Hahaha. Awwww. <3 But it was homecoming. xD And I think I'm grounded. D:
Mmhmm. It was great. <3 Wish you were there though. D:
Hahahaha. We just went as friends. >_< I took pictures! C: On my friend's camera though. So I'll have them later on today.
I don't hate you! D: <33333 Homecoming tonight. I'll take lots of pictures. C:
Jason. You ignored me all day. >_< Well, I guess you're annoyed? D: I'm off for the night. See you tomorrow? <3
D: Sorry babes. But if I suck in school, then my computer's gonna be confiscated by the authorities. v_v <333 How was your day? C:
D: Sorry, babe! I had to write that paper I ditched the other night. >_<
G'niiiiiight. <3
I'll just have to say I lied then.
HA! Remember? I told you I'd forget all that I said tonight.