Yes i know compared to alot if not all of you this is nothing but still for me this is big because i have no ability to hack
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Thread: Finaly Got my first Mill
- 23 Sep. 2010 05:48am #1
Finaly Got my first Mill
- 23 Sep. 2010 05:50am #2
i remember my first mill (:yup this is really me gamersoul AVA
- 23 Sep. 2010 06:07am #3
Clap, clap, bravo.
- 23 Sep. 2010 07:07pm #4
Congrats! 1st mill I got was with booty grab + speed hack. xD
- 23 Sep. 2010 07:37pm #5
Lolz Prepare to be banned xD
- 23 Sep. 2010 09:27pm #6
Lulz, I did it a few months back with my main account and still nothing has happened.xD I stopped though.
- 23 Sep. 2010 10:28pm #7
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My first mil was buying a shit load of gaia cash and buying those 9 packs of the chance items and selling them
I still havent gotten back up to the 1m mark after that. I keep spending it on stuff or just being lazy and not trying to earn it xD
- 23 Sep. 2010 11:16pm #8
@Flare: Buy some gold in here? xD
- 24 Sep. 2010 07:14am #9
Wow im useing the booty grab bot and now i have 2.7 mill and i have just been useing it on and off
that bot is the best
- 24 Sep. 2010 10:30am #10
- 24 Sep. 2010 03:35pm #11
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@isky I dont have enough paypal money T.T hopefully LGG will come back soon
and @gamerforce YOUR SO LUCKY T.T I would never be able to make 50-60m
- 24 Sep. 2010 07:46pm #12
I have several accounts that had about 50-60mil on them but I managed to get them banned with trolling and cussing out staff members and leaking info on the RNG.
But once you figure out the RNG go into the casinos bet 200k win, then you have 1.2mil (1.18 rather with GB) then do a 400k bet win then you have 1.6mil do a 800k bet, lose your down to 800k do another 800k bet win your up to 1.6mil do a 1mil bet win your at 2mil you can get up to like 200mil in about two weeks this way.
- 24 Sep. 2010 08:25pm #13
- 24 Sep. 2010 08:52pm #14
- 24 Sep. 2010 09:12pm #15
- 25 Sep. 2010 12:23am #16
Yer i got banned today lost about 4.5 mill
any one have some mules they dont want
- 25 Sep. 2010 04:11am #17When trading with me, you agree that: (updated 10/24/10)
- I will always message you from this account.
- After I send you the account information, I will not be held responsible if it gets banned or hacked.
- There will be no refund to any sales I make.
- Either you go first, or we use a middleman, unless you have more itrader feedback then I do.
- The middleman used will be from this forum, not another forum.
- 29 Sep. 2010 06:16pm #18
ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!
Sorry had to do that
- 05 Oct. 2010 08:25pm #19
I got my first million back in July, but I got banned the next day.
- 06 Oct. 2010 02:19am #20
Lucky D: Im still trying to get my first 100k.. D: