I remember back in '06 and '07 (Or somewhere around there) there was an exploit in Towns and Rallies (Or maybe it was people using a custom client?) that allowed them to have animated GIFs, or maybe YouTube videos or something, in their chat bubbles. I remember some hilarious videos/GIFs/whatever they were playing in people's chat bubbles, and I just remembered them.
Anyone know how this was done, or if it would be possible again?
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Thread: Pictures in Towns chat?
- 28 Oct. 2012 02:12am #1
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Pictures in Towns chat?
- 28 Oct. 2012 02:41am #2
- 28 Oct. 2012 02:50am #3
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- 28 Oct. 2012 08:15am #4
nvm .
- 28 Oct. 2012 10:43am #5
Yeah, it was .SWF files. I beta tested clients for a few friends back then.
I haven't a clue if it's still possible, it probably is in some weird way, though I haven't a clue on how to make it happen. Fun times though, man, fun times.
Good luck, Flare.
- 28 Oct. 2012 11:54am #6
The 'custom text bubbles' were just horrible, you could resize your text, colour it, etc...But that's long gone, man.
Last edited by Butts; 28 Oct. 2012 at 12:03pm.
- 28 Oct. 2012 04:48pm #7
- 28 Oct. 2012 07:02pm #8
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- 28 Oct. 2012 07:22pm #9
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- 28 Oct. 2012 07:28pm #10
You could basically embed crap in the chat bubbles with html along with other stuff.
- 28 Oct. 2012 10:26pm #11
- 28 Oct. 2012 10:33pm #12
To the others, it had nothing to do with SWFs. It was an exploit that rendered BBCode (i.e. [b ]Hello[/b] would yield Hello). It was around in '09 and got patched sometime later.
SWFs were done by a simple avatar change, except for an avatar URL you would choose a link to a SWF or image.
- 29 Oct. 2012 03:11am #13
I don't recall BBCode ever working*, but I do recall HTML working in the textfields.
SWFs were done in the through HTML because <img src="http://example.com/flash.swf"> is valid in a textfield.
HTML is still enabled in the chat field, but there's no longer any way (of which I am aware) to alter anything written to the chat field.
* I have my doubts that there was ever an exploit in towns involving BBCode. A (very restricted) subset of HTML has always been allowed in textfields in flash (though, it has to be enabled). That would mean there's little reason for anyone write in a BBCode parser.
- 29 Oct. 2012 04:30am #14
Oh hey, it's Personoid. How funny it is seeing you here. I see you've changed your location from "in SciTE" to "in sublime" which is also funny.
Anyway, what you're addressing is a different issue (or rather what I'm addressing is). Back in Rally there was an exploit that allowed users to alter chat bubbles on-the-fly via BBCode (I'm almost certain of this because it was done on the fly, this means it was something almost anyone could use with ease as opposed to an exploit that's essentially a power user feature. While HTML is almost equally as easy, comparatively it's more long-winded and generally harder to remember).
Granted, this particular exploit was probably not in Towns nor am I sure that it was ever present in Towns. Though I'm pretty positive it worked in Rally at one point (not sure which in particular, all I know that is it appeared in the wild sometime around '09).
Butts has already addressed Towns. So what you're explaining may be the case for Towns. Although I can't really verify what I'm saying nor what you're saying.
As for the SWFs, you addressed something ambiguous. SWFs appearing have thrived through more than one way before. Which happens to be through both avatar altering and markup exploitation. My explanation covered both facets.
P.S. Your post is badly written. For someone with so much time on their hands (anshin) you should have proofread and refined it.
Edit: Cleared up everything in the following post.Last edited by The Unintelligible; 29 Oct. 2012 at 05:21am.
- 29 Oct. 2012 05:11am #15
Looked into a bit. Could not find anything mentioning BBCode. I am aware that HTML has always existed in Towns, but it seems that may have also been the case in Rally. Which probably caused me to intertwine the two.
In other words, knew there was an exploit in the past in Towns that allowed you to enter HTML into chat. Thought when a seemingly different occasion popped up in Rally it was done through BBCode instead of HTML. It now seems that this exploit in these Flash hangouts in the past were caused by the same vulnerability in enabled HTML.
All I know is that there was a markup aspect involved. I wasn't exactly sure as to whether it was HTML or BBCode in Rally but now I'm leaning toward HTML. All I vaguely remembered was "markup."
Either way, as I said before, in Rally, this appeared somewhere around 2009 (verified when I looked at dates as to when the issue was reported to developers). It was done through some form of markup (apparently stripped down HTML). What Matt and a lot of other people in this thread seem to be confusing with the exploit OP is actually referring to is an entirely different exploit. That's just an avatar change as I've stated before. What Flare is talking about was actually done through the chat bubbles because of some other security fallacy.
To put it short: long gone.Last edited by The Unintelligible; 29 Oct. 2012 at 05:14am.
- 29 Oct. 2012 05:58am #16
I fail to see the humor in my use of sublime. Sublime is better than SciTE in a lot of ways, though I would prefer it be open-source. If the humor is in the pun, then that's part of the point. My presence also isn't funny, I'm looking around for project ideas-- for someone else. Forcing myself to take time out to help someone learn is surprisingly rewarding-- not in an altruistic way, but in the sense that others' questions force you to evaluate your understanding and serve to improve communication skills. I'll address your postscript after I respond to the rest of your message.
My point about the restricted subset of HTML stands because the subset specifically allows <b/>, <i/>, <a/>, <font/> and <img/>. font, anchor, and image tags would be slightly more difficult than the others, but it stands to reason that those who were using this exploit were copy/pasting the HTML from elsewhere/others who told them about the exploit. It doesn't really stand to reason that a developer would fail to suspect that allowing arbitrary images to be loaded into chat bubbles would not become a problem. Therefore, I don't buy into the idea that someone added BBCode parsing to the chat. I'll grant you that BBCode is possible, but it's far more likely that someone inadvertently enabled HTML on the textfield in the chat bubble-- or even intentionally, and failed to filter the users' input properly. I wasn't aware of this exploit at the time, so I can't speak for certain. That's why I explained my doubts rather than claiming that you're wrong without any sort of proof. The best I can do is provide evidence to support my suspicions on what actually happened, which I've done.
As for the SWFs, there were a few methods. In rally, arbitrary swfs (remote or otherwise) could be loaded through the avatar, yes, but the OP specifically referred to chats. I was responding based on the post by "SpornyTheAlien" who mentioned SWFs in response to the OP (which, again, was discussing chat, not avatars). Your mention of SWFs didn't counter his response, which is why I posted the information I did. There were also a few methods of loading arbitrary SWFs through avatars or emotes in towns, but those were pretty complex (they used multiple "exploits"). To my knowledge, those never became common. I only mention to illustrate that I was aware of the ambiguity, but not sufficiently aware that my post was unclear.
Now, as for my posts being unclear. I have long had trouble with eloquence. In the past, pretty much all of what I learned about other languages was built on my understanding of AutoIt rather than my understanding of that language's documentation. I had trudged through Perl docs, but, aside from that, my knowledge of formal concepts was vastly limited. It still is, but it's not nearly as much of a problem anymore. Beyond that, I still have a few problems.
1. I have trouble making my point clear because of a distinct lack of clear transitions from one thought to the next. I often skip from topic to topic in a way that causes my writing to make very little sense. As a result, I do several iterations of almost any public post I make. This leads to the second problem.
2. My posts will sometimes have remnants of past iterations, making the transitions somewhat difficult to follow despite my efforts. Sometimes, I manage to avoid that problem. Sometimes, I don't.
These combine to make for difficult conversation in situations that are more or less instant messaging (such as towns, irc, msn, etc).
As for how much time I have on my hands, nothing on my Github profile suggests that I have an abundance of free time. Given your reference to my Github account, I'll explain how it actually has the opposite suggestion.
My repositories consist of two scripts I wrote during a time frame where I was more or less incapacitated (taking hydrocodone/in pain due to the removal of my wisdom teeth), 1 config modification to an Openbox theme that I whipped together in an inconsequential time period on a single day, and a few project forks that I haven't even gotten around to modifying.
Furthermore, my presence here tonight is due to what I mentioned before-- that I'm forcing myself to help someone else learn, and looking for project ideas.
I did take out the time to respond to you, and during that time I've been discussing future plans with the person I'm helping for the night.
I say this for your understanding, not as some sort of excuse to be here. I saw your post and couldn't resist supplying additional information. That's sort of what I do. There's no call for those sorts of comments.
- 29 Oct. 2012 02:46pm #17
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Heyyy, uhmm... This may or may not cause some rage/completely settle the argument, but it was in Rally now that I remember correctly. Not Towns. Sorry about that.
And hey, Personoid, do I remember you from the same chatroom where I met Protozoid? (Unintelligible)
It was some little chat room on a website which also hosted a few small as3 scripts, if I remember correctly. It was a few years ago.
- 29 Oct. 2012 05:15pm #18
I may not have been clear.
A restricted subset of HTML is available to textfields in Flash.
It can be disabled, but it isn't limited to towns or rally.
That's why it happened in both-- it's a Flash feature rather than something a Gaia developer implemented.
No rage should be necessary given that similar things did happen in towns, and we're both referring to the same exploit.
As for our meeting, I don't remember any such place, but it's entirely possible. I don't have a good memory as far as people and events.
- 29 Oct. 2012 05:33pm #19
- 29 Oct. 2012 06:20pm #20
Oh boy. Was it remotely necessary to type such a long post? For the record, people do not have the time to review over such unnecessarily lengthy content. I'm doing this for both of our understanding, though.
The joke was that you even changed your location. The joke was that you cared and thought others would care. The joke was that you took the time out to change it to begin with. "in __" is not a pun. That shouldn't be needed to be explained. Sublime is a decent text editor, the joke is not in Sublime itself. Open source? Other than it being a generally good philosophy, do you have any other particular reasoning why you would prefer it to be open source? As far as I know you're limited in terms of skill (although I believe Sublime is made in Python, which to be fair you have some experience in). Could you really take advantage of Sublime if it were open source? Or would you just prefer it for the additional luxury? I'm wagering on the latter.
Yes, I've clarified in my subsequent post.
This does not have much (if anything) to do with eloquence. This is also a common way of learning for someone more or less novice. I honestly don't know what lead you to believe this was some sort of "unique" or exclusive issue. As far as I know, it's a common avenue for people still in the process learning. Presently, you are still learning. This seems to be more of a habit that you adopted from the language itself rather than a personal deficiency or inadequacy.
Most of your post consists of incessant rambling and banter. This is not favorable to other readers (for instance, me). This personally seems more troublesome to me than your learning "issue."
Generally speaking, people are different and have different mindsets and ways of thinking. So it should not be surprising if you find certain things or characteristics about you that differ from others. I'm not sure how you could come to the conclusion that this more or less distinctly applies to you when you cannot possibly tell if this is mutual or not.
The reference to your Github account had nothing to do with time on your hands. If I recall correctly, you wanted a career oriented around tech, so Github should not by any means be detrimental to this objective. It's the fact that your account is named anshin, which when I googled resulted in the definition of "Lack of worry, relief, peace of mind" and "Ease in one's body, relaxation; establishing oneself in the world, making a career for oneself."
If it has a different denotation, even outside the implications and reference of the word "anshin" you presumably still have no job, still aren't in school, and still live with your parents. Objectively speaking you have a plethora of time on your hands. I don't associate your lack of substance in your Github account with not having the time, I associated it with the fact that I believe that you can't do anything worthwhile to host on Github.
Your mindset--based on my belief--consists of both consciously and subconsciously boosting your own ego and self-esteem by "supplying additional information" among other things typically due to the premise that those around you are not sufficiently aware of said information, thus making you feel more knowledgeable and superior. I battle this mindset by giving you the details that just so happen to not occur to you. I battle this mindset by bringing you down to earth rather than feeding it.
This is one of the reasons why I've grown contempt for you and frown upon you. I don't insult you for indiscernible reasons. But rather because of the person you are. This is also one of the reasons why I can't realistically see you succeeding and becoming someone like an entrepreneur.
You were babysat by Azn/Seal, Lain, Pirate, Doc, and Hero.
I can't bring myself to be civil with someone with such an unwarranted superiority complex, and you should know that by now.Last edited by The Unintelligible; 29 Oct. 2012 at 06:23pm.
- 29 Oct. 2012 06:22pm #21
No, this does not make any difference in the argument.
And yes, this was back at Wonoes. It didn't host as3 scripts, it hosted au3 scripts. This was before I progressively started to realize Personoid is an idiot and joke.
But either way it's more or less irrelevant to the situation at hand.
- 29 Oct. 2012 06:32pm #22
- 29 Oct. 2012 06:54pm #23
Seriously though. Perso, you're 19 years old. Don't you think it's high time to start acting like it? Why not get a job? School is probably not essential, but it probably would have helped you in pursuit of your entrepreneur goal. It could have taught you stuff that would probably be more difficult learning independently rather than with assistance and in an environment of peers with a common goal.
You don't have any friends or girlfriend for that matter, so honestly what do you have? Lol, remember when you had your nudes leaked in Towns? Then you started making false threats and such to eradicate Sarah, who leaked them? This was roughly a year ago. You probably haven't changed at all.
Bottom line, pure and simple: I don't like you. Don't expect any of our encounters to be friendly, or free of ad hominem. I can accommodate to someone I dislike, but not when this someone in question is someone with complete delusions of grandeur like you.
Have a nice day.
- 29 Oct. 2012 07:29pm #24
I agree, he also lead on several girl's over the internet, some people you know. (izzy, sarah, etc...) he saw "potential" in them and said, at the end, "i'm not interested". After they sent nudes of them to him, and other shit that is pretty fucked up.
He hasn't attended any where since, what? I don't know, or care. AT LEAST PEOPLE TRY TO DO SOMETHING. I suggest you do the same, newton-butt
- 29 Oct. 2012 07:44pm #25
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- 29 Oct. 2012 07:45pm #26
Honestly don't know what girl in their right mind would fall for Perso, but yeah, I'm aware. It's sad in more than one respect.
I've lost hope for him at this point honestly. All he does is sit on hackernews and make dumb points, and argue on Twitter. He also did Google+ but I don't know what happened to that. He supposedly "blogs in private" now. Oh, and he also pushes lame projects on Github, which ironically is the VCS he repudiated (Git) and dismissed in the past. Wonder what happened to Mercurial, which he practically used to swear by.
- 29 Oct. 2012 07:46pm #27
- 29 Oct. 2012 07:53pm #28
I'm going to respond to this with a quote from Blaise Pascal.
"Je n'ai fait celle-ci plus longue que parce que je n'ai pas eu le loisir de la faire plus courte."
I could have just explained this, but I found the idea of using a famous quote amusing, for whatever reason.
If I'm going to waste time on you, I might as well get some amusement out of it.
I didn't see this post before now, so I'm a little late to respond.
SciTe was no longer accurate, so I changed it. There is no other motive here. It was wrong; now it isn't.
As for whether or not "in SciTE" or "in Sublime" are puns, perhaps you should check the definition of the word "pun." "SciTe" sounds like "sight," and Sublime doubles as meaning the text editor and its usual definition. They're both puns.
Changing outdated information is not an implication that I think anyone else cares what editor I use.
As for my preference for an open-source editor, I have various complaints about Sublime. I dislike its build systems, specifically its failure to act upon shebang lines. It's also lacking some features on Linux that it offers on other systems (specifically, the menu bar is still shown in distraction free mode). As for where my skill lies, you have seen nothing of my work in a very long time, and the work you have seen was hacked together rather than written with any sort of concern for cleanliness or elegance. I have experience in somewhere around a dozen languages. Even if I were unable to write idiomatic code in Python, I would still be perfectly capable of hacking together features on such a project.
You seem to be under the impression that the 2 reasons I mentioned applied to the first part of my post. Rather, I was pointing out that those problems have persisted long after I've improved my vocabulary and understanding of certain CS fundamentals.
It was not implied that this was unique to me or that I was somehow special. It's a problem that I have with communication. Nothing more. As for whether I'm still learning, of course I am. I always will be. Aren't all developers? If not, they should be. I fail to see how whether I'm still learning applies to this discussion.
The word's meaning applies because of my confidence (not arrogance). I will work for what I want to achieve, and I will achieve it.
That's all.
I am not in school. I do not have a job, and I do live with my parents. If I were in school, I would have a mountain of debt, would have much less time to teach myself the things I'm teaching myself, and have much less time trk on what I'm working on. This is my alternative to college. It's been a year and a few months since I graduated high school. This is basically my "college." Living at home while I teach myself and work towards my goals is not some terrible thing as you suggest. I don't understand your failure to understand this.
It's nothing so arrogant as that. If something is wrong, or lacking in certain information, I have the urge to remedy that. I do not hesitate to correct myself when I'm wrong (for example. the SciTE thing). I admit freely when I'm wrong, and I go forth being less wrong. I don't understand why you are incapable of doing this.
Even if I were the kind of person who boosted my ego by correcting others, would that be such a terrible thing?
Would my motive matter if people were less wrong after our encounter?
I'm not this person, but I would not think badly of a person like this.
I have had help from various people over the years. I don't deny that. I've learned a lot from the time they took to teach me.
However, these names are not all correct.
"Seal" helped me with several things, but severed ties with me due to a friend who told him I could not be trusted. He actually insisted that I was secretly a Gaia developer, sent to gather intelligence on the antics of towns hackers. He also became angry when I failed to find something that had eluded him. I suppose that was the beginning of the end of our relationship, but I honestly can't remember. I know he was very helpful and probably key in my learning AutoIt (I had the source for his client while I was stuck on Ubuntu [Windows would no longer work on that computer]). Our work at that time was pretty small time. The first "big" thing to come from that was the explosion of "redirect." That was also the last, if I remember correctly.
Pirate isn't someone who helped me with programming or learning. He and I have often had discussions about security and people, but we don't really discuss programming much, aside from in passing.
As for Hero, I hated him for years. It's only recently that I even became civil towards him.
I don't think any of this applies as "baby sitting."
I display no such complex. I supply additional information where it is necessary. You have already admitted that the information I supplied was correct. I have no such motive as boosting my ego. I merely offer information where it may be appropriate.
- 29 Oct. 2012 08:07pm #29
I addressed this in my other post.
How would you know anything about my personal life? I can see why you would think that you do given your obsession with me and your insistence upon following my every move on social media, but I don't discuss my personal life on social media. Beyond that, what does a girlfriend have to do with my age or my status as a person?
Also, if you still believe those were mine, you're a fool. The guy looks nothing like me.
I couldn't care less whether you like me, but a refusal to avoid ad hominem in a discussion that has everything to do with a topic at hand and nothing to do with the individuals having the discussion is foolishness.
I spend a lot of time reading articles on HN (well, saving articles to read later).
I spent next to no time at all on Twitter. I'm only there when friends link to tweets or I get bored while away from my desktop-- which doesn't happen anymore because I allocate nearly all of my spare time to reading.
I deleted my account on Google Plus.
The tools I host on Github are tools that I needed (and wrote while in pain/on pain meds, as I've already pointed out. I could hardly work on one of my more complex projects at that time). You can hardly argue that my version is not an improvement over the official gyazo client.
I love how you know all of this about me. For someone who hates me, has such little faith in my ability, etc, you spend a lot of time stalking my online presence.
Edit: I forgot to respond to the comments about mercurial.
I did not swear by mercurial.
I pointed out that mercurial has a lower learning curve than git, and had git plugins for the occasions where I may need to deal with git projects. It suited my needs because I had no intention of writing open-source software.
Once I decided to use Github, the only sensible option was to switch to git.
It isn't that I think git is superior to mercurial or vice versa. I had merely pointed out that I had no need of git, and mercurial made for a lighter learning curve.
As I said before, I have no problem changing my mind in the face of new information or due to a change in priority. Your mocking says more about you than it does about me.Last edited by Personoid; 29 Oct. 2012 at 08:13pm.
- 29 Oct. 2012 08:30pm #30
The main point of pointing out the peculiar and unnecessary verbosity in your writing was to pinpoint an actual flaw and cruft in your likeness. Not some pseudo speech and rambling you gave about your supposed difficulties and issues - which were all on the surface completely irrelevant and menial. Frankly, no one cares about any of that stuff. I thought you would at least be smart enough to realize this.
And you said it to seem clever. Not for "whatever" reason. This doesn't apply to you. If you didn't have the time you wouldn't be sitting in this thread for almost an hour giving very extensive and detailed posts that are impertinent to the main issue at hand.
"Experience in somewhere around a dozen languages." lol. Jack is a very dull boy. I highly doubt you could do anything significant in each of these respective languages. I don't think anyone will ever see anything difficult/significant from you.
And those are not puns. Clearly you still have not comprehended figurative language. A pun is, in its purest and simplest form, wordplay. "In SciTE" doubling as "in sight" is arguably a pun. But it's irrelevant because I'm referring particularly to "in sublime" which is not a true pun.
This is your mindset. This is what you believe, and what you've always believed. That you were somehow significant or "special." You've insinuated this and almost explicitly said this before. I have never been able to see how you believe this.
We will see about that, lol. I also never mentioned anything about arrogance. Rather that you have time available on your hands. Your understanding is invalid. I've explained this.
Your work will ultimately be in vain.
Someone of your stature who doesn't own a college degree or citation of any sort has significantly much lower possibility to succeed than if you actually went to college.
I also explained a few additional benefits to college. Either way, to each his own. College is obviously the more advantageous option. That should go without saying. 19-years-old, no friends, girlfriend, social life whatsoever, nor job, living with your parents, are generally traits of an underachiever. So I'm a bit appalled that you're surprised that you're frowned upon because of this (among other things). You will realize all of this in due time once you don't have parents to mooch from.
I am not incapable of doing this. This claim is more or less invalid. When it comes to situations between you and I, it's different. I don't argue with you. I've explained why I don't before. You attempt to invoke arguments and situations of this nature in the past to attempt to boost your ego. When you are ultimately proven wrong, you do not admit it. You try to rectify it and while trying to bring yourself up and justify your mistake.
It would not. But the thing is, at least five out of ten times you don't actually genuinely correct others. Someone who is capable of legitimately correcting others would be someone like Hero or Lain. I rarely see you actually correct someone. It always seems like some sort of vague conclusion that you attempt to reach in order to satiate some sort of facade.
Ironic how at least a couple of the names mentioned are people who have claimed you've leeched more or less off these people in the past.
You cry to Pirate. You worship (or worshiped) the ground Lain stands on. You've recently thought Hero is someone you can potentially feed information and knowledge from. Doc has handed you tools and code that you used to promote yourself. Azn is someone you used and abandoned.
This would all be understandable and reasonable, if the person in question simply wasn't you. More than a handful of people already know what "you" entails without it having to be explained or elaborated.
- 29 Oct. 2012 08:51pm #31
I also like how you say I love to stalk you. I follow you to see if you're actually achieving these goals you've put forth and set and changing as a person. I've yet to see this. Heck, to see if you're releasing any of these "projects" you always babble about "planning."
Just like I'd follow anyone else. Whether that be Hero, Pirate, Iso, Ryan, etc. There's nothing wrong with allotting a few minutes of my time (which I do occasionally) to look into these kinds of things. I think you're just a little troubled by the idea that you're being monitored and judged.
Edit: In fact, I think I'm going to start following you on Github (formally so). Let's see what you can do. That's all what the matter of "stalking" you falls down to anyway. Let's follow Cake (cacen) while we're at it.Last edited by The Unintelligible; 29 Oct. 2012 at 09:04pm.
- 29 Oct. 2012 09:41pm #32
I don't write for others. I write for myself. Arguing with you is beneficial because it allows me to improve my communication skills.
No, remembering a quote, searching up the guy who said it on wikiquotes, and pasting it into a post does not make anyone seem clever. I used that quote because I found the idea of it amusing. As far as spending time replying to you, I'm in the process of switching back to my favorite distro. The result is that today is being spent reading through the wiki, and, as it happens, replying to you. Besides, replying to you actually involves practicing my communication skills. Doing so aligns with my agenda, so it's not a waste of my time on a day like today. I certainly can't make a habit of it, but your claim that spending time replying to you over a course a few hours on two days is somehow representative of my free time on the whole is laughable.
Being able trk with those languages with a significant amount of time dedicated to research is useful, but it does not suggest I'd be able to write something significant from scratch in any trivial amount of time. Being able to contribute to the work of others is something else entirely. Why would I use one of the languages I have little experience with for a complex project when I could use one of the handful that I'm sufficiently skilled in?
As sublime has a double meaning, it is wordplay. I don't know how to make this any clearer. Are you disagreeing for the sake of disagreeing?
I am a fairly skilled developer with experience in a handful of different areas, fairly well-read, and generally quick to learn.
I do have some amount of confidence, but it isn't unwarranted.
My actions and words in the past did display a fair amount of arrogance. A large part of it was not serious, for my own amusement, and in reference to being as clever as I was.
I realize the above was a little unclear. To clarify, the exaggeration was something that alluded to my actual ability, as I saw it. Again, it was a long time ago.
In hindsight, I can see that my perspective was narrowed for a very simple reason. The majority of those who were considered to be on top in our little society were largely inferior to me. At the time, I believed this was due to my own prodigious learning ability, but it was just that the others were not as interested in learning as I was. Well, my abilities are still a shade better than average.
Regardless, I have toned down any arrogance. What you see in me now is a narrowed perception due to my former attitude. I still have confidence in my ability to learn what needs to be learned, but that's about as far as it goes.
To be clear, I mean the likes of Nova and others.
I mentioned arrogance because I can safely assume that most people who remember my arrogance will misinterpret consequence for more of the same.
Besides, you continually mention my ego, but my mention of arrogance is unusual to you?
You know nothing of my ability. You're in no position to make that judgment. Even if you were, your definition of success would likely differ from mine. It's a very relative concept.
I'm not mooching from my parents. I eat their food, and I sleep in their house. I ask for little, and I'm opposed to accepting money from them. Perhaps you should keep in mind that you know nothing of my arrangement before you make assumptions about me.
I have no girlfriend. I have no desire for one. A romantic relationship is a distraction from more important things. It's possible to balance both, but I would prefer not to bother.
I fail to to see how you can conclude that I have no friends or social life. I am in contact with several of my friends on a near-daily basis. I don't hang out with any of my offline friends because they're busy with other things-- a fiance, a college education, work to pay off the student loans that I don't, and won't, have.
I'm also not surprised by the assumption that I'm an underachiever. I expected that when I made the decisions that I've made.
I do, however, wish I could say that I'm surprised by your failure to consider the benefits of my situation.
I wish I could say that I'm surprised by your failure to look at actual evidence, rather than insisting upon using outdated information and ad hominem.
You do argue with me. What are you doing now?
Feel free to go through our past arguments on this one. You can claim I bring up past arguments all you want, but you're the one who mentions my being wrong in the past. I merely counter those claims by illustrating our previous arguments in hopes that you have since learned enough to understand where you were wrong.
Grammar correction: "between you and I" is incorrect. That part of speech is the (compound) object of a preposition. It requires an object pronoun, where "I" is a subject pronoun.
This isn't some attempt to make you look bad. Rather, I figured you'd prefer to know than not to know.
It's not always my intention to correct a mistake, but rather to provide information so that the correct assessment of the situation will become clear to all involved.
I don't cry to Pirate. I tell him things because he is my friend.
If you recall, he agreed with me in the discussion you're referring to and commented that I maintained my cool where he would have failed to.
I have "worshiped" Lain. I don't see how that's relevant to the claim that he babysat me.
Hero is not someone I have tried to gain information from. I have no idea how you drew this conclusion. I didn't even speak to him outside Facebook (which I've deleted), and, once or twice since Facebook, email.
Doc did hand me tools and code that I used in a way that I should not have. I did understand his work, but that doesn't mean I would have thought of it or been capable of producing a similar tool at that time. That was a long time ago. Promoting myself is something I've ceased doing as of late, and the time period in which I actually talked to him later didn't involve any such hand-holding. Again, the accusation of babysitting is inaccurate.
As for Azn, he abandoned me. Not the other way around. His new team told him that I could not be trusted. They called me a capitalist pig, and accused me of being a Gaia developer sent to gather intelligence on towns hackers. Your information is woefully lacking.
Is the opinion of "more than a handful of people" actually something that outweighs truth? It's been a very long time since any of my work was actually made available to you. It's been a long time since I displayed any desire to boost the perception of me.
- 29 Oct. 2012 09:48pm #33
I have no objection to your following me. If your reasons are as simple as that, that's fine.
As for expecting to see such achievement mentioned in social media, that was unlikely.
I don't make a habit of posting on Twitter, and I hadn't used Google+ in quite a while at the time when I deleted it.
I've been focused elsewhere, but I'm at a sort of turning point where weekend projects may become "a thing."
Don't hold me to this, though. It's entirely possible that I'll just end up focusing on my actual work or books instead.
Anything open source will be on Github.
I don't have any intention of announcing closed-source work on Twitter though. I only still have my account for a project on my backlog.
- 29 Oct. 2012 10:14pm #34
That's very funny considering writing--as well as code--should always be written with human readers in mind. What's the point of writing it in the first place if the point you convey isn't clear? (Or obviously other unfavorable circumstances such as outright bad writing.)
"Communication skills." Hmm.. Sort of rings a bell. Oh right, you were running around telling everyone you had Aspergers. Or rather, put in verbatim, that you exhibited signs and symptoms when based on the fact that you brought it up in the first place likely means you believe you have it.
This belief of yours would also explain your recent ramblings about yourself and difficulties with certain things. Which seems like no coincidence to me.
I never said it makes you seem clever. It makes you seem quite the opposite - it makes you seem pretentious. My opinion and belief is that you brought it up to rather seem clever or edgy, which obviously failed. This was in turn supported by you filling in a hole with "for whatever reason" when seeing as how you are the composer and writer you should be to a degree aware of the reasoning as to why.
I'm not aware of any language of which you're sufficiently skilled in. Unless you've had some drastic change in terms of skill. Which I doubt.
It's funny how I say this to you all the time. You were wrong about something minuscule and you cling to it and fail to accept that you were wrong. For the record, I'm talking about the pun.
Okay, future polymath and entrepreneur. And yes, I actually read this passage. While I do agree with some snippets, I disagree with others. Such as being skilled in multiple different areas.
Yes, because your mention of arrogance was irrelevant and did not hold any correspondence or association to "anshin", which was the basis of our discussion. Keep on working on those communication skills. You don't seem to be fully following yet.
Just my opinion based on given evidence. And you mean *okay just for an FYI.
I find it highly hard to believe that you have any form of relationship outside of the internet, but okay.
I already knew this. It's a fairly common mistake. And your explanation is cliche and common knowledge. "between you and I" is a commonplace, though unacceptable mistake. I don't even think you entirely comprehended what you just wrote.
It's all done under the same motive and objective of boosting your ego and self-esteem. So same difference.
This is what I've heard, and this is what I've believed and will probably remain to believe (due to personal reasons). This is all hearsay on your end as well as on my end. It's no more plausible or reputable than what I've heard elsewhere.
I'm actually talking about you on both a subjective and objective level, but okay.Last edited by The Unintelligible; 29 Oct. 2012 at 10:18pm.
- 29 Oct. 2012 10:47pm #35
Sure, it's written for others to read, but my first priority is my own benefit. I realize I made it sound as if I'm not concerned with your understanding, but it should have been clear that this was not my intention given that I've repeatedly pointed out that my aim here is to improve my communication skills.
Yes, that is what I said at the time. It's an interesting coincidence that a lot of people in our industry exhibit such symptoms.
I don't remember whether I actually thought I may have Aspergers, but I can assure you, though, you won't take my word for it, that I did not believe my noticing such symptoms to be conclusive evidence that I have Aspergers.
I also like how you're bringing up arguments from ages ago right after condemning me for supposedly doing the same thing.
This is further illustration that it's you who brings up these sorts of things, not me.
Yes, I know what you said. Apparently, I wasn't clear. My intention was to convey that I am not so foolish as to believe that it would make me seem clever, and I attempted to do so by explaining how it would have been apparent to me that it would not have such an effect.
You are, at least, aware that I have fair amount of experience in PHP and JavaScript.
I'm not wrong about the pun. You are responding ad hominem because of your typical refusal to admit that you were wrong.
Sufficient programming experience to build most of the projects that come to mind.
Sufficient experience in teaching myself to find any information I may be lacking for such projects.
I've spent more than a year on Linux and favor the command-line in most situations, leading to an understanding of various unix tools, as well as GNU tools. I've also used a number of different distributions so as to get a handle on the target audience of each one.
Beyond that, I maintain my VPS (running Debian).
I should be able trk with pretty much any project in a language with which I'm remotely familiar.
It wasn't. My use of Anshin is a sign of confidence, which can be mistaken for arrogance (especially when the person under consideration is me).
Your opinion based on "evidence" comprised of hearsay, anecdotes from years ago, and a refusal to consider the possibility that I might not be a fool.
Ok and Okay are both acceptable. Okay is often preferred in a formal context, but my usage was a dismissal of your commentary, so the informal "Ok" was more appropriate for my purpose.
I have a large family, and a very small handful of friends outside of the internet, but it's also foolish to pretend that relationships forged online are not as legitimate as normal relationships. There's plenty of evidence to suggest that people are less self-conscious over the internet, so it could be argued that relationships forged online are stronger than those formed offline.
I wouldn't say that's the case for me, but it could be argued.
A prepositional phrase has a preposition and an object for the preposition. It can be compound, as I mentioned.
I don't know what you mean by suspecting that I don't know what I'm talking about.
I've already refuted this, and pointed out that the quality of this sort of person wouldn't really matter anyway.
Ask Hazer of Doom if you can find him. He was Azn's other protege.
Your information is long outdated, so that's not really applicable.
An objective assessment of me, as a person, after such a long period of time is not possible.
It is impossible for you to unbiased; any claim to objectivity is forfeit.Last edited by Personoid; 29 Oct. 2012 at 10:50pm.
- 29 Oct. 2012 11:46pm #36
Lol, do not have further time to respond to all of this. Especially since this is usually where all of our arguments tend to lead to; in circles. Did not honestly read.
Going to proceed to following you on GitHub. Let's hope you don't disappoint.
Edit: Done and done. Have a nice day, Newton.Last edited by The Unintelligible; 29 Oct. 2012 at 11:55pm.
- 30 Oct. 2012 12:49am #37
Every post in this thread is a damn essay.
- 30 Oct. 2012 01:29am #38
Artificial, meet Personoid. Personoid, Artificial.
His excuse, "Je n'ai fait celle-ci plus longue que parce que je n'ai pas eu le loisir de la faire plus courte."
I say it's just general stupidity. I merely reciprocated what he wrote this entire time. I wouldn't expect to see anything different when it comes to things that he's involved in, lol.
- 30 Oct. 2012 02:39am #39
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- 30 Oct. 2012 11:29pm #40