Lets look at this logicaly before we kick the debate off, I believe things that have cold hard facts simple as.

Okay, I want to see who else believes it is perhaps the most logical thing to do which is:

Explore the Universe.

On the one hand if we end up being the only people in the universe (Unlikely), I think spreading out into the galaxy/universe is the most smartest option. Why?

Staying here on this planet will not end well, well apparently it won't according to "Global Warming" fanatics. At the end of the day, Eden (Earth) gives off much more CO2 than anything else on the planet. If you try to combat this arguement you shall fail, look at volcanoes and so on. Saying we are adding to this fails even more, if that was the case we would of been dead a long time ago.

The Earth has it's own cycle but anyway, I digress...

Odds are we are not alone in the universe and this means, spreading out into the universe could give us a insight in other planets weather conditions and perhaps even help us with our own and help us understand that a single car will not bring about the apocalypse.

Gah, I keep deviating away from the point which is and this is where the debate kicks off:

Are we alone in the universe?

If so state your reasons

If we aren't?

State your reasons why you believe we aren't, also state the likelyhood of bumping into ET in our life time. (A Guess shall suffice)

Much Love.