What is the point of college?
is a high end baby sitting service? Is it a rubber stamp of approval you pay and work towards? Is it there to give one a chance to develop as a person in every sense, not just intellectually?
Should degrees be pedaled as if products at a bizarre, with professors acting as ring masters? Is college a service industry? Should colleges teach societies values, or let students shape their own?
Can one degree be held above another if we are going to tell each other to "do what you love"?
Think about these questions. Don't post right away.
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Thread: College
- 10 May. 2011 09:41pm #1
Global Moderator Literally Hitler
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- 12 May. 2011 01:37am #2
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College is basically an educational continuance of high school with more in depth classes to teach students the right way of making their life in the professional world. It's also the standard to find a job.
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- 12 May. 2011 01:30pm #3
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College is your key to making more money in life.
You don't need it to be happy, but you do need it nowadays if you want to live in a nice house with a nice family and be able to eat food every day.
Unless you make it famous.☜(* x *)☞FOOL ON COOL GENERATION
Originally Posted by C0FF1NCASE
- 12 May. 2011 04:51pm #4
Global Moderator Literally Hitler
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No one see a problem with that?
I mean no one sees that college is then basically something you pay for and get nothing out off. It makes college that lets you run through and pushes you out into a system. It perpetuates that system indefinitely. Should we not question, improve, change, learn more about that system and other systems and ourselves?
- 14 May. 2011 03:20pm #5
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In a perfect world where all things can be openly questioned, you would have more of a point. But lets really think about the caliber of the people wh
rk at these colleges that have the knowledge and experience to teach their respective subjects. You have lets say a history professor who was on one of the massive digs of the last 20 years, documented and saw everything there, then you have a community college professor who only read about the same thing. Two different calibers of instructor.
Now lets examine how that affects your credentials, the first teacher is an ivy league professor, and the second is a community college professor. That would make your point moot, but in retrospect it is often the latter as the former and the former as the latter. But it all comes down to respectable credentials. For a job, college is almost a must, net even just a degree but the advanced knowledge that comes with a degree and having taken those classes. At times its not the degree but real-world experience. For example, once out of the military, as I would be a former Marine, I will have a great chance to enter the CIA, which is my goal. The credentials are high for that kind of job, but it comes down to experience and schooling, as I got both in the military, they take that into account.
So a degree isn't always the thing that is the end all for a job, but it is a back-up to your experience, and once again, it works in a reciprocated fashion with your knowledge. One will support the other, if not phase it out.Voted Hottest Male Member
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- 01 Feb. 2012 06:13am #6
I believe college serves a purpose in our society with it's main goal to educate individuals.
College offers opportunities for people to become intellectuals and have more open minds it shapes their perceptions and views in society.
It provides jobs for people in America and it educates its American citizens.
Sure college isn't for everyone it's a choice to pursue your education and to fulfill your goals.
Some people don't see it this way they see it as a waste of time and money and that they can find their own place in society without it.
It's not for everyone but it should be there as an open option and equal opportunity for everyone to join.
Universities however are more selective and don't offer equal opportunity but people strive towards the high level.