Wow, do you not get it? Yes you can change your themes but the fact that your saying it's a vista is making me question you. One of them is a vista theme but the other one isn't. Look just fricken admit that the alien one is really yours but the halo one isn't. Trust is an important thing here in LG.
i see u compare the two accounts?. my god your annoying yeah the two was old screenshot , the halo screenshot was not the same date was took. if you open my photobucket if you want to show how old the screenies i have on gaia. and the others . the vista one was old than the halo screenshot. i dont have the right to change my theme of my computer?.
You have two different OS'es though. You said it's older but the screenshot with the angelic halo wasn't a vista. So you can't update it with a vista theme. And you haven't explained why the Firefox on one of them has a toolbar and the other one doesn't
check wat i post there
In your thread you have a simple windows theme and a firefox browser with the toolbar and the os is older In the bragging thread you have a screenshot of a more up to date comp and new theme and no toolbar in your firefox. Explain por favor