If you haven't done so yet, get your ass on PWO and Register.


I'm going to let you know ahead of time, there are still a few bugs with the game, but it still works just fine.
-It has all of the First and Second gen pokemon
-You have 16 gyms to beat, both Kanto and Johto.
-Attack glitches, but nothing serious. (No recharge after hyperbeam, Dig happens in one move, self destruct only kills you, scary face does 1hp damage instead of lowering their attack, etc.)
-Instead of Surf (until it's coded in) you need to buy a Surfboard from a guy south of Fuschia. 200,000$. Save up money.

***If you lose to a Gym Leader, you have to wait 24 hours before you can beat them again***
(This isn't an absolutely horrible game, because there are still quests you can do while you wait, and plenty of time to train your pokemon, and find/catch rarer ones)

Any other questions, feel free to ask. The game is being constantly updated and the bugs are being fixed as much as possible. Bugs aside, it's still an absolutely fantastic, well put-together game.
Once you're accepted, post your Username and I'll add you on there. Then we can party up and shit.


Here are some more of my custom PWO Skins I've been working on.