuck you and your shitty contributions to the site.