Oh me stalking you? Or you stalking me? XD
bahahaha xD stalk stalk stalk !!
Lol nothing really, glad me bugging you is enjoyable. XD
I like it when you come to bug me. What's up?
I've come to bother you chief. =D
Heya I'm restart my pokemanz. I want a shiny cyndaquil.
Oh nrries, I get them easy anyways. ^^; You should get on msn when you get a chance. =P
>.> But I don't want to be a source of your pain. lol
It was actually one of the worst ones I've had in a while. x.x It was beneficial in some ways though, I went to sleep earlier but got up around 12am. Felt a little better then around 4am I started drawing a pretty spiffy picture.
D; that's awful!