1 Anglo-Saxon word, three characters long, which can be argued has caused the most destruction and damage in the world since people realized that red stuff means they probably gonna die soon.
Quite simply, do YOU believe he exists? I'm not asking for a full out argument here, in the end a belief in God is supposed to be a "faith", a belief in something without proof, so claiming that he can't exist because there is no proof is just plain stupid. I would also like people to be considerate of each-other's beliefs, and, especially, to not argue about only the Abrahamic view of a deity.
Poll Results: How would you classify your beliefs?
Atheist 0%-5%
10 28.57% -
Agnostic 5%-90%
11 31.43% -
Believer 90%-100%
14 40.00%
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35 Votes
Results 1 to 40 of 48
Thread: God
- 02 Feb. 2010 05:41am #1
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- 02 Feb. 2010 01:39pm #2
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- 02 Feb. 2010 01:43pm #3
I believe that there is/was a god because "something" had to have created us, I refuse to believe that we were just a result of some standard events, we obviously evolved for a reason.
- 03 Feb. 2010 03:00am #4
What's with the percents next to the names?
I'm atheist. I don't believe in your god for the same reason you don't believe in everyone else's god. I see no logical reason to believe in a god. Simple.
- 03 Feb. 2010 03:12am #5
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I don't believe in "God" as a figure or a man who grants wishes and helps people.
I believe "God" is defined as hope, and the feeling of being loved. Something you know you can always hang onto, even when you've got nothing at all.☜(* x *)☞FOOL ON COOL GENERATION
Originally Posted by C0FF1NCASE
- 03 Feb. 2010 03:41am #6
I believe in a God, but not exactly the Christian/Catholic God.
- 03 Feb. 2010 03:43am #7
i believe in god but i do not belong to any religions
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- 03 Feb. 2010 04:36am #8
Complex debate requiring a simple answer then? Let me give it a crack, hm.
I don't believe in any 'God' portrayed by any major religion, however I don't discount the possibility of there being one. I know many intelligent people who classify themselves as atheists, as they're 'too well educated' to believe the scientific inadequacies of the Bible as fact. Atheism is a word of Greek origin, which I believe means 'no God' (or something along those lines). For those who've participated in debating in the past, you should know that an argument is won by the team that best articulates and argues their case, and not the team that better degrades the opposing argument. I find it funny then, that atheists expect to win theological debates by pointing out the flaws in religion, yet providing no evidence to there not being a God.
The truth is, we don't know enough about our universe to readily say we weren't created. Such beliefs not only go against religion, yet they go against science, and to argue that there is no God is not only ignorant but, in my opinion, entirely stupid.
- 03 Feb. 2010 06:48am #9
The fight of if there is a god or if there is no god is pointless, some atheists say "Prove god exists." Well all someone has to say is "Prove god doesn't exist." Neither side of the argument has any proof that can be used as religion is based on faith which is the belief in something that you can't see. It is just an endless argument that will never end.
Personally I believe in a God, but I have my own views, which consists of "Whatever you believe will happen to you after death will happen." You think you are going to go to hell, well you are going to go to hell. You believe you're going to go to Valhalla then you're going to Valhalla.
- 03 Feb. 2010 08:13am #10
- 03 Feb. 2010 10:20am #11
This is a question with many answers. Some would simply say no without any explanation. Some would say yes but hes the god I believe he is. Some would say there is a god but he doesnt favor a religion. I would say God is a symbol more then a leader. A symbol of power dominance and hope, but do we have a way to prove he exists? Some would say we do, some would say we dont. Such as the bible.Or whatever you want to call it. I believe the bible isnt a historical factor more of a guideline. Although which bible. The bible has been altered many times. But in the end I would believe you should worry about right now instead of then. And not do good deeds due to fear of hell but because you want to do them.
- 03 Feb. 2010 01:23pm #12
It means "no belief." Usually the atheistic debate is to point of flaws in the opposite argument, because there is no evidence for a god. When speaking metaphysically (as opposed to a political or scientific debate), you cannot prove that there is or isn't a god. You can merely point out which is more logical. And when someone's argument is full of fallacies, you certainly need to point them out. Atheists see it as, something doesn't exist until there is evidence that it does (Russell's teapot, with which you're surely familiar). If a theist comes in and claims that there is evidence for god, the atheist argument then is to show the opponent that there isn't - that their claims are fallacious. There is not much to prove or back up when one says "there is no god," and anything that can be brought to the argument has been (no evidence for a god, no reason to believe in god, etc.) - it's a simple argument that doesn't require paragraphs of detail to explain the logic behind it.
The truth is, we don't know enough about our universe to readily say we weren't created. Such beliefs not only go against religion, yet they go against science, and to argue that there is no God is not only ignorant but, in my opinion, entirely stupid.
PROTIP for people reading this topic:
Gnostism means knowledge. Theism means belief.
Agnostic means you don't know, atheist means you don't believe.
I do not KNOW there is no god, because I cannot prove either side, therefore I am agnostic. But I have no reason to BELIEVE there is a god, and so I do not, therefore I am atheist.
I do not assert that a god is impossible, but I assert that it is fallacious to believe in one without prior having evidence for said belief (reference: Russell's teapot).
H2O beat me to it. Cheers!
- 03 Feb. 2010 02:18pm #13
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I agree with Arti here. Some 1 in 3 scientist believe in God due to science and the number is rising. I would suggest before any one says that logic excludes god or visa-versa you read one of the many books like Can a smart person believe in God? By Michael Guillen. There are more in depth ones but this one is short and more easily digestible for someone who isn't going to sit there and work through things.
Think about how the Universe was created. There was singularity and then there wasn't and we know for a fact that there is not going to be again. Rather we know that the Universe is expanding and will in the end freeze over and end like that. Every thing that is came from singularity and for no real reason. There had to be some energy but there couldn't be because there is nothing outside of singularity that isn't metaphysical. Not that that proves God, I just feel it for me at least it means some higher something set off singularity.
- 03 Feb. 2010 11:13pm #14
I'am undecided right now...I think alot of people believe in God because they're scared that if they don't they'll go to Hell...Religion basically scares you into believing in him...So I'am going to stay Undecided for right now...Theres no proof that he exist and theres no proof that he doesn't...Also another reason why its hard to believe is because the Storys in the Bible have been written down in many diffrent ways in some storys in the Bible differ in one Bible than in another...Its hard to believe in him right now
- 04 Feb. 2010 12:09am #15
- 06 Feb. 2010 11:26am #16
I'm a believer, but lately I've been fading in and out of religion because I've been thinking really hard, but I want to remain Christian... :/
- 06 Feb. 2010 11:21pm #17
I believe in God and i also believe you can't believe in anything. Even if you dont believe in anything, you believe that there is no God or Buddha or Allah, therefore you are a believer.
Its confusing but true. Lately I've been going in and out of my faith, just so many questions i have about the bible but no one has he answers. I want to believe but Faith is not strong enough.
- 06 Feb. 2010 11:29pm #18
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I'm Agnostic, which means I believe something is after this, I just don't know what.
Basically playing it safe. Most times I feel ridiculous to believe in God.
Once in awhile though, I feel the need to look for guidance. Maybe it's just a placebo, but it works.
I go to church almost every Sunday. Not really because of God,
but to pay respects to the family I've lost. I feel better about them when I go, so I continue.
If I didn't feel satisfied when I went, I wouldn't go.
I'm not saying there is or isn't a god, I'm saying I don't know.
But if believing makes me happy sometimes, then I'll do it without shame.
- 09 Feb. 2010 12:16am #19
- 10 Feb. 2010 02:42am #20
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It always occured to me. What if the bible was just some dude writing a very well thought out book?
Oh yeah I'm a christian but I say things atheist would say.
- 10 Feb. 2010 03:22am #21
What was the Torah, Quran (especially Quran), or religious texts of other gods? If they weren't divinely inspired, but merely well thought-out books by 'some dude', why do you say the Bible is otherwise?
- 10 Feb. 2010 03:52am #22
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Very well but seriously look at books like the oddesy and the illiad things that supposedly happen during bible times.
- 10 Feb. 2010 04:34am #23
I personally believe that there is no God. I'd like to think there is something after this but it makes no logical sense.
- 10 Feb. 2010 04:42am #24
- 10 Feb. 2010 05:21am #25
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I'd say I'm agnostic because I really don't know. I can't say for sure there is or isn't a god.
I can say however I don't believe in the aspects or rules of religion, but I do think it could be possible there is something out there omnipotent. I believe it's possible but more than likely not probable.
All hail kitty pig.
- 10 Feb. 2010 05:21am #26
Gods or deities are used to strengthen individuals through spritual means.
Trust me, I'm a fucking doctor.
- 10 Feb. 2010 07:15pm #27
I'm agnostic borderline atheist, but I open minded, I would hope.
I think religion is ok, but is sometimes too extreme.LG's Dyke. Enough. Said.
- 18 Feb. 2010 03:05pm #28
For me, God does NOT exist. It's just an imaginary stuff that we humans have created and slowly it has been given an acceptance.
What might have been just started off with a story today is believed to be real.
What I do believe in is a CREATOR. Like some powerful source which gave birth to the whole space. Not necessarily a living being.
- 20 Feb. 2010 06:48am #29
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God is not a good subject. Too much is caused by it, like i dont know, WAR. Lets face it there is no way to prove the argument either way, thats it. God is an all=powerful infallible being of infinite age and wisdom, yet he knows that Lucifer is the highest angel that has fallen that will slaughter all of his followers brutally, but he is gonna let it happen to test them....Sounds kinda like Jigsaw to me.
It all comes down to what you have faith in. God is a leap of faith, an immaculate virgin birth is a leap of faith, eating the fast food at the gas station is definitely a leap of faith. I dont take that leap. I know that there is something out there, but its definitely not one all=powerful angry father figure that dictates my fate. I make my own fate. No one controls that but me.Voted Hottest Male Member
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- 22 Feb. 2010 11:39pm #30
ool:hay, i'm DJ Awper and i'm no noob! have a good day!
- 22 Feb. 2010 11:49pm #31
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I don't really believe in God.... I go to a Christian school and church, and supposedly, according to my pastor and teachers, God hates me for being attracted to the same sex.. even though he made me this way?
That's bullshit.
- 22 Feb. 2010 11:53pm #32
- 23 Feb. 2010 12:33am #33
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I love this argument.
God gave angels no free will when he created them. The only of his children that God begot free will onto was Humans, and mankind. The angels were slaves that were devoid of free will.
So if Lucifer was the highest ranking of all angels and god's right hand man, then he would be given a small amount of free will, if any at all. so the revolt led against god would have had to be God's will since he is the controller of the will and destiny of the angels.
I want to understand how if he is the all powerful, why would he allow one of his own creations, that he has the power to eradicate, kill, torture and maime his own children (IE us)? No point. Exactly.Voted Hottest Male Member
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- 23 Feb. 2010 12:55am #34
So you believe in God then.
God intended on everyone being heterosexual in order to do the goal that both Christians and Atheists agree on, aka, continuation of the human race.
The fact that you are homosexual is going against his original plan as you can't reproduce with 2 dicks or 2 vaginas. God doesn't hate you for being homosexual, but he is giving you a choice to change in life and is giving you a choice to either go to hell (stay a homosexual) or go to heaven (become a heterosexual).Last edited by Coak; 23 Feb. 2010 at 12:58am.
- 23 Feb. 2010 01:37am #35
Ahem, Why are you talking about me.
I know I'm sexy but really?Most likely the person above and below me is a weaboo.
Oh yeah and I program so if need anything just request it and I might get around to it.
- 23 Feb. 2010 02:10am #36
- 23 Feb. 2010 02:18am #37
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- 23 Feb. 2010 02:36am #38
Agnostic Atheist. :]
I used to be Essence, but then I got Plobby to change it for me.....Cause he's cool like that.
- 23 Feb. 2010 02:39am #39
Put me down as an agnostic deist.
- 23 Feb. 2010 03:40am #40
pwn'd. lern2religion.
He believes in a god or diety. God with a capital G references the Christian god, which he stated that he does not believe in.
Don't twist atheists into this. Evolution supports homosexuality. Atheists don't say that it's a sin, that it's unnatural, or that you'll burn eternally for being that way.
How is "a deity did it" any more likely than "it happened due to natural, non-divine causes."