On old LG I made a thread based on the LHC (Large Hadron Collider).
Bad news, it's had two beams of highly charged Protons wizzing round the ring.
They then collided quite a number of times, you may be thinking so what? or Who cares?
Well, I will go into this a bit more.
What is the LHC?
For the people that loves space, the future and science this is the idol. The LHC is a Particle Accelerator designed to send two beams equal in every way made up of Protons, round a ring. Both beams are travelling not at but just below the Speed of Light, also carrying over 450 GeV (energy) not even a TeV (bigger) yet.
Both beams at certain points can be made to crash, causing a spray of particles and sub-atomic particles in each of the detectors situated around the ring.
The ultimate goal of doing this is to locate the hidden particle which keeps our mass, what keeps you at home or wherever you are together.
Ever wondered why you aren't like light? Wizzing around uncontrollably?
The Higgs Boson or the God Particle, the particle which keeps everything together will (hopefully) be found at the LHC.
I will only go into the dangers if someone actually asks a question relating to a fear they may have of this device.
If you are amazingly worried about your safety and of the planet, do some research
Learn about how Nature is doing every second on a much larger scale, read up on Hawking Radiation, read up on the theory of relativity.
Overall don't worry.
Ask a question and I will try my best to answer it, I have been following the LHC for a long time and have a relatively firm grasp of Particle Physics to a certain degree.
Try and make the question about the LHC or any dangers you fear could occur.
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Thread: Collisions in the Collider?
- 23 Nov. 2009 10:08pm #1
Collisions in the Collider?
Last edited by The Seftrex; 23 Nov. 2009 at 10:14pm.
- 24 Nov. 2009 05:21am #2
Okay, you invited me, How is studying the collision of light particles dangerous to us?
Is it more the fact the we can know how our mass is assembled, or the fact that we can cause harm to ourselves using this device?
- 24 Nov. 2009 06:50am #3
Explain the Higgs boson, plz.
- 24 Nov. 2009 01:23pm #4In proton-Proton collisions at 450 GeV or anything within the GeV area of power, nothing bad is possible of spawning. When you take TeVs in (Much Higher Power), the protons are charged more and extremely powerfull. In the high power collisions, the potential of creating a Micro Black Hole, Strangelet (if real) or even reversing the Magnetic Poles on Earth are possible.
I go back to my original thing which is, Nature does it higher than the highest power collisions at the LHC, so if something dangerous was to occur they would of by now.
The Higgs Boson a pacific particle which up to this point has been un-distinguishable. The Boson is the one thing that holds us together, same with planets and Moons. It's the one part of science which keeps science stable, without this nothing is possible. Mass would be unable to keep it's cohesion and we would break apart, wizzing around at the speed of light.
So overall, the Boson is the thing that makes us... Us.
- 24 Nov. 2009 01:35pm #5
It's basically the boson that gives mass. I think you were describing more of the graviton.
Another awesome thing about the LHC is that it's supposed to detect prallel universes if there are any. They measure the amount of matter before the collision , and after. If they end up with less after, then they know that it blinked into another dimension.
Particle physics gives me a hadron. :p