This is the first chapter and about a half a page of the second,I started this a long time ago, and i want to know if i should continue.It has a lot of spelling and grammar errors, i know, but i don't have time to fix them all. Ill add a poll or something, i just want lg's opinion, alaot of the kids in my school like it, but its a book directed to be read by 14-25 year olds so read it and let me know what you think, if this is against the rule DELETE THE THREAD PLEASE MODDS THANK YOU XD i dont want to get into any trouble lol i dont know how this will turn out
Darkest Secrets
chapter selection:
The first day..............................
I want to know...........................
My own dimise..........................
Darkest hour ...........................
Sweet sweet innocence.............
What to remember....................
Lucky 17..................................
Seeing things...........................
Hit and run ..............................
The first battle of many..............
Cridical condition......................
It only gets better.....................
Time trial.................................
Brittany Brower........................
The mind unveiled.....................
Chapter One
The first day
I always knew something like this would happen.When I was little I used to have the strangest dreams about it, but for
some strange reason I never really put much thought into it.
"Allane I'm sorry please don't be upset!" my mother cried ,though obviously she was the one throwing a fit.
Our sorroundings were dull, and when I say dull I mean a plain, a white room with only a few hospital beds with white sheets sorrounding them. Oh and then of course my mom Andie, my step-father Jake, my brother James, and then me Allane. I would like to say the doctor, but I just dont think he was human.He was so blank. Like he didnt care that I was dying...but of course what could I expect from a heartless ,cold blooded doctor that watched hundreds of people die and cry in one day .
Poll Results: Should I continue the book
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Thread: SHould I continue?
- 29 Nov. 2009 01:49pm #1
SHould I continue?
- 29 Nov. 2009 01:50pm #2
I tried to start to explain how I wasnt worried but firstly I didnt think she would listen, becuase honestly my mother is,well unexplainable. With bright
blue eyes and a tall curvy figure and an "I talk, you listen" kind of attitude.Secondly, I knew from the shocked expression I knew I had on my face that she would exactly be "reassured"that I was okay.
Me and my mother are complete opposites. On one hand my mom is blonde B-L-O-N-D-E blonde. I on the other hand have milk chocolate brown hair.She also has bright blue eyes,I have deep green eyes that are like a Minnisota
meadow in the spring time.On the bright side I did inherit my height from her.Most girls I know my age ,16 by the way, arent as tall as me. I'm 5 '7 ,
on the down side I'm not going to grow any taller.
The strangest thing about our family is my brother james , who looks almost exactly like my mom in eyes, hair, height (but a little taller)
but his face looks just like my father's Adam.
"Listen. Sweety pie, " my mother started. I groaned in an almost silent hum , "Here she goes again " I thought. "I know you must be scared. From the
look on your face ... your terrified, and I am to. But dont worry were going to get through this together. Like we always have.I promise." she finished off boldly.
"Promise," I thought "Promise." thats the one word I never trusted , NEVER. I guess it's mainly becuase I had always been promised alot of things. I
had been promised that my dad would come home eventually, and it never happened, I had been promised I'd make a bunch of friends at my new or used to be new school Chalter elementary, but in realty I only made one friend and that was Joshua or Josh ,and worst of all I had been promised that the fateful fall off the roof would never be the death of me but here I am,practically in my death bed already.
All I could think about at the moment was, in a matter of weeks, maybe even days I would be in a coffin,in the earth, sleeping ,forever.Somehow I was not
as supprised as I thought I would be. I mean if you fell off a two story building you'd think something would break tuldnt you? I don't eve really know how it happened,All I remember was falling,then waking up here.They said I broke my arm,but weeks later my head felt strange so I came back here,the doctors took some x-rays, and thats when they found out I had a tumor in my head,a deadly one.
"I'll be right.. no .. wait," my brother stumbled almost unconciously around the room. After a moment he snapped back to reality." Doc. I mean sir. I mean Dr.Samuals," I giggled a little, even James was worried sick. "Will she be alright? I mean she is going to live right?" as James said this I can tell he
was deepining his voice to try to make himself sound less worried but by the time he was finished talking,his voice was weak and squeeked a little.
Dr. Samuals raised his eyebrows as if supprised by the question then frowned in dissapproval for making him repeat what he had said earlier. " I'm deeply
sorry to say Allane only has about seven days at maximum left." Dr. Samuals said this with so little emotion and effort to be kind it sounded rehearsed.
James sat down with a thud and looked so sad I almost felt sorry for him ,then I thought " I'm the one who's dying here!" I quickly resented thinking that.After all, he was losing me, forever.
Suddenly my step-dad who is normally the "Suffer in silence" one stormed out suddenly, not even looking back to talk to anyone. " Whats his problem,"
Normally he's the most chilled one of us all.I snapped my head toward my
mother who looked stressed, supprised, upset, angry, and confused. I thought about comforting her but it didn't sound like a good idea to me at the time. I quickly dismissed the thought and turned my attention toward my brother who was now twiddiling his thumbs clearly in deep thought on what to
do.Then without a angry face, or a "Whatever," James stormed out after Jake, who should have been long ways down the hall by now.
With nothing else to do I turned back to Dr.Samuals and said " So, I am going to die,and I cant do anything about it?"
For a second Dr.Samuals had the deepest look of dispair on his face .As if he didnt think that people would accept their death this openly and say it
without yelling, or crying hytserically like my mother was earlier.Then he realized that he was showing emotion than said with an extremely rehearsed
flat and proffesional voice " I'm afraid so. Yes you are going to die, soon, and no I'm afraid you cannot do anything about it."
That night I went home feeling helpless, hopeless, sad, deppressed and god knows what else.That night I was sure I would end up crying myself to sleep.
But later that night my mom came in to say goodnight. She gave me a kiss an the cheek then said " I love you, and I always will, but whatever happens I
want you to know that. o.k?" This is the side of my mom that I dearly truly love. This sensative sweet caring mother that I've always loved so much.
But even though I felt this deep love and concern for her I couldnt bring myself to say it so I just nodded silently and pulled up the covers. She
looked at me and smiled happily but I knew she was dying on the inside . Dying at the thought of her only duaghter, her little girl dying at such a young age.
" It's destroying her" I thought.My mother is dying mentally and it's all my fault.
As she left the room I looked out the window. "Full moon " I said almost in a whisper .The moon looked odd in size but particularlly beautifull in so many ways.Then out of the corner of my eye, a shadow flew across the sky landing somewhere I could not see.
" Whh....whhhaa.....tttt" even though I tried to keep my eyes open I could feel myself slowly drifting to sleep dragged down by the weight of stress on my shoulders.
Everthing around me went blurry then dark, then black.
Normally, on a night of great tragedy such as this I would have a dreamless night, filled with just empty space and warmth and a kind of solitary comfort.
But tonight I had an awakening,a dream so eye opening it was just...indescribable or so it seems.
"Hello?" I asked with a annoyed tone in my voice.
I knew I was alone becuase on the hill I was standing I couldn't see anyone. And even though the grass was a lush green , the kind you see in early
spring, the sky was dark or well, cloudy anyways.
"If anyone is here please let me know, I'm scared,and alone and to be honest I have no idea whats going on." as I said this I had the deepest sense
of deppresion known to man in the pit of my stomach.Knowing of death.Knowing that you had to willingly die. Like the people on the titanic. Or the
jewish men,women, and children of the Holocuast."Now I know how they feel,"I thought deeply before coming to a conclusion "Scared, hopeless,angry
and in complete denial ,almost" I thought.
Even though I was seemingly alone I could feel a cold presence somewhere near me.Turning around quickly despite the fact that I was hardly able to
understand exactly whether or not it was a nightmare and a ghost was going to jump out and eat me, or if it was a romantic dream and romeuld
sweep me off my feet and tell me everthing would be o.k.
But to my suprise it was neither. No romeo. No ghost. No white horse. No goblin.I could feel a sweep of relief spread across my motionless body ,
as though I was glad that it was who it was.
It was Josh.
By the worried look on his face I could tell I must have looked shocked. " I'm sorry if I suprised you," Josh began his gray eyes twinkling. But at
the moment his words didnt matter. His jet black almost silvery short hair rusteled in the breeze that had suddenly appeared."Ironic timing." I
thought coldly to myself. Ever since I was seven I had know that jet black hair and those deep gray eyes. But I had never before dreamed of them. Untill now that is.
"I simply dropped in to tell you to get a good rest we have so much to do tommorow,"Josh said with a blank face.
"So much to do?" I started to question what he could be talking about. I had told him the news earlier on the phone but what could we possably be doing?
- 29 Nov. 2009 01:51pm #3
"So sleep well and I will see you tommorow." Josh finished and looked at me almost expecting me to argue but I was to buried in my thoughts to much
to listen fully.How could he be in my dreams? It's quite impossable come to think of it. Oh but it is a dream. I'm sure this is my dream and thats
all, Josh is probabally asleep dreaming about his girlfriend Mackenzie. But he is definatley not visiting mine.
In an instant Josh snapped his fingers. I drew my attention back towards his blank pale face. "What was that all abou....."I started to ask but I
couldn't finish my sentance. Suddenly I felt dizzy and the hill was swirling around me.Everthing was going dark .The blurry shape that used to be
Josh quickly swepped away and look just like any other tree that was whizzing around me, growing darker and darker with each breath I took.
Then, everything was blank.There was no darkness or light just....blank.
"Wow what a night," I thought to myself early the next morning. I can hardly think straight,and I'm near death ,and now im having crazy weird dreams.
What next? Green elephants?
I stumbled out of my purple and red themed room into our oceanized bathroom, three doors down from my own room.Taking a moment to look in the mirror at
my tangled brown wavy hair .I smiled remembering all the times I had complained about how bad I thought my hair looked. And then all the times my mom
had said " I think you look fine darling. You are so beautiful if only you would realize it.".
Hmm.I don't think im beautiful and I'm used to seeing this ugly me.
Though I have been told a great man times my eyes are beautifull but when that was said I used to think " What about the rest of me? Is there something
wrong with that ?"Only I never had the courage to actually say it.
That was what Josh said had to be my only fault. I wasn't a wimp, oh no I could get in a fight real easy.With my fists anyways. I was always so afraid
to speak my mind.I always had a fear that noone would listen to me.I always hoped I could improve but even in English when we had to perform a speech
to the students or teachers.Even in drama when we did Romeo and Juliet I could never do my lines correctly.I always spluttered or passed out normally.
But what could I do? I was never good at public speaking.
I picked up my toothbrush carefully like it was a gun or something.And with great care picked up a tube of toothpaste and pushed a dot on.
I brushed in silence, gratefull I still had my teeth. I knew the fall wouldn't have cuased me to lose them,but with all that's been going on I wouldnt
have been suprised to wake up and realize that they weren't there anymore. I turned around in time to notice that James came in carrying a tub of styling gel.
"Hey! What's up lil' sis."He smiled that charming senior boy smile like it was any other day. But he was hurt and scared just like anyone else in the
house."Have a good sleep?"
I knew to be careful when talking to him but something told me I should say something bold"Um... good! But every second I sleep
is a second of my days left to live wasted." I replied playfully.
I knew I had said the wrong thing becuase he looked away without saying another word.As he turned the faucet on right next to me I thought to myself,
"Great going, now I made him more upset."
Halfway through the silent brushing of our teeth to my complete and utter suprise James turned to me and said,"Allane you know I'll always miss you
and remember you right?"
All I could do to stop myself from giggling was stick my toothbrush in my mouth."James!" I exclaimed, almost shocking myself."Stop pretending were
at my funeral," I continued "It's touching and all but I think you should save that for the public sharing." Even though I intended this to be a
joke James had the most serious face I have ever seen on him.
"I worry about you sometimes!" he smiled as he said this.
And that really made me feel better.
I walked out of the bathroom feeling more alive and happy than I had before I had even entered.I started down the stairs in a jumpy mood feeling
though I was as light as a feather .The mood lasted all the time from the bathroom to the kitchen were I saw my mom with a frying pan.
"Mornin' apple dumplin!" This was my moms way of pretending nothing was wrong. Cooking (which she is horrable at) and stupid pet names like
"Applle pie" and "Sweety pumpkin" oh and not to mention "Loveybear". She always did this when something was wrong or when something bad or tragic happened.
And I always dreaded it.
That was it! I have to lay down the law. I need to let her know that none of this is neccisary. But then again I really didnt want to hurt her feelings,
which is normally what our fights led to. My mom feeling hurt.And me being grounded.But none of that mattered to me right now. I was about to die wasnt I?
Punishing me would do absolutely nothing . Might as well give it my best shot.
" Mom," I began.
" Oh! This is going to be great! I'm going to make eggs,waffles,bacon,pancakes,parfeit,rolls,more waffles,homemade butter" as she continued the
list of breakfeast items my stomach became more and more upset.I amagined sitting around the table with hundreds of plates of food sorrounding me
and my family staring at me hopefully, smiles frozen on their faces . Then I had had enough of it.
- 29 Nov. 2009 01:52pm #4
"Mom!" I yelled " None of this matters! None! No amount of eggs and bacon and carbs and sugar can stop me from dying! Calling me sweety and sugar
won't help! I love you and appreciate all your doing but I can't take it. You can cover up the truth all you want but face it I have little time
left and pancakes won't change that! I can't deal with all the kindness and the stupid names!" My voice softened in an extreme effort to calm down.
" I just can't take it!" By the time I was done tears were rolling down my cheeks and I was hot and sweaty from anxiety.
My mom looked at me with fear frozen in her eyes. She couldn't understand how I felt. She never would, no matter how hard she tried to.
I imagined her face at my funeral several times last night. And this was it. That fear, that sadness in her eyes.If I had stood there any longer
I would have fainted.Which I couldnt let happen.I tried to think of a solution but all I could think of was leaving.Without a "goodbye" or a "sorry"
I ran out the door and across the street . Then I ran toward the one person I knew I could trust.Josh.I never looked back at the house or at my
sobbing mother whom I could have seen through the window.
I felt like I had just murdered somebody at the pace I was moving. Anyways I might as well have, my mother was clearly hurt. And I bet Jake wasnt any
happier about it than my mother was.But I didnt care, I need to see Josh. I had to see him.
He was the only person I knew who could comfort me . I was so deep in my own thoughts I hadnt realized I had crossed into a busy highway. Lights were
flashing green and red. Almost like a christmas tree. I thought I should stop and turn back towards the sidewalk but I couldnt stop I had to keep going
until I had reached Josh's house.When I had reached his house a few more blocks down I trudged up the to the front porch. At first I hesitated on whether or not to ring the doorbell, but it was urgent I needed to see him I needed him to hold me like he did when I cried.
Without any further thought on the subject I looked up ,brushed my hair out of my face,wiped the sweat of my fore-head, and rung the doorbell.
It always intrigued me to come to Josh's house.The house itself was extremely large.And it looked over one hundred years old at least. The windows were all clean and the house was painted a bright white but the window framings and balconies were black. Josh's room was on the top floor and they had an elevator installed three years ago to get there quicker. Even though there was only four floors.
Though I hadn't realized it the door had opened and Josh's mother stood at the doorway smiling down on me.
"Hello?" She asked politely.
She recognized me after a moment and looked both happy and suprised to see me.
"Hold on one moment please,"
She scooted aside a stack of old newspapers with her designer black pumps and led me inside.She has always been so fashionable and not to mention she is always kind to me.And she is extremely polite.
I looked around to appreciate all the old frames and photographs hung around the house. And then the fireplace that was so brightly decorated with
flowers and portriats of the family.Josh's portrait caught my eye and was most likely drawn when he was thirteen due to his pin that read "Chalter Middle school"
I snapped my attention back towards Josh's mother who was staring at me with great interest.
"Ok Josh is in his room, you may take the elevator if you like" she told me.
"Ok, thank you!" I replied as formally as I could muster.
"Your very welcome." Josh's mother replied warmly.
As I walked into the elevator I was greeted warmly by the butler Oscar who was always there.
"What floor?" Oscar asked.
I held up four fingers and wiggled them rapidly while giggling a minute.
Oscar smiled.
I knew he understood.
Oscar had been here longer than I had.He had been there when I first met Josh and his big rich house.And if I had to have a second friend, Oscar
would probablly be him. Oscar was quiet.I mean he wasn't paid to talk to the residence. But still normal "Not butler" Oscar was a quiet thoughtfull
middle aged man.I really appreciated him. Whenever I came over to Josh's house if and when I had a problem Oscar could always come up with a
solution.Like when I got in a fight with my mother over a birthday party I hoped to have. He suggested that I imagine myself in my mothers place
and how she might have felt. I was able to accept my mothers decision and I had a good time at the party she set up anyways.
My focuse was drawn back to visiting Josh when the elevator dinged singnaling that it was on my floor.
"Have a good day Miss Allane." Oscar said.
I nodded a turned away.
With a push of a button and a quick wave Oscar and the elevator dissapeared as the doors shut.
I walked slowly down the hallway reminising in all the fun things that happened here.Racing to the stairs, adrenelin pumping between us not knowing who will win. The loser had to give the other person a kiss on the cheek. I smiled at the thought, becuase we were only 12.When oscar gave the okay we went off towards the finish line which was a red robbon taped to the doors to he stairway,Josh was amazingly fast and was there in seconds. I on the other hand was far behind.Josh smiled in victory, almost mockingingly he turned his cheek and smiled at me. My heart was racing . His eyes were glowing tauntingly. I leaned close to him took a deep breath and , "THWACK."
Josh turned in shock not knowing what just happened. My hand hurt and I didnt know why. I had smacked him! It should have hurt, but he looked more
amused than anything watching me scream in pain.Oscar stood his position but looked scared and worried and after a moment to realize I was serious,
Josh rushed over to see if I was okay. Instead of accpeting his help I stood up and rushed out of his house.
I laughed at the painful yet hilarious memory not realizing Josh had left his room and was walking towards me.
"Wierd much?I didn't know this hallway was humorous!"Josh said exitedly as he approached me.
"Um...hi Josh I just wanted to come and be with you for a little while."
Josh looked at me strangely."No special occasion?"
Josh could always tell when I was lying. I don't know how he knew, he just did. I had tried lying to him many times but I had never actually succeded,
if I had ever been close it would have to have been at a high school party where he was drunk and even then he cuaght me.Somehow today I would need to lie, my dignity depended on it.
"Absolutely not! Just wanted to be with my friend thats all, honestly." I said.
"Okay I guess.Come on." Josh looked at me with a strange look in his eye, then quickly led me into his room.
Josh's room was filled with wierd items like sunglasses of many different colors,color contacts, and strange packets with foriegn symbols on them.
It was cleaner last time I was here.And the room was freezing not to mention all the windows were covered.The room at the moment looked completely
different then I had ever seen it before.I quickly looked over toward Josh who was already seated on his bed and beckoning for me to sit next to him.
I sat down quietly without looking at him directly ,scared that he would catch me and my little white lie.
I was still considering telling Josh about my dream and how he was in it. How everything was dark and strange and new. I considered telling
him how I was so alone in that dream untill he showed up.I also considered telling him about me and my mother fighting, and my strange
conversation with my brother.But most I considered telling him about my great fear of death, knowing its almost here to take me out of
this world. But by the time I was done considering all this, tears were streaming down my already pale sad face. And Josh's arms were around
me. Cold but comforting and very relaxed.
"I'm so..sorry," I spluttered through clenched teeth."I didn't want to barge into your room in tears." I could feel his hand touch mine softly then pull back quickly as though I was a cat that just bit him.I only wanted him to understand that I wasn't desperate for his attention.
- 29 Nov. 2009 01:52pm #5
I just wanted him to comfort me.
I started to stand up hoping Josh would just let me go.But he didn't.After a moment of me standing up he pulled me right back down. He tried
to be gentle with me but I could feel force in the way he pulled me.
"You may cry, I do not mind, but dont leave.We have alot of work to do before we leave today."Josh said instantaniously.
I began to question what he was talking about ,but before any noise could escape my mouth he inturupted.
"Let me explain.You only have a week left to live at most. Am I right?"Josh suddenly stood up and began to pace back and forth in front of me.
I was shocked. I couldn't speak, and to be truthfull im suprised I could breath.All I could do was nod and listen.
"Okay,"Josh spoke slowly,trying to make sure I cuaght every word he said. " I didn't want you to know this so soon but it looks like im going
to have to tell you now ."
My heart skipped a beat.
Was Josh about to say what I had always secretly wished that he would tell me?
I pondered this thought for a moment than realized.No. He just couldn't. Noone could ever love me they way I wanted them to.All I can do is
hope that I won't regret hearing what Josh is about to say.
He once again sat down next to me and looked me in the eyes.
"I am a vampire," Josh said slowly.
He began to speak again but I couldn't hear what he was saying.
Vampire.Vampire.Vampire.Vampire.The word echoed in my head as if repeating it would help to understand correctly."The dream.The dream" I thought repeatively.
The room began to swirl around me .
Every detailed outline of a book or a package faded into the colorfull blend as I swayed back and forth on the bed. I fell limp with a thud.
Josh's head snapped towards me and he cuaght my arm as I stumbled off the bed.As he lifted me to a sitting position, thoughts whirrled in my head.
Was this the reaason he ran so fast?Vampire?
Was this the reason his eyes were gray?Vampire?
What about his parents?
All these unanswered questions started to pour back into my brain bringing stress and fear into my soul.
He began telling me what this was all about, I mean being a vampire anyways.
"I.....I mean we...I mean......" Josh took a deep breath and a moment to recollect his thoughts then continued"Us vampires we
aren't what the stories say, just to let you know. I mean,yes we do drink blood,"
I shuddered as he said that.The statement sent shivers down my spine.I quickly stopped becuase just then Josh took my hand.
"As you may or may not be able to tell the whole, No Sunshine theory is just myth.And no we dont eat people.We just drink from them.
It doesn't hurt them.To be honest most humans dont even mind it.But it has never been anything serious.Vampires have laws.A set
of rules we follow by. A government. A court. We are not and never have been an un-organized race.We are in fact very proffesional."
The first question that came to my mind was," Why are you telling me?" I said nothing more hoping for a quick and easy answer.
But thats not what I got.
"Allane.One of the basic rules of Vampire law is: you may never turn a human into without Court permission.Turned
vampires that do all the dirty work.But your about to die. I've known you longer than I've know almost anyone my entire life.
I can't let you go like this.So I'm going to turn you."
He said this casually like this was an everyday thing.
Even so,I was dying and he could save my life. And that was all that mattered.But instead of agreeing and getting it over with without any
insight I decided to ask some more questions.
"What will happen to my family and how long will it take?" these questions were the two most important questions to me at the moment.
Luckily he answered short and sweetly...kinda.
"You will never see them again I'm sorry to say.And the process will only take about ten minutes."
Okay now for the biggest question of all that ,whenever I've thought about vampires it was the one question I've always asked myself.
"What do you have to do to me for me to turn?" I gulped afraid of the answer I was about to get.
But intead of the normally blank emotionless face I get from him, Josh looked at me with an exited smile.
"See here , that's the thing, it's really easy." he was smiling brilliantly like everything was going swell and dandy.
"Okay? Define easy." I had hoped it would be easy, but I had no earthly idea the difference between human easy and Vampire easy.After all,
weren't Vampires supossed to be super-human or something?
"Well," Josh continued."If you were to agree, wich I hope you do," he smiled tauntingly."I will sit you up stragiht."
"Tilt your head a little, and bite into your neck ,".
Wow, I thought in amazement. I never actually believed it.
I hoped that was it but sadly Josh was still talking.
" But before I can bite you," he continued.
Oh no. Here was the but of the matter.
" I have to cut my own neck and while I'm drinking from you you must drink from me.Or else you'll just die." he said this without any emotion
in his voice, like me dying was just losing the game to him.
"But don't worry," he continued clearly noticing I was scared. I'll hold on to you until you've drank enough."
Okay so it sounded simple. It was just a blood trade.That was it in turning me. But I had to know. After I drank from him and after he drank
from me then what?
"Okay," I started."What happens once we know finished with that?" I asked with a worried tone in my voice.
I had hoped it would be painless. But even if it wasn't I wanted Josh to be right there next to me.I couldn't dare think of what would happen.
I would just have to keep moving, like blind mice, I had no idea of knowing what lay in front of me. I knew I would never see my mom again.
I knew I would never see my brother who I always cared deeply about no matter how much we fought.And I knew that Josh was my only hope for survival.
"Well, um I will lay you on the bed, and I can't lie to you. It will hurt.Alot."Josh said in a calm voice.
Alot.I said in my head.Alot.
I guess it couldn't be helped. Being immortal came with a price. Unless you were born immortal.Then it was just smooth sailing and blood drinking.
I wondered what Josh drinking my blood would feel like. He said it was considered no big deal to humans.I alsnder what his blood will taste like. I mean I've tasted my own blood before when I got a paper cut, or when I accidently cut myself with scissors.But would the blood of a vampire taste any different?
Josh must have noticed me staring off into space he tapped my shoulder and chuckled a little.
- 29 Nov. 2009 01:53pm #6
"Hello? Earth to Allane, I'm trying to explain how this is going t
rk."Josh pointed to the color contacts and continued."Now for the
first day after you turn your eyes will be ruby red.And well thats a little bit obvious to anyone who is in contact with our world,and anyone who isn't I mean,red eyes aren't exactly normal" Josh
looked at my confused fase clearly amused at how little I knew.
"Our world has no door or entrance.Just hidden schools, academies, a couple hidden cities, and the court and government.Now back to what I
was saying," Josh bent down toward the floor and picked up a packet with the wierd symbols on it."This is a witches flouran,"seeing how
confused at the word I was he took time to explain more deeply."Okay you know how humans say witches make potions?" I nodded and smiled
glad to know something important."Well you were all wrong." The smile on my face dissapeared in an instant.
Ok then Mr.Knowitall.
Not noticing the cold look on my face Josh continued.
"It's called a flouran.Anways, for the first day of your immortal life this flouran along with the many others I have," Josh motioned his
hand around the room were I spotted many similair packets scattered around."Will help control your thirst for blood.Or in shorter terms, bloodlust."
"Thirst?" I began "Bloodlust? First day? Red eyes?"
Josh looked at me with great interest,and for a moment he looked almost happy that I was asking questions.
"All Vampires have a natural thirst for blood, wich we call bloodlust. This,"Josh said pointing to the packet," And the red eyes are only for
the first day untill you can control your thirst and in a day your eyes will be green again ,just a brighter green," Josh said.Then added" Not trry!"
He smiled at me and gave me a look that said "Ready?"
Okay. I know the basics and I'm ready. I was ready to live. I was ready to spend my life with Josh. I was ready to endure the pain, but most
of all,I was ready to leave behind the life I knew for a whole new experiance.
Even though I was ready to do all this and accepted the fact that I was never going to see my family again for a breif moment I looked back
on an hour ago.An hour ago when I was fighting with my mom.I shuddered.Over eating breakfeast.Suddenly I regretted yelling at her. She was only trying to make my last few days alive pleasent and enjoyable, but no, I had to be a selfish bitch to her.And look where I am now.
That's what I call Bad Kharma.
"Okay," I said reluctantley."I'm ready."
Josh nodded then took my arm gently.As though I was a glass vase, he postioned me in a sitting position on his bed and tilted my head into
a certain posture.He took a pocket knife out of his pocket and made a quick nick on the side of his neck.Bright red blood sarted to trickle
down like a raindrop on the window of a car.
Wow.It's so bright. Like a rose that had just bloomed.I couldn't believe that something so pure could be such a violent color.
Josh looked at me once more and sat right next to me, his head was facing mine . But due to the fact that he tilted and moved my head
both our legs were hanging of the side.
Josh's head moved towards my neck and I shivered with exciment.I wanted to stay as calm as I could but it was really hard to sit still.
Somehow I managed to remain in one general spot.
He was so close to my neck.
I could feel him getting closer with each breath he took.
But then it stopped.
"Listen to me Allane," Josh began to whisper." Don't be afraid, we are going to make it through this and you will live. I promise."
That was it.
My heart stopped.Promise I thought once again.Promise. The one word I had never trusted before.But somehow even though I had been promised
alot of things and never got them,I did have faith that Josh would come through. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't bring myself to doubt him.
"Do you trust me?" Josh asked,almost hopefuly
I knew the answer but I was afriad to say it, becuase I knew once I did the real deal would began. I never got to say goodbye. I never got
to go to prom.I never got to go to colledge.But then after all the negative thoughts than flooded my head I realized. I would never get
another chance to live.
Without any further hesitation I responded with all the honesty in my soul.
"Josh," I began
Almost instinctively he loosened his grip and started to pull back.But I wouldn't have it. Not after everything we had just talked about.
Not after everything I just willingly let my mind forget about.I was leaving alot behind, I know this becuase I thought about many times
in the last thirty minutes.But I was gaining something far greater than anything I could ever give up in my life.
I tugged him back to me as hard as I could and whispered my response into his ear.
" I do."
Those twrds.I do.I do.I do. Those little words were probably the most powerful words I would ever use in my life.Becuase those tw
that took a mere moment to say, those words , that moment,would change my entire life.
Then it happened.
I didn't realize it until his fangs completely dug into my neck.
At first it was painful.The pain seared throughout my entire body then siezed.Something different was now entering.
A wave of peace shot through out my body.It was bliss.Pure innocent bliss, all the pain was gone.All my thoughts and worries vanished it was
just so warm. I felt like I could have laid in the warmth forever, but I knew I couldn't do that or I would just die.
I to had to drink Josh's blood.
Slowly I reached my head forward only enough to reach the slit in his neck. gently I put my mouth on it.
Salty. I said to myself , it was salty and something that tased amazing . It was a flavor I couldn't recognize.But I didn't care what the flavor.
It just tasted so good.I wanted this so much and liked it so much I mentally laughed at myself for being afraid of this earlier.I couldn't
understand why I didn't want this.The warmth in my body, the peace and serinity.The taste in my mouth,so delectable,so mesmorizing.If anything
I should have been eager to start the transition earlier, but then again I had no idea what it would feel like.
Then what seemed like a minute or two that passed ended up being five to seven minutes that passed.
I knew it had been awhile becuase I felt Josh's teeth leave my skin.I had hoped he wouldnt take my mouth away from his neck.Though the joy and
peace had left my body, the taste of his blood in my mouth was still there and strong.I couldn't let go myself, I wanted more so bad, I wanted
so much more than what I knew I was going to get.And I never wanted this to end.
In a moment's time Josh carfully lifted my head from his neck and smiling he used his thumb to wipe the blood from my mouth and liked his own finger .
Oh great, I had his blood on my mouth.How embarrasing.
Even though I was clearly embarrased at my appearence Josh didn't seemed to mind at all.
Due to the fact that I had just spent the last five minutes of my life drinking my best friends blood and enjoying it, I wasn't much in the mood
for talking about the experiance.But for some strange reason Josh understood completely.I looked at him thoughtfuly for a moment giving him the "What now?" look.
He realized quickly and then said," O.k.Allane I want you to lay down,softly becuase you should be unstable at the moment.'
I laid down quietly and listened to Josh extremely carefully.
"Okay. Your blood will start mixing in a moment.Then the pain will start.You cannot scream whatever you do.If anything happens I will help you ,
but you can't fall asleep you must be concious every moment.I will be right here and I,"he paused quickly, deciding carefully on what to say,
he quickly recooperated and continued" I want you to know that...." Josh was cut off by a loud moan.
It had begun.
Pain much worse than anything I had ever expirienced before was surging through my body.Ripping at every muscle and every blood vein. Heat quickly
followed.My body was burning on the inside. Burning as if someone made me drink gasoline and lit a match in my stomach,I couldn't stop it.My body was twisting and jerking in all different directions,Josh could easily hold me down, due to his immense strength,but I couldn't hold on. I was
paralized completely.The fall off the roof had hurt so bad.But this pain hurt so much worse. I felt as though I had a million knives being thrusted
inside me at all different angles.I felt though my brain was bleeding and my head was drowing in my thoughts and memories .A black darkness began to swirl around me.
Thank god I thought ,now at least the pain will end. But it did't. Everything was dark. But my eyes were wide open, all I could see clearly was
Josh and all I could feel was my inside bruning in flames so big they consumed my body, and the jabbing pain in every other part of me.This was
reason enough for me to have been afraid.While we were drinking, I forgot how he said this would hurt.All the joy.All the peace and warmth and
goodness was now darkness and pain and searing heat.
Josh was squeezing my hand tightly and I was enduring all I could.I was on breaking point. I couldn't hold on to my life any longer.It would be
easier for me to just slip away into nice cold death.Even though I had gone through so much in my life I didn't think anything was worth this
pain.As I let myself slip I realized a strange difference.
- 29 Nov. 2009 01:53pm #7
The The pain had stopped.
The heat had stopped.
Everything I hated so much.Everything I couldn't take, had left my body.
All the feelings that I had, the anger, the pain, the sadness, the wanting of death was all gone.Was it over?
I wasn't in pain anymore, but I had a strange burn in my throat.
As if Josh understood what I was feeling he said with a relieved smile on his face,"Don't worry that's just natural thirst kicking in."
A wave of shock was sent through my body.
"Thirst?" I asked curiously.
"Uh yeah, I told you about it earlier remember?" Josh answered greatly amused at my stupidity.He returned with an orangish-red drink and handed
me the cup.I kindly accepted and drank it thoughtfully."All better?" Josh asked me in a honestly concerned voice.
"I'm not a child," I replied half amused half suprised."But yes its gone now." I finished the drink quickly and handed back the cup.
"So," I began nervously," Now I'm a.."
"Yes," Josh replied knowingly." You are a vampire Allane.My vampire."
So this was it? I'm a vampire.That's what I was, and I could no longer change it.Or so I thought.
I was no longer going to die.I no longer had trry about it.I no longer would age, I assumed anways,I would be perfect,Forever and all I had
to do was drink blood.That was it.But for some reason something so simple sounded so terrifying.I hoped that Josh would continue talking to me
about arrangements but for the longest moment of my life Josh said not a word.
Someone had to say something or we would be sitting here in silence for the rest of my life,wich was currently a pretty long time.
As if reading my mind as I was thinking this Josh walked over toward a box with a picture of contacts on the cover and handed it to me.
"Put these on,"Josh said rapidly." And hurry, my parents and I have made us arrangements to fly Spokane, Washington.Once we arrive my parents
have us a house were we will live and work like normal human beings."
As Josh was going over flight details I pried open the box and pulled out the small package containing the contacts, I quickly noticed gross
swamp green color and frowned slighly.
Noticing the look of disgust on my face Josh explained." They were the closest color I could fine to your brilliant green eyes.I had to get
the closest thing."I gave Josh a quick smile of appreciation and quickly popped in the contacts.
Taking my hand carefully Josh led me out of his room. We walked down the hall and turned a corner and together smiling all the way made our
way down the hall and to the elevator.When the elevator had reached the top floor it came with an obnormally loud ding!Wow, my hearing is so much better now.
Normally, the ding is almost unnoticable but now it was like a church bell, ringing in my ears.I found all the new changes quite interesting.Just for
the heck of knowing I reached up and gently touched my ears.
Josh must have noticed becuase he laughed clearly amused and said "The aren't pointy!"
I frowned in dissapointment.
Doors to the elevator opened slowly and Oscar appeared smiling brightly.
"Ahh,Master Josh,"Oscar studied me for a moment then continued"I presume that everything went as planned?"
Josh pulled me into the elevator and my jaw dropped.Oscar was in all of this? That meant, I looked at Oscar looking for any visable signs,
he was a vampire to?Oscar smiled brightly half extending his fangs.
That was my breaking point.
I half screamed,Half shouted, and half burst into tears.Instinctively Josh wrapped his arms around me.Josh gared at Oscar.Oscar looked at Josh with a half amused half confused face ,and then quickly regretted saying anything.I wasn't scared becuase Oscar was a vampire,I was scared becuase everyone knew the plan in advance,except me.But still the feeling of being in Josh's arms yet again soothed any doubts I had in my mind.
"She's scared," Josh began to explain calmly."This is all so new to her she's just freaking out."
Oscar looked at me wierd as if to ask why I thought this was something to freak out about then remembered what he had just done and kept his comments to himself.
"Good.Good," I thought coldly.I didn't want him to say anything else.Things were wierd enough as it is.I mean my best friend and his enitre
family were vampires.I was one of them , and people were talking about it like none of it was that important.But the feeling of Josh's hand
running through my hair and his other arm wrapped tightly around my body made all the strangeness less overpowering.For these few silent moments
everything seemed normal.Than the elevator dinged loudly again.
We were at the bottom floor.
As the doors slowly opened I looked at Josh with great hope in my face.
As he walked out pulling me behind him,I stuck one of my hands behind my back and crossed my fingers, hoping for everything to go well.
Ever time I had walked into the Grand living room before now I had been overcome with envy of Josh's family.Everything was in the literal terms of
perfect.The walls were spotlessly white.The carpet was a lush violent red,"Ironic" I thought greatly amused.Portraits of the family and thier
ancestors were hung on almost half of the walls.Their fireplace was enormous and looked cozy and welmcoming,and the black leather couches looked like heaven.But this time when I entered the room it seemed like hell.I was filled with fear and hope.Fear, and hope.
Though I was afraid of how awkward it would be , I was exited to be part of something big.I had never actually been a drama queen or the center of
attention,but in this moment I was both of those things.I had realized this when I walked into the room and all eyes were on me.There must have been
a big change becuase Josh's parents were staring at me in amazment. I hadn't realized it but Josh was smiling proudly like I was a peice of art he
created, and I like it!I had never been the baby of the family,or well I had never been treated like one,but Josh's parents were all over me. Like I
was a shiny new toy,giving me compliments like "What perfect hair!" or "The skin tone is great on you," and of course the," I think you were
born to be one of us."
Now feeling stupid for having been srried,I decided that I would try to be more optimistic about the changes.I walked over to the closest morror to
embrace my new me.It was a big full body length mirror,letting me notice how my stomach flattened and my hips curved and my pale skin was so delicatly
perfect and my hair shined and waved graciously,everything was perfect but my swampy eyes,wich wouldn't be normal untill tomorow.
As I was looking at myself in the mirror I noticed Josh talking to his parents about how it went,making sure to leave out any embarrising moments,such as
the blood on my lips.Josh's parents seemed impressed by the fact that I had turned out so well,but I didn't see how I could have turned out much
differently.I had to strain my ears to hear fully even with my new hearing ability.Thankfuly Josh's parents didn't seem to notice how I was
listening in.But when they were done they beckoned me over.Nervously I walked over toward the parents prepared for the worst.
"Okay,now im sure Josh has told you our plans?"Josh's father began.
"Yes.Weare leaving on a plane to Lafayette where we will move into a house that we have set aside.Am I correct? " I tried to sound smart and informed but I'm not sure how I sounded.
Not seeming to notice, Josh's father continued,"Yes,when you get there Josh will go over any details,but for right now you'll just have to live on the
information you have now.We have a small bag for carry-on filled with entertainment for on the plane,Oscar will escort you to the airport but im afraid from now on our help will be from behind the scenes, the car is outside,waiting for you,"
Josh looked at me as if to say "Let's get a move on." So I gave Josh's father a goodbye hug then walked over to his mom.
"Good luck sweety,"Josh's mother started."I love you and I'll miss you so very very much." While Josh's mom was saying this she sounded so much like
my mother I couldn't help but to cry.As tears were rolling down my cheecks Josh's mom was rocking me back in forth while hugging me.I knew I no longer
had a mom but I couldn't help but to feel a rush of deep love for Josh's mom as if she were my own , i kissed her on the cheek and whispered in her ear
" I love you so much, thank you for this,"
Josh realizing that his mom was about to burst into tears quickly dragged me out of the house.
Oscar of course was by the car door holding it open. He beckoned me into the car and Josh piled in after me.His parents were on the front door step
seeing us off .His dad holding his mom, and his mom crying and waving, all I could do was cry myself and wave weakly,I felt like I was saying goodbye
to my own mother and my own father,but since I couldn't say goodbye to my own family this was the closest thing I had.Luckily it was pretty close
too.Noticing I was upset Josh pulled my body towards him and I gently rested my head on his shoulder my hair falling down over his shirt and just like
we used to I closed my eyes smiled and said "Hey Josh,I'm tired so im going to take a nap and I dont want you to move okay?"
And just like we used to, Josh replied"If I move you can't complain,"
- 29 Nov. 2009 01:54pm #8
I nodded slowly smiling still but as always Josh never moved a muscle.
I would have thought that by the time we had reached the airport ,Josh would have reverted to his normal,charming,funny,easy-going self.But with
the car pulled to a stop and the noise of traffic and Oscar talking to the parking manager,I woke up to a serious,plain,but oddly sexier than normal Josh.
All I could do was breath deeply before I had fully remebered what was going on.Josh was a vampire,so was I.We are at the airport,we are pulling in.
Oscar is opining the door.Mackenzie is standing waiting for us,we will....Mackenzie?I silent panic rushed throuigh my head.Questions were rushing through my head so fast I could hardly identify them completely.
Was Mackenzie a vampire?Oh Lord.If she was,then she knew about the turning,which meant she knew about what me and Josh had to do.I silently prayed that I was hilusinating and that the vision of Mackenzie was an airport attendent.
But when Oscar had helped me out and Josh had quickly followed Mackenzie turned to me and said "Hey Allane!"
A deep rush of hatred toward Josh burned inside of me,I considered punching him in the face.I luaghed to myself becuase now that I was a vampire,
I knew it would hurt.I had been thinking this over in over in my head,but before I could take any of my thoughts into action Josh had grabbed my
hand and squeezed it apoligeticly,I never liked to forgive Josh,but right now wans't a good time to be pissed with him, so I will just have to try
to not let Mackenzie get the best of me.Just then Josh dragged me into the airport and i took a second to take a look around the place.
It was big,and new looking.All the windows were sparkling clean and the carpets look steam cleaned and vaccumed.It smelled like alot of leather and
fresh air, almost like Josh's house,but the mian hall was filled with counterzs and luggedge paths,and people,alot of people.
As I was buried within my thoughts I hadn't realized Mackenzie was tapping my shoulder.
"Hey! I just wanted to apoligize for showing up unnannounced but since you and Josh are going to England to learn literature,I wanted to come and
say goodbye to my Josh."
I looked at Josh with a questioning face that said "Does she know the truth?"
Josh looked suprised that I had looked at him like that,then knowingly shook his head and smiled.
A sweep of relief stormed through me.I had hoped that noone outside of Josh's family knew of the secret,but I wasn't sure.Either way the fact that
Mackenzie had shown up was horrable.I was deeply afraid of what would happen before we got on the plane.Maybe when we got on the plane Mackenzie would follow us,or worse sit between me and Josh while we waited for the plane to show up.That would really suck.I quickly dissmed my theory,
Mackenzie wasn't clingy.She wasn't over-protective either.In fact she respected the fact that me and Josh were close friends and didn't mind me
over at Josh's house often,unlike some of Josh's previous girlfriends who didn't like me anywhere near Josh.But after speaking with Josh about
the situation normally there was a break-up or the girlfriends just got tired of it and stopped being so clingy ,normally I was the most that
mattered to Josh and I liked my place though I wouldn't mind being kissed by Josh though I didn't know when that would happen.
As Josh dragged me up to the ticket counter the old women at the counter began to ask Josh for our I.D's.
"Allane I.d?"Josh looked at me with an amused looked than dug into his own wallet and took out the fake I.D his parents had paid to get made.
I too dug through my pocket book to find mine.The age on my I.D said Twenty-Four and Josh's said Twenty-Five ,whoever his parents paid to make
these did an extremel good job,I almost thought they were real.Everything was done perfectly."Here you go mam'" Josh said as he handed the lady his own I.D.
"Um, sorry.Here yes, my I.D,"I stumbled around in my pocket book untill i found it and handed it to her.
She quickly ran the I.D's through the authanticity scanner and as planned they came out posative.
"Here you go," She handed us back our I.D's"And your boarding passes,Gate Fifteen to your left .Have a nice day,"She added with a sweet smile.
Josh took our boarding passes and shoved them into his pocket and took Mackenzie's hand and walked with her through security.I stayed a few feet
behind to give them their privacy,I'm not a pest,I don't mind that fact that Josh was dating, in fact I was happy for them.I had never dated and
Josh knew why.I was always afraid to get my heart broken,I didn't like emotional pain.I didn't like any pain really, but emotional pain was much
much worse.But still when it came to Josh it didn't matter I was happy for him no matter what.
Security passed rather quickly.We had no problems getting through it, and even though it was a Saturday the lines were fairly short.So before I
knew it we were all through security and had our shoes and socks on and luiggedge ready to go.I was ready to head down to the gate untill Josh
stood up and snapped his fingers to get our attention.
"In a goodbye celebration attempt,let's go to resteruant and order some drinks why don't we."He smiled and winked at Mackenzie,she giggled a
little then nodded enthusiasticly.
"Sure!" I began in an excited tone."I’d love to get a drink or two before a long flight."
- 29 Nov. 2009 01:54pm #9
So it was settled,Josh took Mackenzie’s hand and beckoned for me to follow.
We stopped at a small winery right next to the bathroom and we were wuickly seated,due to the fact that the place was empty.Josh ordered a
bottle of fine wine.I was ecstatec at the fact that I was going to be able to have a drink or two today,normally alchahol was rare becuase
parents made it diffacult for the teens to get to now since we were high schoolers.I was about to take a sip of my drink and a familiar
burning in my throat began."Josh!" I squeeked panicingly. Since I was seated on the other side of him josh simply leaned over to talk to me.
"What Allane?Is something wrong?"Josh asked with a worried tone in his voice.
I pointed to my throat and then my mouth.
Josh instantley understood.
"Mackenzie?"Josh began kissing her on the cheek."Will you take Allane to the bathroom,she doesn’t like to be alone."I nodded agreeing with him.
"Oh don’t worry," Mackenzie began happily ,"I’m the same way with public restrooms."She took my hand and led me into the bathroom.
"Oh Allane I am going to miss you so much!You just have to send me postcards," Mackenzie began.
I walked into the first stall and sat down,hoping she would stop talking.
"And of course you guys will just have to write me letters from England!"
"Oh, Mackenzie," I began.I could not continue, the burning in my throat was so bad,and Mackenzie smelled sogood I couldn't let my thirst get the best of me.I flushed the toilet, took a deep breath, and opened the stall door.
I hugged Mackenzie tightly and continued.
"I will miss you too! Don't change a bit, Ill write to you every month."
With that, we washed our hands and left the restroom,
As we returned I had noticed my drink was oddly coloured then I remembered the flouran.
I quickly drank it and poured my self a second glass,than one after another I drank cups after cups after cups after cups.Untill finally
Josh said it was time to go and paid the bill quickly and left.
We made our way down to the gate slowly ,Josh and mackenzie hollding hands,me stumbling around,seriously drunk.But by the time we arrived
at the gate I was mostly back to my normal self.Only ten minutes after sitting down and twiddiling with my thumbs the plane we were leaving on pulled in.
"Okay,"Mackenzie began " This is my departure,"She got up quickly followed by Josh ." I love you Josh be careful."
Josh had an almost sad look upon his face,he shook it off realizing this was the sacrafice he had to make,for me.
Right then Mackenzie pressed her lips to his and kissed him.It was one of the long goodbye kisses you see in the movies were the boys lips lead and
the girls head tilts.It looked so nice but I was hurt so bad.I couldn’t hold back my sadness.I silently got up and made my way over toward the cafe and Mackenzie simply walked away after the kiss not noticing that I had walked away.
Josh thankfully realized what was going on and chased after me.I knew he was going to try and use the "I’m never going to see her again" excuse but
when he got up there realizing how truly upset I was,wrapped his arms around me and rocked me for a moment.He looked at me his grey eyes twinkling and kissed me on the forehead.I knew I missed my family and that was most of the reason this was happening,but I couldn’t complain.
"I’ll miss them," I said quietly. Just to let him know even though I think he already did.
"Yeah IO know,"He began"But thats okay.Now come on we need to get on that plane"
We walked toward the gate in silence but as Josh gave the lady our tickets he looked at me and smile brilliantly.
I walked onto the plane feeling light and feathery,Josh came up behind me and helped me into my seat.After the carry-ons had been stowed away the
plane started to leave the boarding port and make it’s way toward the runway.I knew it was a bad time to ask but I had to ,or else I would forget
the question.As the plane took off the ground a closed my eyes and leaned on Josh’s shoulder.
"Hey Josh?" I asked.
"Yes?" Josh responded
I could have extended the question cutting corners, but I had to ask flatly "Do you love Mackenzie?"
Josh wrapped his arm around me and patted my head and replied softly " No, she just another girl in my life I would never go through the trouble to
love for a girl like her."
For some reason hearing this made me happy.I couldn’t keep my eyes open any longer and we still had many hours untill we needed to switch planes so
I decided to take a rest.Until the plane landed in
Portland anyways.Then we would get in a car, and drive for an hour, where we would arrive in Lafayette.
Chapter Two
I want to know
I was quickly awakened by the beeping noise that echoed throughout the plane,and the voice that was now speaking over the seats."We are making
our final departure into Portland.Please make sure your seatbelts are securly fastened,your trash is thrown out,and your trays are in the upright
and locked position,thank you!"
I hesitantley looked out the window,not knowing what I expected to see.The place looked like it was covered in brown sugar, but in a moment or
two I realized that it was the dead grass that covered the entire place.
"Don't worry about it," Josh said suddenly, breaking my concentration, "Our house is about on hour away,and it does not look like this at all."
I dearly hoped he was telling the truth,becuase this place looked run down and nasty.While thoughts and comments like these flooded my mind I
noticed that we were getting closer to the ground.The closer to the ground we got, the more I realized that this was the begganing of my new life.
"So?" Josh began.
"Waddya think Crystal?"
A wave of suprise shot through me like a bullet.
"Crystal?" I stammered.
"Uh yeah, Crystal,your name," he tapped my wallet."Remember?"
"Oh," I said feebily.To be be completely honest I had forgotten than my new name was Crystal Motagga.It was actually a better name than I
thought I would get,it is a good step up from Allane Jones.But seriouslly, was I going to tell Josh that I forgot?No.No I was not.
The bump that shifted the plane cuaght my attention as the plane hit the ground.The engines roared as we slowed to a gentle stop.
"Please keep your seatbelt securily fastened untill the plane has reached a complete stop,thank you for flying the Carolina Continental Airways!"
the flight attendant announced over the intercom.
In a few moments I heard the loud beep of the seat belt sing going off.People instantly jumped up and began to take out there carry-ons.I turned the
other way to ask Josh what he wanted us to do,but he was already up on his feet waiting for me to stand up.
"Come on Crystal,get a move on," Josh smiled brightly, half extending his fangs,he was truly pleased that he didnt have to hide anything from me anymore.
"Ugh, Josh that's gross!" The lady behind us gave him and I a strange look, as if we hide something to hide, though apperently we did.
- 29 Nov. 2009 02:30pm #10
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C-c-c-c-combo breaker.
Made by Use.
used to be known as the once fabled "Ethan," Slayer of Theocules, Bringer of Rain!
- 29 Nov. 2009 02:37pm #11
youd dint evven read it!!!
- 29 Nov. 2009 02:44pm #12
I was expecting you to slaughter the english language but you did alright here, there are a few basic punctuation mistakes here and there, just make sure you remember that your and you're are completely different and know when to use them accordingly.
- 29 Nov. 2009 03:24pm #13
Aww Torian
I luv you *hugglez*
Now gtfo of my thread.Joking of course
- 29 Nov. 2009 03:38pm #14
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> : |
Made by Use.
used to be known as the once fabled "Ethan," Slayer of Theocules, Bringer of Rain!
- 29 Nov. 2009 03:41pm #15
no hugglez for you you didnt read it
- 29 Nov. 2009 03:42pm #16
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But, I voted! Look, ^.
Made by Use.
used to be known as the once fabled "Ethan," Slayer of Theocules, Bringer of Rain!
- 29 Nov. 2009 03:47pm #17
ughhh you only get haf a huggle *half hugglez*
You should read it.If Torian like it,it can't be that bad.
- 29 Nov. 2009 03:48pm #18
- 29 Nov. 2009 05:45pm #19
Fuck you, it was close enough.You didn't say you didn't like it.
- 30 Nov. 2009 01:03am #20
Why are all the I's red??? its kinda creeping me out.
- 01 Dec. 2009 10:33pm #21
- 01 Dec. 2009 10:35pm #22
- 01 Dec. 2009 11:18pm #23
Wow, I could have lived my life NOT knowing that.