I used to hate it. But lately I've been really getting into the taste. It's kinda like candy flavoured soda at this point.
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Thread: Do you guys drink Monster?
- 23 Jun. 2012 12:48am #1
Do you guys drink Monster?
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- 23 Jun. 2012 01:13am #2
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- 23 Jun. 2012 01:17am #3
- 23 Jun. 2012 01:28am #4
- 23 Jun. 2012 01:38am #5
Full of sugar. If you want energy, have a banana.
- 23 Jun. 2012 01:38am #6
- 23 Jun. 2012 01:47am #7yup this is really me gamersoul AVA
- 23 Jun. 2012 01:51am #8
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I enjoy monster and energy drinks in general, but rarely get them. Mostly because me, as a high school-er, can't afford to spend $3.50 for a drink. I mostly drink Ice Tea now if I'm super thirsty, but I drink water religiously.
- 23 Jun. 2012 02:12am #9
My Brother got Kidney stones from M0snters. He drank them ALOT. One day about 9;00 PM at night he called the house sounding faint and asking for our mother and then he hung up and I freak out lol. Yep, he had sharp pains.
- 23 Jun. 2012 04:53am #10
- 23 Jun. 2012 05:24am #11My contributions:
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- 23 Jun. 2012 03:31pm #12
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I stopped drinking that shit in high school.
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- 23 Jun. 2012 08:58pm #13
- 23 Jun. 2012 09:45pm #14
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I drink Java Monsters when I have a double shift (7 am - 12/1 am). They keep me wired and hyper from start to finish.
- 24 Jun. 2012 05:25pm #15
- 24 Jun. 2012 05:50pm #16
I don't drink caffeine, so that's an immediate no.
Further, if I wanted diabetes, I'd eat a donut. The health risks associated with them is fucking retarded, and anyone who drinks them cares little enough about their own health they might as well take up smoking.
Drinking liquid diabetic heart attacks for "energy" is as dumb as smoking cancerous COPD for "stress relief."
I have no clue what people's obsession with energy is. People drink energy drinks and just sit around watching TV. Retarded.
- 24 Jun. 2012 10:04pm #17
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I've been getting them daily until I realize how much they were increasing my anxiety at work.
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- 24 Jun. 2012 10:25pm #18
Smoking cigarettes is really stupid. Nothing out of it except for social benefits, which you can make differently. Soooooo . . . don't smoke cigarettes, it's stupid and useless.
- 25 Jun. 2012 01:29am #19
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- 25 Jun. 2012 01:38am #20
- 25 Jun. 2012 01:58am #21
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- 25 Jun. 2012 03:19am #22
- 25 Jun. 2012 11:30am #23
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Obviously, doesn't mean that's a good enough reason for the users of the substance. Take me for example, I'm trying to quit, (first time after starting a year or so ago), not because of the health risks, but because I want to save money. It takes a lot more motivation for addicts to quit though, Like alcoholics or hard drug users, and trust me, I'm pretty positive that their safety isn't first on their worry list.
I am steady killin' fools.
- 25 Jun. 2012 11:40am #24
Again, the fact that it's addictive and/or hard to quit in no means detracts from the idiocy of it all. Jah said smoking is stupid and useless, which isn't just his opinion - it's fact. Unless you want to drop some pros, it's a pretty one sided argument :p
Good on you for trying to quit though!
- 25 Jun. 2012 11:45am #25
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Not saying it's not idiotic, but it's not enough of an argument for an addict, that's what I'm saying. They'll believe anything they want, including believing they're insusceptible to the health risks or their addiction, especially if they've been at it for years. Or honestly, they just don't care. But I do understand from an outside view how it can seem. Like how the civilians who are against marijuana have probably never smoked it, they've just been conditioned to thinking it's the most unspeakable thing you could do. It's hard to see it from all angles.
I am steady killin' fools.
- 25 Jun. 2012 12:45pm #26
We're talking about it from two different angles. You, if already addicted (though your argument really had nothing to do with smoking, but more addiction in general), and me if not. I've smoked cigarettes in the past (only when out drinking), and other than the perceived social benefits, there isn't any pros to be gained from it. You don't get a high, like you do smoking other substances, it costs money, makes you smell terrible, and in the long term is harmful to your health.
All I'm saying, and I suspect what Jah was alluding to, is that smoking to the point of addiction is what's stupid. Knowing full well how harmful they are to, smoking to the point of reliance is ridiculous, particularly if you're well aware to all of the facts.
- 25 Jun. 2012 03:36pm #27
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Mm, but just because you don't feel the affects doesn't mean others don't. I for one experience small highs when smoking quickly, and many people use it to relieve stress, and whether it actually works or not doesn't really matter since most people are able to trick themselves into thinking it does.
Yes, I do agree that smoking to addiction is ridiculous, but I think people want to experience the relief that daily smokers claim comes from it, again, even if they're only tricking themselves.I am steady killin' fools.
- 25 Jun. 2012 07:53pm #28
Then just smoke a joint if you wanna feel the relief and no stress.
Seriously, look, they say that smoking a cigarette takes away a few mins when you consume it, and say that you gain minutes by laughing.
Well a joint makes you laugh till you can't stand it, that means that you are gaining more mins in your life xD
No kidding.
Also, you do get a small high when you don't smoke for like 2 days, it's cause your body is used to it. If i didn't smoke for weekend , I used to get a little dizzy the first one. And the morning one is kind of good. But it's really just so useless, I smoked for a year, i haven't smoked a cigarette for like a month, joints only. I don't feel the urge to smoke a cigarette. I'm serious.
Edit: When you first try to smoke , it's always with someone, so it actually is a social reason.
- 26 Jun. 2012 12:58am #29
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That's retarded. I smoke cigarettes on my breaks at work. I don't feel like getting arrested.
Also, not everyone starts with friends, that's a generalization. Some kids try their parents when they aren't around, just buy one for shits and giggles and many other reasons. Stop presuming that just because something is common, it means EVERYONE acts in the same manor.I am steady killin' fools.