Yeah I can see why o:
You shouldn't regret it. You'll enjoy college more if you are closer to the age group of most of the people in college.
Yes it is I regret not doing it during my junior year ~.~
That is very convenient. o-o
In place of my senior year, I go to college and take college courses to satisfy my hs credits, while getting college credits
Oh, that sounds cool. So you skip senior year and take freshman year of college? Or you take your senior year of HS at the college?
Nothing, just kicking back and relaxing. Working as well haha I just want next semester to start, tbh. I'm going to college for my senior year instead of hs and I'm a tad excited. b: I just want my life to progress haha
Hehe, yup. So what have you been up to? It's been a couple of years. XD
Nah, I don't even know how anymore ;A; And ah congratulations! Fit you perfectly. The struggles of growing up ;p
Heh. Are you cheating this time? I've been very good. I recently graduated from university, and now I'm an Engineer. Just started working full time a couple of weeks ago. You know you're getting old when you no longer have summer vacations. XD