I finish them too quickly, so I can't think of any more. Provide a book's name and a description of it. Maybe I want to read it![]()
Results 1 to 25 of 25
- 18 Nov. 2009 12:19am #1
- 18 Nov. 2009 12:29am #2
I love the uglies series, that was the best sci fi fantasy book.
The book 'Feed' os really good too, it's fantasy sci fi.
edit: There is also a book called 'Digital Fortress' by the same guy who wrote the da vinci code. That's a great book, but it's really long, which might be good for you, if you're flying through them!
- 18 Nov. 2009 12:32am #3
- 18 Nov. 2009 12:33am #4
You should read The Giver by Lois Lowry
Its about a society that took their humanity away. they have no feelings, they're color blind, and they have no free will. There is one man who has all these and he has to teach a boy how to feel pain, sorrow, happiness, and see colors.
Really good book read it in the 8th grade
- 18 Nov. 2009 12:34am #5
Harry potter series ;D and i finish those books in like 20 minutes >.<
- 18 Nov. 2009 12:47am #6
- 18 Nov. 2009 12:49am #7
- 18 Nov. 2009 01:02am #8
- 18 Nov. 2009 01:05am #9
here's some info about the series:
The Wheel of Time (abbreviated by fans to WoT) is a series of epic fantasy novels written by the late American author James Oliver Rigney, Jr., under the pen name Robert Jordan. Originally planned as a six-book series, it now consists of twelve published novels. The first volume of the final book has been published, with two more volumes to come. There is also a prequel novel and a companion book available. Rigney began writing the first volume, The Eye of the World, in 1984 and it was published in February 1990.[1] He died while working on the final volume, which will be completed by fellow fantasy author Brandon Sanderson. The final book is to be split up into three volumes, the first of which was published October 27, 2009. The other two books are tentatively scheduled for release in November 2010 and November 2011.[2]
The series draws on elements of both European and Asian mythology, most notably the cyclical nature of time found in Hinduism and Buddhism and the concepts of balance, duality and a respect for nature found in Daoism. It was also partly inspired by Leo Tolstoy's War and Peace.[3]
The Wheel of Time is notable for its length, its detailed imaginary world, its well-developed magic system and a large cast of characters. The eighth through twelfth books each reached number one on the New York Times bestseller list. As of August 12, 2008 the series has sold over 44 million copies worldwide[4] and has spawned a computer game, roleplaying game and a soundtrack album. The television and film rights to the series have been optioned several times, most recently by Universal Studios.
- 18 Nov. 2009 01:42am #10
Harry Potter
Vampire Chronicle
The Uglies
Blood and Chocolate
- 18 Nov. 2009 01:58am #11
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666: Its a novel about this married couple that lives in the city and goes out into the country and finds a house. unfortunately the wife has a thing for one of her friends, and it starts to get exascerbated and the friend gets possessed by Satan. The husband starts to become increasingly jealous. Drama. Ooh-rah.
The Omen: The Final Chapter: Damien's final moves to take over the world are finally being made. the final pieces to the puzzle are begininning to fall into place. Read and see if the Anti-Christ finally wins one.
The House: 2 couples go into a house after their car crashes, soon after they become ensnared in a twisted families bizzar and evil ritual. There is much more to this book than some SAW-sounding game. Trust me.
All three of these are some bad ass books. and trust me, they will keep you reading until you finish it. 666 starts out a little slow, but ends up being one of the most interesting out of the 3. The House being the one with more twists and turns than an M. Night Shamayalan movie. All three are books I can highly recommend.Voted Hottest Male Member
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10 Years of Logical Service.
- 18 Nov. 2009 01:59am #12
- 18 Nov. 2009 02:21am #13
- 18 Nov. 2009 02:54am #14
i liked the giver that was a pretty good book but i still need to read the 2nd one
- 18 Nov. 2009 02:57am #15
is twilight fantasy?haha, i think so... but yeah, love those books
- 18 Nov. 2009 02:58am #16
Wheel of Time, Canticle, Starlight and Shadows, LoTR.
hands down some of my favourites. For something a bit more rambling, I'd buy Dragonlance series.My contributions:
For all the stuff that happens around here, LG itself is always remarkably unchanged. Thanks to the folks who still remembered I was once here and welcomed me back despite me being retarded.
- 18 Nov. 2009 04:25am #17
- 18 Nov. 2009 04:34am #18
So far Uglies has been mentioned quite a few times by several people.
Read that one first.
And get out of here with your twilight bullshit, this is for some serious literature.
- 18 Nov. 2009 05:34am #19
Well i have a few suggestions
Eragon (2nd book is called "Eldest" 3rd is unkown to me)
Its a book series mainly about how a teenage boy (back in olden times per say) comes accross a dragon egg .... which he can become a rider .... (basically a dragoon from Final Fantasy?) i gotta be vauge else i give away the whole thingin short its about a good vs. evil type of thing with elves and humans etc. and even dragons.
Harry Potter
Do i really have to describe it? its already pretty dang popular
Twightlight (they have about 3~5 books out so far)
Seriously it was popular must i really go over this? it involves vampire's and a cute human girl
- 18 Nov. 2009 10:54am #20
The Legend Of Dizzt series is based within the D&D Universe written by R.A. Salvatore. The Legend of Drizzt is 13 books long and has 6 extra side stories, altogether 19 books. It's a very good series and the way the author tells Drizzt's story is great and very descriptive but not too descriptive. Once I got into the series I couldn't stop reading it. I love this series and I would advise atleast reading the first book, it's called Homeland.
- 18 Nov. 2009 02:40pm #21
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- 18 Nov. 2009 11:47pm #22
Im still saying the Uglies is one of the best futuristic fantasy books that are out to this date. It's wild, it's crazy, it will twist your mind.
If you haven't read 'the giver' pick that up, it's a quick read, it's a great book, very well written.
- 19 Nov. 2009 12:03am #23
A good book I've read is Peeps, There are other books made by the author but i haven't read 'em.
- 19 Nov. 2009 12:29am #24
Ubernoob, you must read the percy jackson series, written by Rick Riordan.
The first book is the Lightning Thief if you want to rent it from a library
- 19 Nov. 2009 12:38am #25