PHP Code:

class Twitter_Feed_Reader 

$feed = Array(); 

__construct($user_id false
        if (

get($parent$name$item 0

$twitter = new DOMDocument(); 
$twitter->loadXML(file_get_contents('' $user_id '.rss')); 
$rss $this->get($twitter'rss'); 
$channel $this->get($rss'channel'); 
$username explode(' / '$this->value($channel'title')); // split Twitter & Username 
array_shift($username); // remove Twitter 
$username implode(' / '$username); // in case Username contains slashes 
$link $this->value($channel'link'); 
$atom_link $this->value($channel'link'1'href'); 
$items $channel->getElementsByTagName('item'); 
$this->feed[$user_id] = Array(); 
        foreach (
$items as $item
$this->feed[$user_id][strtotime($this->value($item'pubDate'))] = Array( 
'description' => substr($this->value($item'description'), strlen($username) + 2), 
'link' => $this->value($item'link'

        if (!
$midnight time() - gmdate('G') * 60 60 gmdate('i') * 60 gmdate('s'); 
        foreach (
$this->feed[$user_id] as $time => $data
$date false
            if (
gmdate('d m y'$time) == gmdate('d m y'$midnight)) 
$date '<strong>Today</strong> at ' gmdate('g:ia'$time); 
            else if (
gmdate('d m y'$time) == gmdate('d m y'$midnight 86400)) 
$date '<strong>Yesterday</strong> at ' gmdate('g:ia'$time); 
$date gmdate('d M. Y, g:ia'$time); 
preg_replace('/\@(.+?)\b/''@<a href="$1" rel="nofollow" title="View $1\'s Twitter Profile">$1</a>'
preg_replace('/(https?\:\/\/)(.+?)(\s|$)/''<a href="$1$2" rel="nofollow" title="$2">[link]</a>'

value($parent$name$item 0$attribute false
        return (
$attribute $this->get($parent$name$item)->getAttribute($attribute) : $this->get($parent$name$item)->firstChild->nodeValue); 

How to Use:
$feed_reader = new Twitter_Feed_Reader();
$feed_reader->output($numerical_user_id, $html_template);

$feed_reader = new Twitter_Feed_Reader();
$feed_reader->output(75376101, "<q>{description}</q>\n<cite><a href=\"{link}\">{date}</a></cite><br />\n");

<q>The server is back online.</q> 
<cite><a href="">15 Oct. 2009, 4:59pm</a></cite><br /> 
<q>Server is down for an unknown period of time. Nameservers are offline. See you when they return.</q> 
<cite><a href="">13 Oct. 2009, 5:45am</a></cite><br /> 
<q>A wild Imakuni? appears! See what the fuss is about: <a href="" rel="nofollow" title="">[link]</a></q> 
<cite><a href="">10 Oct. 2009, 6:27am</a></cite><br /> 
<q>Soon to hold a contest for top poster and/or top referrer. Giving away expensive accounts. Get in on the action! <a href="" rel="nofollow" title="">[link]</a></q> 
<cite><a href="">05 Oct. 2009, 10:10pm</a></cite><br /> 
<q>Graphics & Programming Forum Opened: <a href="" rel="nofollow" title="">[link]</a></q> 
<cite><a href="">04 Oct. 2009, 9:47pm</a></cite><br /> 
<q>Installed a banking/money system. Get a head start on earning OGG!</q> 
<cite><a href="">03 Oct. 2009, 9:19pm</a></cite><br /> 
<q>Haven't finished tweaking settings, but *registration is live*. Get a head start in the new OG community: <a href="" rel="nofollow" title="">[link]</a></q> 
<cite><a href="">03 Oct. 2009, 3:17am</a></cite><br /> 
<q>Installing the forums. Should be ready in a few days. Tell your friends to get ready and to follow us on Twitter. :-)</q> 
<cite><a href="">02 Oct. 2009, 5:37pm</a></cite><br /> 
<q>Just underwent a huge coding overhaul to improve performance speeds.</q> 
<cite><a href="">01 Oct. 2009, 4:46am</a></cite><br /> 
<q>Postponing forum installation due to cPanel issues. Will work on it in-depth first thing tomorrow.</q> 
<cite><a href="">29 Sep. 2009, 2:09am</a></cite><br /> 
<q>Found a server! We should be officially opening soon.</q> 
<cite><a href="">28 Sep. 2009, 4:07am</a></cite><br /> 
<q>@<a href="" rel="nofollow" title="View KaienLG's Twitter Profile">KaienLG</a>: We're just waiting on a server that can support us. I'd make a custom user system, but that would only postpone release.</q> 
<cite><a href="">27 Sep. 2009, 5:07pm</a></cite><br /> 
<q>Updated the OfflineGamers Twitter profile with a custom-made design.</q> 
<cite><a href="">27 Sep. 2009, 5:34am</a></cite><br /> 
<q>Altering the colors of and adding random effects to the Gaia Online images in order to avoid any copyright issues.</q> 
<cite><a href="">25 Sep. 2009, 1:19pm</a></cite><br /> 
<q>Coding the OG template and making it look similar to Gaia Online, except better.</q> 
<cite><a href="">23 Sep. 2009, 1:15pm</a></cite><br /> 
<q>Both AIM and YIM support accounts have been registered under the name OfflineGamers.</q> 
<cite><a href="">22 Sep. 2009, 3:56am</a></cite><br /> 
<q>Just finished the basics of the Twitter feed reader. Now to program it into the soon-to-be</q> 
<cite><a href="">20 Sep. 2009, 6:24pm</a></cite><br /> 
<q> is now in our possession; waiting for the server to be up in the next few weeks.</q> 
<cite><a href="">19 Sep. 2009, 7:53pm</a></cite><br />