In this tutorial i am going to show you how to make a daily chance by using HTTPwrapper.
First of all. You need to go download Temptii's wrappers.
Then open a new form. Name is Daily chance.
Then before you do ANYTHING. add existing item. Go to the file. Select all of them then hit ok.
Then add Refrence. Add all of them from TEMPTii's wrapper.
then,at the top put:Now that we have the base down. Get 2 textbox's and 2 ButtonsCode:Public Wrapper As HTTPWrapper = NewWrapper
Put textbox2 password char as *
then name one button "login"
then another "grab daily chance"
Now since we have that done. customize it how you want it. Make it look nice.
Now. Since we have that We are going to code the button named Login. Code it as:Then Code "Grab daily"As :Code:Dim strHTML As String strHTML = Wrapper.GetWrapper("", "") strHTML = Replace(strHTML, Chr(34), "'") sid = GetStringBetween(strHTML, "<input type='hidden' name='sid' value='", "' />") token = GetStringBetween(strHTML, "<input type='hidden' name='token' value='", "' />") poststring = "username=" & TextBox1.Text & "&password=" & TextBox2.Text & "&token=" & token & "&sid=" & sid & "&" strHTML = Wrapper.PostWrapper("", poststring, "") If (InStr(1, strHTML, "?login_success=")) Then MessageBox.Show("LOGGED IN!") Else MessageBox.Show("FAIL")WEll there ya go! You just made a Daily chance!.Code:Wrapper.PostWrapper("", "action=issue&submit_action=Click+Here+to+Claim+Your+Reward%21") Wrapper.PostWrapper("", "action=issue&submit_action=Click+Here+to+Claim+Your+Reward%21") Wrapper.PostWrapper("", "action=issue&submit_action=Click+Here+to+Claim+Your+Reward%21") Wrapper.PostWrapper("", "action=issue&submit_action=Click+Here+to+Claim+Your+Reward%21") Wrapper.PostWrapper("", "action=issue&submit_action=Click+Here+to+Claim+Your+Reward%21") Wrapper.PostWrapper("", "action=issue&submit_action=Click+Here+to+Claim+Your+Reward%21") MsgBox("The Daily Chance Has Been Grabbed!")
Also i would like to thank some people. Temptii for his wrappers. and his Source code.
And some people from ebu. But since most of you guys don't like ebu i won't say.
Rep meh!
Temptii's wrappurhs
Results 1 to 6 of 6
- 02 Jul. 2011 02:08am #1
[HTTPWrappers] Gaia daily chance [TuT]
Last edited by M0NST3R; 04 Jul. 2011 at 01:18am.
- 02 Jul. 2011 06:04am #2
Good job dude. Hoenstly I don't know wrappers in vb.
- 02 Jul. 2011 09:44am #3
bitch ass *****
- 04 Jul. 2011 12:38am #4
Can you post Temptii's wrappers Download link ?
- 04 Jul. 2011 01:17am #5
- 04 Jul. 2011 01:26am #6