When you've successfully logged into an account with a good amount of gold and some nice items equipped, start studying the person and watch when they're offline for large periods of time (when they're sleeping).
Try to log on during that time period and visit the Exchange->Lotto forum and look for a casino such as Rich Haven or the other faggy casinos. Do a very large bet, in the range of 500k to 5m. Whatever you can find, really.. If you lose, don't pay and move on to the next account or casino because that account will soon be blacklisted on the casino. If you win, collect the gold from the other player and keep playing until you do eventually lose.
Use all the money that you earned from the gambling and buy something from the MP. Send an anon. gift to your account with that item and there ya' go. Repeat until your account gets blacklisted at all the active casinos.
The person you hacked will have no idea anything happened if you turn of the notifications that show when you've been quoted and delete all posts after you finish up on the account. No reports will be made on your secret account, ect.
Results 1 to 10 of 10
- 12 Mar. 2011 09:57pm #1
[Explained] The best way to use your hacked accounts and not get banned.
- 12 Mar. 2011 11:44pm #2
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I think everyone knows to turn off the notifications. Sending any gifts makes it inevitable that you get banned. Doing the lotto thing won't matter because your IP will be logged from your computer, so you will most likely get banned from that. No matter what you do on an account, if it is hacked, and it is active, you will get banned on any account that you had contact with. So that really explains nothing.
Voted Hottest Male Member
Crowned King of Logical Gamers
10 Years of Logical Service.
- 12 Mar. 2011 11:57pm #3
^ I agree with souleater this makes no sense at all and I cannot see it working in anyway
- 13 Mar. 2011 03:48am #4
Skid, you don't understand, just because a method works for one person, doesn't mean it works...
I can promise you right now, if I did any of that master plan you just posted, none of it will stop me from getting banned.
Quickest and easiest way to not get banned. Get the email(somehow), change all recovery methods to aslkdfjasdfljasdf answers, change the Gaia's password, ONLY password, and let the bitch sit. If it's active, it will get banned no matter what. If it's inactive, most people won't miss it, so... it shouldn't get flagged. Hence why you ONLY go for inactive shit, if you don't want banned. But hey, I'm sure your method works great on YOUR account, but wont' work a damn bit on next to anyone else's.
- 13 Mar. 2011 07:21am #5
- 13 Mar. 2011 07:36am #6
Eh my way hacking is this: once your in the acct, and it's inactive/active, change all the information, and sell every bit of item in the acct. then after your done look at the amount of gold on the hacked account then go on a different web browser and go into a noob account. sell an item from the noob account with the amount of gold in the hacked acct. then repeat with more noob accounts. leave the accounts alone for a good week. then if the accounts are not banned and trading pass still there then you're almost clear. Now you must buy and sell an item with the amount of gold in the noob account and then sell it. do it over 5 times within 2-3 days. then sell the item that you bought for the last time to get the gold, go on your main acct and put an item that if you have worth around 10k-30k in the mp as the amount of gold in the noob account. then on the noob account buy the item from your main and leave that item in the noob acct. then from your main send a comment to the noob account with a "thank you for Buying"...it'll work only about 85% of the time. it's the leaving the noob account for a week which makes it a 15% chance of been banned.
- 13 Mar. 2011 03:59pm #7
Whatever works for you guys. I've been doing this method for a long time and successfully with at least 10 accounts so far, haven't been banned. I started doing it a few months ago.
The accounts were active, they just never knew that I had been on the account.
- 13 Mar. 2011 09:30pm #8
Most of the people you're arguing with (boobearsh and souleater) have went through hundreds of accounts during the past few years, so they know what they're talking about.
Since I have a statistics test coming up soon, I might as well use statistics to point out the flaw in your method.
Central Limit Theorem states that if the sample size (in your case, 10) is large enough, then the population size (millions of people) will be normally distributed. 10 is not a large sample size and so the population you're making assumptions from is not normally distributed.
That means that your 10 people could be complete dumbfucks. In reality, there are people who are anal and will go apeshits when they realize that they're missing one token and file a report for that.
What does that mean? You were just lucky with those 10 people.When trading with me, you agree that: (updated 10/24/10)
- I will always message you from this account.
- After I send you the account information, I will not be held responsible if it gets banned or hacked.
- There will be no refund to any sales I make.
- Either you go first, or we use a middleman, unless you have more itrader feedback then I do.
- The middleman used will be from this forum, not another forum.
- 17 Mar. 2011 06:46am #9
like boobearsh said, inactive gold most likely won't be reported at all.
a tatic i used to use on active accounts is to move all the gold then try to get the account banned. the owner would try to log on the next day and see they have been banned so they won't know their gold is missing. this woks best if there avatar doesn't change.
- 17 Mar. 2011 10:32am #10
Seriously it's a 50/50 chance. If accounts owner reports it, you're banned sooner or later, there is no way around it. If he/she doesn't it's yours, unless the mods smell something fishy.