Well, not quite sure if you mates tried the wing stickers thingy that came up a while back, everybody was like, what's that for? New event? Asking a lot of questions about that without an accurate response.
So then... a couple of days (probably weeks I wasn't playing gaia for 2 weeks xd) ago, I realized that the whole purpose of those things was to exchange them at a new store for 3 crappy items, so what were your first thoughts about that.
I know I know that we're always finding a new way to bot, to hack, scam..... but c'mon let's all enjoy gaia like common and legit users for once. :p
Results 1 to 11 of 11
Thread: The Treehouse
- 19 Sep. 2010 04:13pm #1
The Treehouse
The most inactive LG user. <3
- 20 Sep. 2010 08:15pm #2
I dont know about that last sentence but yeah you wouldnt catch me trying to exchange shit for some ugly blue pair of shoes lol
-50 posts-
-100 posts-
-150 post-
-200 posts-
who0t im inactiveBut awesome
- 20 Sep. 2010 09:20pm #3
I cant Believe i Started Collecting those danm stickers for those shitty items i feel betrayed Lmao
- 21 Sep. 2010 07:05pm #4
Lol haven't played gaia for ages, everytime i log on the site is completly diffrent, and once there was a new owner o_e
- 21 Sep. 2010 09:06pm #5
a New owner? Never heard of that xD
- 21 Sep. 2010 09:54pm #6
- Join Date
- Apr. 2010
- Location
- When freedom is outlawed only outlaws will be free
- Posts
- 5,113
- Reputation
- 195
- LCash
- 0.00
Lanzer has been the only owner. ever. o.O
- 02 Oct. 2010 12:31pm #7
Last edited by Souleater; 04 Oct. 2010 at 07:26pm.
- 02 Oct. 2010 03:44pm #8
@Ashley:there not available for now.
- 02 Oct. 2010 04:11pm #9When trading with me, you agree that: (updated 10/24/10)
- I will always message you from this account.
- After I send you the account information, I will not be held responsible if it gets banned or hacked.
- There will be no refund to any sales I make.
- Either you go first, or we use a middleman, unless you have more itrader feedback then I do.
- The middleman used will be from this forum, not another forum.
- 03 Oct. 2010 09:11pm #10
- 05 Oct. 2010 03:48pm #11