probably not anymore man I can sell you mesos though, like 15 or 20 bucks for a 100m im playing dungeon fighter now man, not interest in maplestory anymore
did you plvl or anything?
hey man, I probably cannot train you, I gave you 10m in bellacon, you can have it if you want to buy any mesos, just tell me 100m per order, just offer me
Well Bro I Can Pm Now Start Plvling I Guess
but some pms are important my msn is il ltell you there
clear your pm, delete em all I can get you to 1-70 if you give me 90USD for the pots, ill cover all that
it wont let me send pm it says i reached private message quota something
Sorry for some reason i cant pm umm its in bera but can you make me a chat on bellocan? doesnt it start at lvl 30 because lvls 1-30 is too easy and yeh okie ill try to pm info
well, you have to give me the info and btw what world is your character, if it's not bellacon then you have to give me an extra 10 USD now so I can buy it some mesos for pots and as for the powerleveling, I think we have to split it into 2 payment first 25USD will be lv55 and the last 25USD will be at lv70
mmk tell me when your done im getting the cards at the 13th