Yeah, really busy these days, which is ironic since I got assistants to ease up some stuff, but I find myself working twice as hard not to disappoint them. Haha, once you do make a new one remember to add me.
well that sux; for some odd reason mine just bought the farm, and I might have to make a new one soon. :/
Ah, you're right; I'm usually only active on MSN these days.
Hisashiburi dana ne, otouto?
that busy? oh well, I guess life has to make everything else take a backseat sometimes.
Haha, to tell the truth I haven't tried it out yet, been a bit busy lately.
so, how'd it go?
since I'm feeling generous, I'll mention that you have to roll a psychic score of 12 if you want any chance of winning. It's the most obvious hint I can give you. And one more, if you come to a place where a zombie asks you what God is, just type any old thing in.
Yay, something to kill time until everyone comes home.
Fighting Fantasy Project - Outsider! for you.