Was going through some old files and came upon this project.
A while back when I started messing around with Gaiaonline fishing, I came across an encryption known as QADCA.
If I remember correctly it was the encryption Gaiaonline used (or uses) to encrypt and decrypt chat messages over fishing.
At the time I was planning on releasing a fishing bot, but never really got around to it.
After some searching I noticed there did not seem to be a public port of QADCA from Actionscript 2 to any language.
This is the same port The Unintelligible was using when he began work on his fishing bot project as well.
Thought I'd throw it up on Github for anyone too lazy to port it themselves.
I honestly don't even know if this is still relevant or even still utilized by Gaiaonline.
Again, not original code, just a port, but if anyone actually had some documentation on the history of QADCA it'd be neat.
Also I used an IDE known as FlashDevelop, courtesy of The Unintelligible.
Code:#include <Array.au3> Global $LOOP_MAXIMUM = 100 Global $aStorage[1] ConsoleWrite("First encryption-decryption test cycle." & @CRLF) $sEncrypt = _Encrypt(24811251, "Hello World!") ConsoleWrite("Encrypted: " & $sEncrypt & @CRLF) $sDecrypt = _Decrypt(24811251, $sEncrypt) ConsoleWrite("Decrypted: " & $sDecrypt[1] & @CRLF & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("Second encryption-decryption test cycle." & @CRLF) $sEncrypt = _Encrypt(24811251, "Hello World!") ConsoleWrite("Encrypted: " & $sEncrypt & @CRLF) $sDecrypt = _Decrypt(24811251, $sEncrypt) ConsoleWrite("Decrypted: " & $sDecrypt[1] & @CRLF & @CRLF) Func _Encrypt($iSharedID, $sMessage) Local $sReturn $sReturn = _Encrypt1($iSharedID, $sMessage) $sReturn = _Encrypt2($iSharedID, $sReturn) $sReturn = _Encrypt3($iSharedID, $sReturn) Return $sReturn EndFunc ;==>_Encrypt Func _Decrypt($iSharedID, $sMessage) Local $aReturn[1] If (_IIH($sMessage)) Then $aReturn[0] = False Return $aReturn EndIf $sMessage = _Decrypt3($iSharedID, $sMessage) $sMessage = _Decrypt2($iSharedID, $sMessage) $aReturn = _Decrypt1($iSharedID, $sMessage) Return $aReturn EndFunc ;==>_Decrypt Func _Encrypt1($iSharedID, $sMessage) Local $sReturn $sReturn = _EncryptMod($iSharedID) & $sMessage & _EncryptMod($iSharedID) Return $sReturn EndFunc ;==>_Encrypt1 Func _EncryptMod($iSharedID) Local $iReturn $iReturn = (Mod($iSharedID, 80)) + 19 Return $iReturn EndFunc ;==>_EncryptMod Func _Decrypt1($iSharedID, $sMessage) Local $aSplit, $sPop1, $sPop2, $fBool $aSplit = StringSplit($sMessage, "", 2) $sPop1 = _ArrayPop($aSplit) _ArrayPop($aSplit) _ArrayReverse($aSplit) $sPop2 = _ArrayPop($aSplit) _ArrayPop($aSplit) $fBool = False If (($sPop2 & "" & $sPop1) == _EncryptMod($iSharedID)) Then $fBool = True _ArrayReverse($aSplit) $aReturn = _ArrayCreate($fBool, _ArrayToString($aSplit, "")) Return $aReturn EndFunc ;==>_Decrypt1 Func _Encrypt2($iSharedID, $sMessage) Local $aTemporary[1] Local $aSplit, $iCounter, $sReturn $aSplit = StringSplit($sMessage, "", 2) $iCounter = 0 While ($iCounter < StringLen($sMessage)) If (Mod($iCounter, 3) == Mod($iSharedID, 3)) Then _ _ArrayAdd($aTemporary, Chr(Round(Random() * 200) + 33)) _ArrayAdd($aTemporary, $aSplit[$iCounter]) $iCounter += 1 WEnd $sReturn = _ArrayToString($aTemporary, "") Return $sReturn EndFunc ;==>_Encrypt2 Func _Decrypt2($iSharedID, $sMessage) Local $aTemporary[1] Local $aCounter[2] = [0, 0] Local $aSplit $aSplit = StringSplit($sMessage, "", 2) While ($aCounter[0] < StringLen($sMessage)) If (Mod($aCounter[0], 3) == Mod($iSharedID, 3)) Then If (($aCounter[0] + $aCounter[1]) >= StringLen($sMessage)) Then _ArrayAdd($aSplit, "") Else $aSplit[$aCounter[0] + $aCounter[1]] = "" EndIf $aCounter[1] += 1 EndIf $aCounter[0] += 1 WEnd $aCounter[0] = 0 While ($aCounter[0] < StringLen($sMessage)) If ($aSplit[$aCounter[0]] <> "") Then _ _ArrayAdd($aTemporary, $aSplit[$aCounter[0]]) $aCounter[0] += 1 WEnd $sReturn = _ArrayToString($aTemporary, "") Return $sReturn EndFunc ;==>_Decrypt2 Func _Encrypt3($iSharedID, $sMessage) Local $aSplit, $iCounter, $iCalculation $aSplit = StringSplit($sMessage, "", 2) $iCounter = 0 While ($iCounter < UBound($aSplit)) $iCalculation = (Asc($aSplit[$iCounter])) - (Mod($iSharedID, 10) + 10) $aSplit[$iCounter] = Chr($iCalculation) $iCounter += 1 WEnd $aReturn = _ArrayToString($aSplit, "") Return $aReturn EndFunc ;==>_Encrypt3 Func _Decrypt3($iSharedID, $sMessage) Local $aSplit, $iCounter, $iCalculation, $aReturn $aSplit = StringSplit($sMessage, "", 2) $iCounter = 0 While ($iCounter < UBound($aSplit)) $iCalculation = (Asc($aSplit[$iCounter])) + (Mod($iSharedID, 10) + 10) $aSplit[$iCounter] = Chr($iCalculation) $iCounter += 1 WEnd $aReturn = _ArrayToString($aSplit, "") Return $aReturn EndFunc ;==>_Decrypt3 Func _IIH($sMessage) Local $fBool, $iCounter $fBool = False $iCounter = 0 If UBound($aStorage) >= 2 Then While ($iCounter < $LOOP_MAXIMUM) If ($aStorage[$iCounter] == $sMessage) Then $fBool = True $iCounter += 1 WEnd EndIf $aStorage[Mod(0, $LOOP_MAXIMUM)] = $sMessage Return $fBool EndFunc ;==>_IIH
The original AS2 source code I worked off of is hosted on my Github, as well as some AS2 code for debugging it in FlashDevelop.
Results 1 to 4 of 4
- 13 Jun. 2013 10:09pm #1
[Port] AS2 to AutoIt - QADCA Encryption
I don't get tired.
- 13 Jun. 2013 10:24pm #2
Good work. Code looks pretty clean and polished since I last looked at it a while ago.
The thread you referenced is pretty old and ramblish though. And looking at it in retrospect, I never actually got around to the lot of those, l0l. Oh well.
Nice post either way. Could be useful to those still dabbling into Gaia and things of the sort.I'm lightning on my feet
- 13 Jun. 2013 10:25pm #3
Didn't know any parts of Gaia even still used QADCA. We actually made a port almost 6-7 years back I think in AutoIt.
- 13 Jun. 2013 10:32pm #4
Last edited by Isonyx; 13 Jun. 2013 at 10:48pm.
I don't get tired.