I try to post as many topics as I can in a ton of different forums, and I PM as many people as possible.
I also have a YouTube video for mine, but besides the people I give the link to, it doesn't seem like many people have found it.
Results 1 to 23 of 23
- 04 Feb. 2013 04:35pm #1
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How do you guys spread your FLPs?
- 04 Feb. 2013 09:54pm #2
I have a sweet YouTube video for a Gaia Gold generator FLP. I never released it though.
Gaia Online - [Hack] Gold Generator - YouTube - Look at this shit. I am a god. You would never know this was a fucking FLP.
Oh well.
When I was active, I just made the dumb popup FLP for images that require htpasswords. I'm sure that's not a possibility anymore. Though then again maybe it is for users who have images enabled.
- 04 Feb. 2013 10:07pm #3
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- 04 Feb. 2013 10:11pm #4
- 04 Feb. 2013 10:31pm #5
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- 04 Feb. 2013 10:32pm #6
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I would just spread it around on diffrent forums and pm people.
- 04 Feb. 2013 10:53pm #7
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Oh, then I know what you did. It's the same technique I used when I made a fake porn website that sent a text to my friends phone whenever someone clicked. The only difference is, you applied it to Gaia, a 10k gold grant or something like that. Maybe the "Welcome Back" grant or something?
- 04 Feb. 2013 11:03pm #8
- 04 Feb. 2013 11:50pm #9
The welcome back (or wake up grant) was a grant given to gaia members who had been inactive for 6 months or longer. It could have been longer, I can't remember, but it was a free 5k for whoever clicked it.
Pretending to be a girl increases your success rate in zOMG!, Towns, or Rally.Last edited by ToyZeppelin; 04 Feb. 2013 at 11:53pm.
- 05 Feb. 2013 12:01am #10
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No shit, do you think that's still on?
Originally Posted by C0FF1NCASE
- 05 Feb. 2013 12:39am #11
- 05 Feb. 2013 12:39am #12
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To explain the other thing though:
Set up a fake porn pictures websites, with buttons to view different categories or girls. Hook those buttons up to the web form of a free text message sender, so that whenever people try to view the porno pictures, it sends a text message to whoever you specified. It means that you can advertise a website like this in IRC or something and get people to spam someone for you.
I thought you used a similar type of method with hijacking a form, making it so when the user "logged in" to your gold generator, it actually submitted a form to somehow get 10k, so that it technically would be a gold generator, but would probably only work a few times. Or maybe you hooked it up to sell an item worth 10k sellback value in your inventory (You can sell back an item to the shops instantly) so it would look like you're gaining gold, with no camera tricks.
The Welcome Back grant? Yeah, but you have to be inactive for like four months or something lol.
- 05 Feb. 2013 12:40am #13
I put the link in the signature of accounts that arent good. Ill make it say something like "DONT CLICK THIS!!!" and people usually do. Well, that was when i used those things.
yup this is really me gamersoul AVA
- 05 Feb. 2013 01:47am #14
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Or you can
-make an interesting site/forum that appeals to gayans
-make a big linkback button in the header that goes to gaia (and other sites, to avoid suspicion)
-stick the FLP in that linkback.
-have people register.
Now you have something that's interesting and will keep them coming back, and easy access back to Gaia.
This increases your chances 10 fold of people clicking it.
And it's 100x less suspicious.☜(* x *)☞FOOL ON COOL GENERATION
Originally Posted by C0FF1NCASE
- 05 Feb. 2013 02:53am #15
I always post a youtube video and let it do it's work (:
@Charles Stover.. Wanna know something funny a few years back when I was a noob and never knew about this stuff I used that(;
- 05 Feb. 2013 02:59am #16
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- 05 Feb. 2013 03:06am #17
First off. You can start by going to other flp's or hacks that d
rk and commenting and saying oh check out blah blah blah...
Another way take the same video and upload it to multiple accounts. Take those accounts and like each video. It helps to have a youtube bot.
I'm sure you can find one somewhere if you need it. Hope that helps(:
- 05 Feb. 2013 04:36am #18
Just throw in Gaia terms. People search for them. I have a TF2 video that is just "Spy with Big Kill wearing Max head." It is stupid. I've never advertised it. It is just the TF2 Spy taunting while wearing two expensive items. It is my second most watched video. Like 3k views. Fuck if I know why. The video I posted up there had no advertisement. Just random idiots searching for shit and spamming the comments asking me for free gold.
Dem keywords, bro.
- 05 Feb. 2013 06:18pm #19
Also, I haven't tried this yet, but I bet if you convince the victim to remove their saved passwords and website auto-logins, they might be more willing to put in their password.
Oh, my ex boyfriend was rich on gaia, he had an OMG Hat, Angelic Halo, etc. He told me this one way that Gaia gets new members, by offering free CI, EI or MC to members who login after clicking the link. However, the only way to claim it is to log out of Gaia and click (insert free CI, EI, or MC FLP here).
It's not a perfect scheme, but you guys get my point.
- 05 Feb. 2013 06:37pm #20
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- 05 Feb. 2013 07:02pm #21
It might be using a spam-detector to determine if you are keyword spamming. IDR what I put on mine. It wasn't spam, but it was relevant. Mostly gaia, gold, and generator.
- 05 Feb. 2013 07:09pm #22
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- 06 Feb. 2013 12:38pm #23
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If you can edit custom profile designs (Take old ones, edit it in photoshop) then you can probably put links to the youtube video in your sig and claim you're doing them custom for Free. Have it be a video of you browsing the profiles, and what not.
Here's an example of ones I've made for myself
Then you can basically figure out the FLP from there.
I was thinking having a redirect to your FLP in the Video, but who's to say they won't just open the video in a different tab and close it when they're done?
Then you've got a bunch of people expecting freebies and no accounts to show for it.☜(* x *)☞FOOL ON COOL GENERATION
Originally Posted by C0FF1NCASE