This guide will help many new players wanting to be good at player versus player (pvp) combat. I hope it is very succesfull.
“Creating The Ultimate F2p And P2p Str Hybrids
How to dominate in the new pvp worlds….
Introduction: Your on your main account. You’re an average player with full rune and a rune scimitar. Suddenly out of nowhere lower level in monk robes approaches you and says, Hey want to fight? “Sure” you say. Lol you think to yourself this will be a piece of cake. He then fire blasts you and hit’s a 16, then another 16. Wow you think to yourself, not bad… You then take your armor off to fight him. He pulls out a maple bow and starts ranging you, consistently hitting numbers on you. “Omg” you think to your self he’s good. Then your down to about 20 hp, His bow lifts one more time and he quickly pulls out a rune 2-hander…You attempt to eat a lobster…. 21! K0. You add this guy and say, “Wow how are you so good?” Well he says Im a pure lol.
That’s one of most f2pers first encounters with a pure. If you want to make a pure or are interested in f2p pures read on buddy lol. In this guide you will learn how to make this pure including where to train, how to pk, and equipment you should wear. This guide is designed on dominating in the new pvp worlds. ***Skip down to the p2p section if you don’t want to read the f2p part***
Table of contents.
1) A back-round on pures.
2) Where to start your pure off/names.
3) Money making in f2p.
4) Places to train your stats.
5) More money making
6) Pking supplies
7) How to pk on your pure
1) A background on pures: Pures are players designed to dominate in the pking world. They always have 1 defense. They have low defense along with high attack, str, mage, range, and fairly high prayer. The idea of a pure was first considered in runescape classic and I guess the idea stuck. Runescape 2 pures were born.
2) How to start your pure/names: Some people think the most important part of a pure is its name. You might want to consider a name with no numbers. Something intimidating like the famous range/2her “Most Dreaded” now that’s an intimidating name.
3) How to make some decent starting off cash in f2p: Firstly its essential to do both the Stronghold of Security and the Stronghold Of Player Safety for 20k cash. Spend your lamps on either range or mage. You should be 9 range or mage. Then go to the Grand exchange and buy about 500 iron arrows, Full iron, Iron, Steel, Mith , and addy scimmy. Spend the rest of the money on trout. Don’t use the trout in the beginning of your training use other food like herring and pike(junk fish).
4) Where to train the stats: Ok first we will start off with our strength training. Get about 10 atk and str and the chickens and collect all of the feathers. Then go to the gnomeceptor cows or near lumbridge or the regular cows and train to 20 atk and then 20 str.
Bank all of the cow hides/bones to make some decent cash for later in the game.
Then go to the monks in Edgeville and train to about 30 atk and 30 str.
Then head on down to the minatores in the Stronghold Of Security and train to 40 atk and str. Now your done training your attack. Rune scimmy time. Sell all of the other scimmys. Then train to about 50 str at the
Head on down to the hill giants (use a brass key) and get 60 str here and bank all of the big bones.
Finally to finish off your strength training go down to the stronghold of security again (yea I know boring…) and go the flesh crawlers and train to 70 str. (flesh crawler area)
Good job your done training your strength. Take a break because the next step is range lol. Ok hopefully you have taken a break from training and now its time to train range.
Bring all your bows in your inventory and head over to the chickens in lumbridge. Again bank all of the feathers and do this untill 10 range. Head over to gnomeceptor cows and train to 20 range and bank hides and bones. Train to 30 range at minatores or the monks.
Then go to barbarian village and range barbarians behind the tables untill 40 range.
Congratz buy some d hide chaps and vamps. Now head to the hill giants and safe-spot range them untill 60 range. ). Finally to finish off your range training safe spot the Ankou in the stronghold of security untill 70 range. Ask a high lvl if you don’t know where the Ankou safe spot is. Congratz, all that’s left is mage training now (finally).
Start off with low lvl mage spells untill you can cast curse. Curse the zammy mage in Varrok untill 32 mage. Fire bolt (semi cheap) skeletons in Varrok sewers untill you can perform Camelot teleport. Cammy teleport untill 55 mage. High alch steel plates or anything else that’s alright in f2p untill 59/60 mage and your hybrid training is complete!
5) More money making: Now comes the time in every pures life where they will have to make about 400-500k and doing it in f2p is pretty hard so take your time and don’t get frustrated. For skilling I suggest cutting yews in edgeville for woodcutting. If your fishing fish lobs in karajama and tele to falador. For mining I suggest mining iron untill you can mine coal, coal untill you have enough money, and if your high enough mine mith, addy , or rune. If you don’t feel like skilling then telegrab zammy wines west of edgeville (you have to hop the wildy ditch) You can also kill hill giants for big bones and limp roots. You can also try merchanting if you have the patients. Well that’s pretty much the way you should make money.This is just basic skilling so there is nothing much i can teach you.
6) Pking supplies: The supplies you will need for pking are as follows— About 500 lobsters (got to have a lot of these), About 50 str pots (3), 20 sets of monk robe bottoms and wizzy hats/tops, 20 Power amulets and magic amulets, Runes for fire blast ( you don’t need a lot fire blast or bind it is only for def noobs), Addy arrows, Maple short bows, and rune 2h and scimmys.
7) How to player kill!!: Well your either team pking or solo pking pick one lol.
How to pk in a team: All death dot somewhere like Varrok wilderness or maybe barbarian village (everyone stands in one spot to make it look like one person) and wait for somebody not in your clan and everyone piles that one person. Make sure to bring bind runes in a clan they can help a lot. Attack them with your rune scimmy if there far away use the maple short bow (no 2h needed here)
Solo pking : This is simple attack anyone that you choose. If fighting a pure start out with attacking them with range and wearing them down. When there health is about half left put on ultimate strength( when are down to ¼ health here is what you do, AS SOON AS THE BOW LIFTS TO FIRE AN ARROW, CLICK ON YOUR RUNE 2H THEN CLICK ON THERE NAME. This should effect in a super fast deadly combo. This will hopefully K0 them-If not then take your maple short bow out and try again. If your fighting a def noob start out with 3-4 fire blasts and ask them to fight no arm. If they don’t take if off there screwed lol so they will probably take it off. If they don’t keep fire blasting them. When they do take off the armor use your maple short bow and k0 them with your 2h,simple as that. I recommend NOT using protect item with your 2h because your loot will be horrible. Always atk people with good stuff also and make sure both of your
are skulled. Some people might not get prayer this is fine.
+ = KO (This player is pkndemon)
“NOTE”—– When and if you consider getting say 80 str and 80 range, make sure to keep training range on ankou, and str on flesh crawlers. You don’t need to get mage any higher. You may want to consider making pk vids if your good enough. If you ever run out of cash just make about 300-500k again and then go pking. Don’t get 50k and decide to blow it all, that’s just a waste. Just get the 300-500k then go pking. You may also want to get 44 prayer if you get these high levels. The protection prayers can help after a fight just flick the protection from melee/range on. The eagle eye prayer helps hit through rune A LOT better then normal. Incredible reflexes is also good.
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P2p Section
Do you want more own-age and great loot? Then you have to go p2p it pretty much owns.
Into to p2p: Your on your main account pking in edgeville to take a break of killing green drags for your dragon legs and such. Out of nowhere a lvl 74 in Ghostly and a Gnome hat ice blitz’s you and your frozen instantly. He pulls out a magic short bow and is ranging you hitting very near the 20s on every hit and your constantly trying to get away and eat at the same time. Your blitzed again and this time your on low hp. He pulls out a dragon dagger(p++) and specs you, 26-23 and you fall to the ground, cursing yourself for ever coming here in the first place.
That is a mains first encounter with a p2p str hybrid. They take MUCH longer to train but are worth it in the long run and they are loads of fun to pk on.
Goal stats: 80 range, 82 mage,80-85 str, 52 prayer, 60-70 atk
You should already have all of the stats you got in f2p (40 atk, 60-70 str, 60-70 range, and 59/60ish mage).
The first skill I suggest training is range. The only reason I say this is because it is a great hp skill and it takes really long to level so you might want to get that one out of the way. Alright so if your 60 range go to the rock crabs and use bronze knives to get to 65 range.
Then go to the Ankou in the stronghold of security and train to 70 range. Alright so after that do the waterfall quest. Train on the fire giants inside the tomb and get to 75 range. Then for the last boring part go to the blue dragons in taverly dungeon and range them to 80 range. This should get you about 3-4m coins which is a lot of help in this pure. A suggestion I have for the blue drags is to get a house in taverly (10 construction) and use a tele tab to your house and go range in the dungeon then tele to fally and bank-repeat. Do animal magnetism quest.
Mage: This is probably the most expensive stat you will ever train in your pure life. From 55-82 you must alch. Yea that’s right many hours of alching and standing around. It can get very boring but its worth it so just please keep at it. Alch yew longbows (about 1.5k and then buy more) You should have 82 mage in about a month maybe less. Then do desert treasure and all of the requirements. Try out pking with blitz and range if you would likebecause the last step is coming up.
Strength: ownage and is unstoppable with a dds spec at 80+ str. So if you are still 60 str train to 70 str back at the rock crabs. After getting 70 str. Then do lost city and train to 59 atk, I repeat 59 atk. Then do all of the monkey madness requirements and that will get you 60 atk. Then you can do monkey madness. DO NOT TAKE THE EXTRA EXP AT THE THEN OF END QUEST, IT WILL GET YOU DEFENSE. Then after this do the horror from the deep quest for a zammy book which you can get another one from the lighthouse if you die. Then start creature of Frankenstein quest and get to the cave with the experiments.
(thank you Train here to 80 strength. Training strength is a lot easier then training range and mage. Get about 50k-100k exp a day and you will have 80 str in no time.
You might also consider getting 70 atk for the Whip
Prayer: Training prayer is easy, but there are different levels people like to get.
11 Prayer: Obtained from doing desert treasure prequest priest in peril.
31 Payer: Obtained for Ultimate Strength
34 Prayer: Obtained for Ultimate Strength and Incredible Reflexes
43 Prayer: Obtained for the protection prayers and all of the strength and attack prayers. These protection prayers should only be used for pjers, after a fight flick it on, or if your getting piled/owned and running.
52 Prayer: Obtained for all of the other prayers and the prayer Smite which drains your opponents prayer, causing them to lose there protected items.
Now pick one and if you need to train it go to a gilded alter and use the bones on the alter and use dragon bones.
Pking supplies: 50 super atk and str pots, 25 pray pots, 30 anti-poisons, 20 sets of ghostly tops and bottoms, 20 climbing boots, 20 gnome hats (just called hats in the g/e), 20 amulets of power, combat bracelet, dds, mage short bows or a karils bow, runes for blitz, rune arrows or bolt racks, and 50 rings of recoils, and dragon daggers and a dragon scimmy or whip and sharks for food.
How to pk: There are A LOT of ways to pk with a p2p str hybrid and I will tell you all of them.
Just Str: Drink an anti poison and super atk and str. All you need is full iron and black d hide chaps and vamps for this. Atk them with your dragon scimmy or whip and when there at one-fourth hp spec them 4 times with you dds. Simple as that.
Mage-Str: Put on Ultimate str and incredible reflexes/maybe smite. Blitz them first then pull out a dragon scimmy/whip and k0 them with your dds when they are one-fourth hp.
All Three Combined: This is super deadly-and I personally recommend it. First find somebody around your combat lvl and drink your pots. Start out with about 1-3 blitz spells and then pull out a magic short bow or a karils bow and range them down in there health with eagle eye on. When they are half hp put on ultimate str and incredible reflexes and when there one fourth health run up and dds spec till they are dead. Awesome k0s using this type of pking. For a great video on how to pk with these styles I recommend watching Kids Ranqe pk vids 1-13 and here is video 6.
I took a while to make this guide so post some Feedbacks![]()
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Thread: HollowX Pvp Hybrid Guide.
- 17 Jan. 2010 01:14am #1
HollowX Pvp Hybrid Guide.
Symmetry Is Everything
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Will soon open my porn account shop ;D
- 17 Jan. 2010 11:26am #2
Wow, nice guide .. did you make this all yourself ? (:
- 17 Jan. 2010 02:22pm #3
I got a little help from my friend but i did most of it.
Symmetry Is Everything
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Will soon open my porn account shop ;D
- 28 Nov. 2010 03:09am #4
thanks for the guide man very cool