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- 07 Feb. 2010 06:54pm #41
"No matter how hard you try, you can't stop us now."
- 07 Feb. 2010 07:19pm #42Symmetry Is Everything
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- 07 Feb. 2010 07:30pm #43
I remember when the GE came out...and ruined merchanting.
- 07 Feb. 2010 07:33pm #44
I remember when trade limit came out and ruined everything.
Symmetry Is Everything
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- 07 Feb. 2010 07:42pm #45
Jagex really murdered their own game...
I remember when air running was fun, because I got money
- 07 Feb. 2010 07:50pm #46
I remember when you could kill n00bs who entered the wilderness and just get some quick cash, can't do that anymore.
Symmetry Is Everything
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- 07 Feb. 2010 08:02pm #47
First 5 minutes of RuneScape:
What now? How do I open that doooorr??
- 07 Feb. 2010 08:15pm #48
i remember the wild..
"No matter how hard you try, you can't stop us now."
- 07 Feb. 2010 08:23pm #49
The Wild was so great before they put the ditch and pk.
Symmetry Is Everything
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Will soon open my porn account shop ;D
- 07 Feb. 2010 10:21pm #50
i remember when you actually learned what to do when you first created an account and didn't walk around blindly for 2 weeks until someone finally had mercy on you and showed you what to do.
- 07 Feb. 2010 10:30pm #51
I remember tutorial island was still there and not some dumb story about you killing a dragon which doesn't actually show you anything.
Symmetry Is Everything
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Will soon open my porn account shop ;D
- 08 Feb. 2010 12:08am #52
i remember just how much i hated tutorial island. and how i wanted to punt a baby out a 4 story window
"No matter how hard you try, you can't stop us now."
- 08 Feb. 2010 03:53am #53
Tutorial island was the stupidest thing. Until you learned you could talk that is....and the other noobs couldn't haha. That and the text effects were cool.
- 08 Feb. 2010 04:03am #54
Is it just me, or did like most people start playing this game in 5th grade?
"No matter how hard you try, you can't stop us now."
- 08 Feb. 2010 04:04am #55
That was me
But I actually posses a level of intelligence so...
- 08 Feb. 2010 04:08am #56
woah! i just remember that when it used to rain back in 5th grade and everybody had to say inside for lunch. people used to rush to the computers in our class room to play runescape (because back then they dident block it yet)and it was actually pretty cool
"No matter how hard you try, you can't stop us now."
- 08 Feb. 2010 04:14am #57
yea lol we did that all the time in like 8th grade. im in my second year of college now. we looked forward to subs back then cause they let us play rs alllll day.
- 08 Feb. 2010 05:07am #58
- 09 Feb. 2010 01:24am #59
Yea, I always avoided playing RS in school cuz like no one did. Didn't feel like getting called a nerd, even if that's what I am.
- 09 Feb. 2010 01:50am #60
- 09 Feb. 2010 02:34am #61
I want to start playing again, just my Java doesn't cooperate with me.
- 09 Feb. 2010 10:58am #62
- 09 Feb. 2010 05:58pm #63
- 09 Feb. 2010 08:21pm #64
They still have like 2 sevrers right? Or did they take those down now?
- 10 Feb. 2010 12:34am #65
- 10 Feb. 2010 01:51am #66
Damn, I forgot how many. I do know that it's impossible to get on there unless you have a current account, and those can get pricey on the black market.
- 10 Feb. 2010 07:42am #67
- 10 Feb. 2010 04:00pm #68
Dammit. I missed that. Haven't had mems for such a long time.
- 10 Feb. 2010 09:29pm #69
Without member Rs become very boring.
Symmetry Is Everything
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- 10 Feb. 2010 09:46pm #70
Yes it does. Basically all I do now is skill. Plus, I've missed so much updates and stuff that I have no clue what's going on.
- 12 Feb. 2010 01:27am #71
- 12 Feb. 2010 02:15am #72
Those and crafting are about the extent of what you can do. Besides cooking and smithing too
- 12 Feb. 2010 07:22am #73
back in the day, and i mean BACK IN THE DAY. I thought i could poison pies if i had a high enough cooking level. Anyways there was this kid that nobody like in our school that played RS with us, so one day we had a plan that we would poison a meat pie and give it to him... but my teacher over heard us talking about this and sent us to the principles office because apparently is against school rules to talk about killing another student with a meat pie even though its a game.
Last edited by Pleasure Ninja; 12 Feb. 2010 at 07:23am. Reason: fix
"No matter how hard you try, you can't stop us now."
- 12 Feb. 2010 10:35am #74
New favorite memory, this morning i woke up for school, and i was like, shit, it's an hour early, so i get on runescape, go to the party room, and I FUCKING GOT A PARTY HAT!
I almost pissed my self of excitement.
- 12 Feb. 2010 12:52pm #75
Wow that's really lucky O_O
Symmetry Is Everything
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Will soon open my porn account shop ;D
- 12 Feb. 2010 03:17pm #76
- 22 Feb. 2010 12:24pm #77
Being totally killed when I was a noob, since I had no idea wtf was going on. Some guy convinced me to leave the starting area, then killed me as soon as he could for my stuff. Fucktard.
Good lesson though, trust is for idiots.
- 23 Feb. 2010 05:19am #78
- 23 Feb. 2010 10:02pm #79
I personally would like to get a red one. But I highly doubt I'll ever have that cash.
- 23 Feb. 2010 11:12pm #80