An Apocalypse (Greek: Ἀποκάλυψις Apokálypsis; "lifting of the veil" or "revelation") is a disclosure of something hidden from the majority of mankind in an era dominated by falsehood and misconception, i.e. the veil to be lifted. In a rather common-sensical way the term is associated with an eschatological final battle, the Armageddon, and the idea of an end of the world due to out of time. This perceptions may better be related to the phrase apokalupsis eschaton, literally "revelation at [or of] the end of the ćon, or age". In Christianity The Apocalypse of John is the Book of Revelation, the last book of the Bible.I'm not a very religious person. I grew up as a Christian where every day the sermon was about repenting and the end of the world. I remember our pastor saying "The end is near, we must repent and accept Jesus into our hearts for is our salvation." I gave up on religion long ago, but I still believe in God. I'm very agnostic. I believe that there is a high powerful being somewhere in the universe who is a lot smarter than us. Although I don't believe that he/she's vengeful and will destroy earth or anything. I believe that he/she has the capabilities to destroy us. Anyway, in recent events. Tsunamis, massive earthquakes it all sounds like the Apocalypse doesn't it? I've also read Apocalypse 2012 (not the lame ass movie) & it is some scary shit. Facts that are slapped to your face are not fun.The 2012 phenomenon comprises a range of eschatological beliefs that cataclysmic or transformative events will occur on December 21 or December 23, 2012,[1][2][3] which is said to be the end-date of a 5,125-year-long cycle in the Mayan Long Count calendar. Various astronomical alignments and numerological formulae related to this date have been proposed, but none have been accepted by mainstream scholarship.
Are you scared? Do you believe the end is near? If so, why? What would you do if the world ended?
I would accept it. & by all means, die protecting my daughter & my loved ones in order for them to have some kind of hope.
I'll always have hope for humanity, no matter how idiotic the human race is.
I wish I was a kitty instead <3
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Thread: Apocalypse: Discuss
- 24 Mar. 2010 10:46pm #1
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Apocalypse: Discuss
I love the way you lie.
Even if you're a tornado and I'm a volcano.
I'd still luff you <3
- 24 Mar. 2010 11:03pm #2
I don't believe in 2012 being Judgment Day or bringing forth and Apocalypse.
"Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end." - Ephesians 3:21
Ecclesiastes 1:4 "A generation goes and a generation comes, But the earth remains forever."
"He laid the foundations of the earth, that it should not be removed for ever." - Psalm 104:5
As for tsunamis, earthquakes, floods, etc. those are all natural disasters presented by Mother Nature. Nothing more then rats being caught in traps.
Of course something of significance may happen on that day because the accurate Mayan calendar was based on cycles, and this is definitely an end to a cycle, and in all probability leading to a new one.
- 25 Mar. 2010 01:14am #3
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There will be no apacolypse. The fact that there are coincidental things going on in the world today dont mean anything. Now lets face it, sometimes it might seem like the world is going to end and the Anitchrist is walking amongst us, but its not. If the world ended based on the book of Revelations, then we would all have died hundreds of times, and since everything that was predicted has happened before, its not likely that this is the one time out of hundreds that it happens.
Let me say this, if any of the end of times bull shit is real, as soon as we are all at the pearly gates, beer is on me for the rest of eternity.Voted Hottest Male Member
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- 25 Mar. 2010 01:33am #4
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2012 is a sentential value, like 2000. We never thought we'd make it that far so we picked the date as the end of the world.
Well now we're here. Though considering the fact Obama seems content to go bow down to our enemies, piss off our allies, betray the people, and keep us in debt. Who know maybe the world as we know it will end in 2012.
- 25 Mar. 2010 02:17am #5
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Mainly because it has happened before, its called the Great Depression, the Dark Ages, and countless other times. The end of the world has been predicted for thousands of years, and yet nothing has happened. If it was going to happen, it would have happened by now. And just because our president is a moron, doesnt mean anything. Look at Bush. Nuff said. If the world didnt end with him as president, it may never end.
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- 25 Mar. 2010 02:19am #6
Sure there will be an apocalypse in the sense that the world will be destroyed, but humans (and all other life, most likely) will be LONG gone by then.
- 25 Mar. 2010 03:29am #7
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A literal en of the world yes, but in the theoretical or religious thought and context, or even in any context that would require a big change very fast is impossible. Nothing in the Universe is sentient (not going to debate religion, so dont bother). The only the way the world is going to end is by a Natural or Universally induced cataclysm, nothing else. No higher being, no magical bull shit. Just pure science destroying us. And If im wrong and it starts to rain fire and guys in robes come out of the sky on horses with weapons and shit, then like i said, beer on me, because it would just warrant it.
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- 25 Mar. 2010 07:59am #8
I am sure on 2012, most of us will be lying around at night, either drinking beer or partying! xD
- 25 Mar. 2010 12:01pm #9
it's bs if u ask me >>.Yeah something might happen in like 50 years from that point,but rl not Apocalypse
- 27 Mar. 2010 05:47am #10
Looking at the current pollution, global warmin and shit. Something will happen, either small scale or large scale!
- 27 Mar. 2010 08:04am #11
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I dont beleive in it.
From all of the things man did after those medieval ages
Those things probably altered the outcome that was supposed to happen.
Humans yawn when they think of it.
- 27 Mar. 2010 05:12pm #12
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No it wont. Global warming only causes global temperature change, which is gradual based on everything that has been proposed. Pollution only exacerbates the global warming issue.
Nothing is going to happen that is noticable until the entire magnetic spectrum around the earth shifts. That might kill a bit off the planet, but there is NO Armageddon, no Rapture, nothing theologic, or anything like that.
The world will end naturally, not the way a person exiled to a noxious fume filled cave predicted, not a race of people that thought a blond guy was god, and not some computer program that puts together the most common numbers, words, and searches. Nothing an no one knows how the world will end.
So, no global warming and polution arent going to impact it in any way except global heating.
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- 28 Mar. 2010 04:23am #13
Are you scared?hell yea
Do you believe the end is near?i really hope not.
If so, why? i cant tell the future i would rather think of the present
What would you do if the world ended?
i have never been one for religion and i have always been agnostic i believe there is a higher power that there has to be something pulling the strings and all.if that higher being does not value us then we shall be this question there would be nothing but to accept that we no longer have any value and that all actions have consequences,the apocalypse shall be our salvation
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- 28 Mar. 2010 05:13am #14
Yep. I can only think of a few possible (reasonable) outcomes:
1: Earth gets hit by a huge meteor, is destroyed. I don't know how big the meteor would have to be, and if one even exists.
2: Millions (billions?) of years from now, as the Sun is dying, it expands and vaporizes the Earth.
3: We drift too close to a black hole. (Conceivable in the vary far future)
- 28 Mar. 2010 05:17am #15
- 28 Mar. 2010 02:06pm #16
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- 28 Mar. 2010 07:10pm #17
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If we collide with another galaxy, it will happen in a few million years, but even then, its unlikely since the Universe is ever expanding. We will pass galaxies on the way, but most likely not collide due to opposing electromatic fields, and even alike fields wont make a difference since most of the fields are null to attraction.
A solar flare would have to travel millions and a millions of millions of miles more, and that is unlikely since it would have to be an abnormal flare that is infinitely more powerful to the ones that already have taken place. Its possible, but its not very likely.
Nuclear Holocaust is the most likely of the ideas you put out. Considering that we are on the brink of WWIII, there is a good possibility of this happening, especially since Iran likes to make enriched plutonium whos only use is for bombs.
The Universe is already at Kelvin 0. Its the atmospheric fields that prevent the temperature from coming into the earth's main fields of living. there are warming layers that warm up the air before it hits the surface layer so we dont all become human popsicles.Voted Hottest Male Member
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- 28 Mar. 2010 07:26pm #18
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Yeah, the galaxy collide deal isn't likely but it could happen.
A solar flare from our sun doesn't have to travel so far and considering the weaking state of the atmosphere . Who knows, maybe a extra strong solar wind will kill us all.
I agree nuclear holocaust is most likely.
The universe is not at 0 Kelvin, its close. When it reaches 0 kelvin then there will be no energy, thus no expansion and all motion will cease. The theory that centers around this is the "Big Freeze". I believe it the most likely of the three theories regarding an end to the universe, though I'm certain we'll all be gone by then.
- 28 Mar. 2010 07:32pm #19
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For our galaxy to collide with another one, the speed of our galaxy would have to increase exponentially, or the other galaxy would have to basically come a frozen stand-still. Us speeding up is possible, but even then, with the moving of the universe, its still not likely. and then a whole galaxy freezing isnt likely at all.
A solar wind like that would have to be powerful on the same level with a 50000 gigaton bomb or something comparable to that. Its possible, but its just highly unlikely.
Glad we agree on the Nuclear Holocaust.
I was not aware that the Universe was at 0 Kelvin. THanks for the update.Voted Hottest Male Member
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- 28 Mar. 2010 09:44pm #20
Well i believe in Apocalypse
"Everything that has a Beginning, Has an end."Signature By Eternal Darkness
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- 28 Mar. 2010 09:44pm #21
Well i believe in Apocalypse
"Everything that has a Beginning, Has an end."Signature By Eternal Darkness
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- 28 Mar. 2010 10:07pm #22
A Nuclear Holocaust could eradicate life from Earth, but is that really an "apocalypse"? There would still be a (damaged) Earth afterwards. It depends on what your definition of the Apocalypse is.
0 Kelvin is absolute zero, which is impossible, even in nature. It's like the speed of light, but nothing can attain it.
- 28 Mar. 2010 10:35pm #23
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- 29 Mar. 2010 12:39am #24
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Lets, for argument sake say that Apocalypse means the total eradication of all life on the planet. A nuclear holocaust would be the onlky logical thing that would bring it about.
And the speed of light is obtainable in theory, and almost actuality for many elements in the universe. Not 100% sure about Absolute Zero though.Voted Hottest Male Member
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