This is an issue you all should care about, since you are either working or soon to be. See every paycheck the government is going to take some of your money and put it away for you...but not really. See it goes into a pool that then is given to the elderly and those on social security. The young work so that the old can live comfortable and then later the young work so you can live, but the government has miss-managed the system and now the government is still going to take your money but when its your turn for them to give you money there will be none.
There have been several solutions to this such as privatize it(Bush idea, a really good idea too) and of course reform it and tax the hell out of people to fix the government's mistake and to just end the program as well.
How do you feel about that? What do you think should be done?
I personally am for privatizing it. That way I get to put up my money for me and live comfortable off it later rather than take someone else's money and have to depend on the government not to screw up.
Results 1 to 33 of 33
Thread: Social Security
- 12 Nov. 2009 09:51pm #1
Global Moderator Literally Hitler
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Social Security
- 12 Nov. 2009 10:10pm #2
That was quite a rant, sir.
I won't be getting a job for a while.
- 12 Nov. 2009 11:24pm #3
The Government needs to get their butts in gear and learn to manage better. I mean if i am working and having money deducted for social security to pay for disablity/social security. then I expect it to be there once I am old enough to retire myself
- 13 Nov. 2009 04:24am #4
We're fucked.
If this doesn't change. End of Story. xD
- 13 Nov. 2009 11:13am #5
If i join the air fore as a physical medicine physician, im an officer, and entitled to many more privileges than grunts and pilots. The government will pay for my college, my housing, my children's educations, and other royalties. Working for the government is grand.
- 13 Nov. 2009 11:21am #6
- 13 Nov. 2009 11:30am #7
- 13 Nov. 2009 11:33am #8
- 13 Nov. 2009 11:34am #9
see navy/ air force is where it's at.
No offense to the army, but im afraid of what i hear :\
Plus, AF has best clothing
- 13 Nov. 2009 11:40am #10
- 13 Nov. 2009 11:41am #11
My cousin did some crazy secret shit in the army, im not even sure what.
He'd vanish for like weeks, then show up like nothing happened.
My aunt got srried one time she checked herself into some coo coo ward cause she was going to go insane.
- 13 Nov. 2009 11:43am #12
- 13 Nov. 2009 11:59am #13
- 13 Nov. 2009 12:00pm #14
- 13 Nov. 2009 12:13pm #15
lol i have no idea what you just said but i loled @ you being bitch boy
- 13 Nov. 2009 12:16pm #16
- 13 Nov. 2009 12:18pm #17
oh, interesting.
Do i get one of those when i join the air force?
I wasn't told of this
- 13 Nov. 2009 12:19pm #18
- 13 Nov. 2009 12:20pm #19
Oh, il run that shit, il do it
- 13 Nov. 2009 12:22pm #20
- 13 Nov. 2009 12:25pm #21
Ah sounds like to much work, maybe later in my life.
- 13 Nov. 2009 12:26pm #22
- 13 Nov. 2009 12:29pm #23
Ahaha you do tampax runs in the military, i bet mama i proud. Serving our country well, sergeant.
- 13 Nov. 2009 12:30pm #24
- 13 Nov. 2009 12:32pm #25
Do it do it do it.
You get good benefits!
- 13 Nov. 2009 12:34pm #26
- 13 Nov. 2009 12:38pm #27
Is that even like, legal?
What if you move out of the country?
- 13 Nov. 2009 12:41pm #28
its legal because you signed and agreed to the contract.
- 13 Nov. 2009 12:42pm #29
- 13 Nov. 2009 12:43pm #30
- 24 Dec. 2009 06:36pm #31
Doesnt look like imma get a job anytime soon...also if the Government doesnt take our money then how will the beatiful young children afford to have schools with computers so they can learn...
- 24 Dec. 2009 09:10pm #32
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I don't really have a perspective on social security since i have a job where its taken out every month. i make enough money every month to not worry about it, and since i have a 10.38% savings account, i don't really worry about it. but for all of you in the normal world, you have trry about it because of all of the older people that were born right after WWII that are retiring and getting a lot of money and secure SS, where as you won't have a secured SS until the economy stops sucking horse dick.
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- 25 Dec. 2009 12:10am #33
I personally think that they should fix their own mistakes instead of covering their asses.