I believe to many "safe" spammers are getting into UG Silver, so I vote to require applications to be made to get into it.
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Thread: UG Silver
- 17 Mar. 2010 10:41pm #1
UG Silver
- 17 Mar. 2010 10:43pm #2
Eh I agree, but perhaps mods deleting more safe spam would be an easy solution, but then again it is hard to keep up with all of the posts.
LG's Dyke. Enough. Said.
- 18 Mar. 2010 02:34am #3
Then someone has the bitch's job of keeping track of everyone getting in. I remember Omega taking a week off. People bitched like no other until the second he got on. Then bitched about him taking so long. Quick answer is no. Safe spam gets old, but it's what keeps this site alive. About 1.5%, IF THAT, are posts that are worth keeping. I'll be honest, I have several of nonsense posts, so do you, so does everyone. This is just like people refusing to trade because Google isn't online. It's just another excuse or something to bitch about.
- 18 Mar. 2010 02:47am #4
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I have to agree with Michael (Happy Rundeer?), if it werent for safe spam, and lots of idiotic threads, LG would be a desolate wasteland of no-posting death.
No point really. It always comes out good in the end.Last edited by Souleater; 18 Mar. 2010 at 03:06am.
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- 18 Mar. 2010 02:50am #5
Trust me, you don't want to make another forum like bluelight where EVERY SINGLE post gets flamed unless its pinpoint perfect.
Some nonsense posts actually keep this site alive.
Its unfortunate, but that's life.
- 18 Mar. 2010 02:51am #6
- 18 Mar. 2010 02:52am #7
- 18 Mar. 2010 03:14am #8
How many post exactly do you need? Also I agree with BooBearSH,Every single person on Lg has at least 5 spam post.
- 18 Mar. 2010 03:19am #9
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- 18 Mar. 2010 03:23am #10
I see. Well unless you spam the hell out of post its not like your going to get 500 post in one day. And if you do your either an extremely good poster or an extremely big spammer who will have half of your post deleted.
- 18 Mar. 2010 03:33am #11
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- 18 Mar. 2010 03:34am #12
Let me guess, Frozenthrone? xD
- 18 Mar. 2010 03:36am #13
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- 18 Mar. 2010 03:37am #14
And his post aren't deleted?
- 18 Mar. 2010 04:06am #15
This is getting no where. Stop bitching about other members and worry about the time it takes for YOU to get into UG Silver. Yes, there are spammers out there(Gina), that are undisiplened because of bullshit safe spam, but still, doesn't mean you take 10 posts to bullshit through it. Go to JY(Junkyard) to discuss this stuff.
- 18 Mar. 2010 04:48am #16
This is sooo true.
Safe spamming, is what keeps us alive. keeps new things happening. How we fuck gaia over, and maybe every 1/10 users who join will stay active. and 1/10 of that population will actually contribute to the community.
So dont complain about it automatically being assigned.
Just accept it. Because if you had to put an application, you guys would also go ape shit about that.
tl;dr NO.
- 18 Mar. 2010 10:13am #17
Dude coming to think of it what you are saying is nice/ But give it a second thought you are asking us to be what they say "Perfect" . I mean you cant be go around saying the thing THE THING which everyone wants to hear. Spam does occur unintentionally and yeah you dont get into UG silver there is close and proper monitoring before taking you in
- 18 Mar. 2010 10:25am #18
Since when did I say that no safe spam is allowed?
As far as I am concerned they can keep on spamming, but they just won't get into UG silver as fast.
People who safe spam will probably still keep on spamming, but they will be slightly encouraged to actually contribute to the thread.
- 18 Mar. 2010 10:58am #19
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UG Silver isn't exactly a bustling metropolitan city as it is, either. (to add onto Boo's post)
Originally Posted by C0FF1NCASE
- 18 Mar. 2010 09:07pm #20
Not at all really. There's only a few people with the actual silver user name.
- 18 Mar. 2010 09:29pm #21
How about bout this everybody...Worry about your Fucking Self...That is how you can contribute to this site...Complaining over other peoples problem doesn't help you in the long run...Seriously all complaint related topics should be closed...Like this one
- 18 Mar. 2010 10:51pm #22
- 18 Mar. 2010 11:04pm #23
- 19 Mar. 2010 12:27am #24
- 19 Mar. 2010 12:47am #25
Translation, if they don't, then why are YOU worried about it? That's like saying... Not even worth coming up with something. Only things about Obama came up that can be taken as I'm racist, which I'm not. Anyways, if what the admin are doing works, leave it be, if the admin aren't doing something, take it up with them, not spam 30 times to discuss nothing.
- 19 Mar. 2010 04:10pm #26
IMO, some people in UG have more than 60 posts that aren't even safe spam, they're just irrelevant to the topic. Basically, the post is just liek "LOL I AGREE SO MUCH". Not gonna put names out there. *coughcough*gina
So someone needs to check applications into UG Silver, it's not gonna be that much of work.
Think about it.
We've been up since November and we have 50< people in UG Silver, that's like 1 or 2 a week?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
- 19 Mar. 2010 07:19pm #27
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you gotta think too though, it's not only about posts, but trust also. Chances are, in this bustling busy city called UG Silver, a good 100% of the people in there are trustworthy regulars.
Originally Posted by C0FF1NCASE
- 19 Mar. 2010 07:44pm #28
- 19 Mar. 2010 08:07pm #29
H2O got UG silver within a week of LG coming back. It was all spam.
LG's resident grammar nazi.
Need warez? I can probably find it for you. Throw me a PM.
For all of my sales, if you refer a buyer to me and they make a purchase, you can recieve 5%
- 19 Mar. 2010 08:09pm #30
- 19 Mar. 2010 08:54pm #31
- 19 Mar. 2010 08:56pm #32
- 19 Mar. 2010 09:02pm #33
- 19 Mar. 2010 09:05pm #34
I think an application wouldn't hurt anyone.
In a way, it help protect our programs from being leak.Last edited by Google; 19 Mar. 2010 at 09:43pm.
- 19 Mar. 2010 09:20pm #35
Safe spam makes the world go round baby.
Everyone in UG silver has a good amount of safe spam posts.
I do, boobearsh does, uber_noob does etc.
And now because of this thread, you do.
You aren't even in UG silver, and your bitching about something that if applications are needed to get into it, you'll be in UG bronze for the rest of your time on LG.
I'd hate an application D:<Last edited by Eli; 19 Mar. 2010 at 10:58pm.
- 19 Mar. 2010 09:29pm #36
I have taken into account the fact that I will need to make an application myself.
I shall say again, when did I say that all safe spam posts should be abolished Hmm?
I am not saying to abolish them. I am merely making a suggestion to get safe spam posters to make more posts that actually contribute to a thread.
Google means apps as in applications!
- 19 Mar. 2010 10:44pm #37
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Oooh, that's a really neat trick Bozo, since I ASKED to be revoked just to prove to everyone that it isn't me. I'm telling you, nothing will change there.
I'm not leaking shit, and if I'm going to be "Kicked Out" just because a few scared UG Silver members are too blind to see anything Coak's doing behind the scenes (oops. slipped a secret), then you might really want to simmer down on the whole paranoia and sort out facts and get undeniable proof before you do anything stupid☜(* x *)☞FOOL ON COOL GENERATION
Originally Posted by C0FF1NCASE
- 19 Mar. 2010 11:00pm #38
- 19 Mar. 2010 11:06pm #39
You guys think I'm leaking?
Fucking lol'd.
I don't give a shit about Silver's programs, other than the spammers/virus makers, I don't plan on using any of those programs.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]