My most recent project is spamming towns2 with lg! We shall see if anyone comes haha.
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Thread: Towns2 Spam Bot Adv. LG
- 25 Oct. 2012 11:48pm #1
- 25 Oct. 2012 11:49pm #2
- 26 Oct. 2012 12:10am #3
Here's a better idea. Okay so, I have a few projects planned. One of which originally was targeting Towns 2 as the platform for the project (aka what the project will be based on). Then I thought, "man, this place is dead and horrible. I might as well not waste the time and effort." I therefore chose to target the original Towns instead.
So this is what you should do. Primarily build this for the original towns, and Towns 2 secondarily. Use the plugin framework you and Artificial developed to create a plugin for Towns 2 after you're done with the core version for Towns 1.
Think about it, you'll be better off making a project that would actually go some where rather than a pointless, stagnant project like something for some crummy version of Towns no one even uses.Last edited by The Unintelligible; 26 Oct. 2012 at 12:13am.
- 26 Oct. 2012 12:21am #4
Towns2 is still under development. But I see, I planned on making this towns client pluggable into any project not just pluggable into the framework I made. (Artificial didn't code any, just tossed ideas when I asked)
I'll see how it handles the original towns as a test run, just a sec.
- 26 Oct. 2012 12:21am #5
If they're pushing forward with Towns 2.0 I think at some stage you'll see them move people off the old platform.
- 26 Oct. 2012 12:24am #6
No. Towns 2.0 is incrementing considerably slowly. The entire hangout just plain sucks. I'd honestly be surprised if it isn't boycotted by then.
Plus the key idea here is to make Towns 2.0 the afterthought, because that's what it is right now. It's far from completion, and even farther from perfection.
Towns 1 first, Towns 2 second. It's more natural in every possible sense.
- 26 Oct. 2012 12:24am #7
- 26 Oct. 2012 12:27am #8
- 26 Oct. 2012 12:27am #9
The packet structure is notably a lot more verbose than the original. I'm not liking it much. If the game ever expands into something as vast as the original, it's going to be more of a pain to manage.
- 26 Oct. 2012 12:28am #10
- 26 Oct. 2012 12:30am #11
- 26 Oct. 2012 12:31am #12
- 26 Oct. 2012 12:35am #13
Is that why it's so poorly written and nearly unusable by anyone other than the creator(s)? lol. No offense, but man. I tried to refine and expand on it, but couldn't. Might want to consider rewriting that to make it more readable and user-friendly.
And what do you mean by "pluggable" into any project? Through the use of the framework, or making it some sort of module? Explain that to me. Doesn't make much sense.
- 26 Oct. 2012 12:41am #14
The framework wasn't really planned out. Quite at all, it was an idea we had had for a while and I just took it on. I learned a ton from making it though and fell even more in love with python. And you know I'm a messy ass coder lol.
Also, Its just a class, along with a few required files like my tcp client / http wrapper.
Your main class might look something like: (My current bot doesn't because it supports multiple accounts)
Code:import GaiaTowns import Gaia GT = GaiaTowns.GaiaTowns("Username", "Password") if(GT.login()): GT.connect(Gaia.Gaia().servers(gameID=10)[0], ROOMIDHERE) GT.say("Hello World!") GT.moveTo(x, y)
- 26 Oct. 2012 12:47am #15
I still think the way you use OOP makes Python look like Java...
And I guess that set up is alright. Looks like a simple API for Towns 2 rather than an independent project like a spam/ad-bot, though.
- 26 Oct. 2012 12:50am #16
Yea yea, originally I was just going to do the spam bot then I started forcing myself to keep track of shit. And since I've come this far I may as well implement other features of towns into it you know? A LOT simpler than the zOMG shit I did
Holy fuck that shit.
- 26 Oct. 2012 12:53am #17
Yea, maybe you can "plug" that class in the spam bot when you're through with it. Would make it simpler & quicker. Maybe you'll think of something for Towns 1 as well.
- 26 Oct. 2012 12:56am #18
- 26 Oct. 2012 12:59am #19
Sounds a bit unorganized. Maybe some organization through classes or something to distinguish between Towns 1/2 and such would help.
Then again, I'm not entirely sure how Towns 2 works. Haven't looked into it too much.
- 26 Oct. 2012 01:01am #20
You don't seem to understand, there is no difference between towns 1 and 2. What gaia made with towns 2 is just a new client and put up 2 towns 1 servers for use in towns 2 :p . They can do this because collision maps and such are client side and what not. They just remade the towns 1 client and slapped a 2 on the end.
- 26 Oct. 2012 01:04am #21
So it's just a different frontend with the same backend?
And the collision maps don't really have anything to do with it. What I didn't understand was that they were using the same servers and all as Towns 1 since the packet structure differed slightly from the original.
I guess it turns out that Towns 2 is even worse than I thought.
- 26 Oct. 2012 01:08am #22
Packet structure is different from the original towns, but the original towns accepts them just the same. They probably do this to make it easier to document the packets for the dev teams at gaia. I mentioned collision maps though because if they were smart, they could use them server side as well to detect hackers :p
- 26 Oct. 2012 01:13am #23
Yeah. As I originally said, I basically simply glanced at Towns 2 and a few of the packets. You seem to have a more established insight as to how it works and whatnot.
I only looked at it briefly because I was pretty disappointed by what I saw. Towns 2 is suffice to say terrible.
And I don't really get what there is to exploit for the collision maps to really "detect" or stop anything. But feel free to explain more on that thought if you want.
- 26 Oct. 2012 01:15am #24
Just people walking on buildings and shit.. Nothing huge, just a 1 up they could receive on security.
Also, nothing I'm saying can be verified except the fact that I can change 1 byte in my code and it will connect to both towns 1 or towns 2 and act exactly the same. Except in towns 1 Im sitting for some reason, haven't figured that out but I haven't looked as to why.
- 26 Oct. 2012 01:18am #25
Getting off, I'll leave the bot running over night and see what comes of it by the morning. Nice chattin'
Also, I hope to release an early version of what I'm working on soon. It in no way will be finished soon however, finished being having all the features of towns 1 and 2 built in. + maybe some toys of my own
- 26 Oct. 2012 01:19am #26
Interesting. I might have to check out Towns 2 and the correlation between 1 & 2 when I get the time.
Be sure to open source this project whenever it's done/you get the time. But more importantly, try to make it as clean as possible.
- 26 Oct. 2012 01:22am #27
When I release anything it'll be completely opensource. And as for cleanliness, I've done a few things to help make it cleaner like packets are normally split up by char(2), when I send them from the GaiaTowns class, I send char(2) as . and replace .'s with chr2 in my tcp client. Then for anything with a . normally in it I add that in after changing all the original .'s with char(2) so that those .'s don't get replaced. Code organization isn't as bad as I thought it would be this far in though it's still not pretty.
- 26 Oct. 2012 01:29am #28
- 26 Oct. 2012 10:51am #29
- 28 Oct. 2012 11:58am #30
- 28 Oct. 2012 10:29pm #31
That's Matt for you.