merge his posts. hes not technically spamming yet. i only give infractions right now. i have a 3 strike method. three warnings then an infraction. bans are only in severe cases.
Awesome, in that kind of situation, what would you do, warn ayoo? Or give him an infraction?
no problem. any help is great. so i should thank you. ayoo enzo double posted...twice. I don't know if this is the kind of stuff you want me to look for.
Alright cool. I'm online a lot too, so hopefully I can catch some crap posts. Thanks Soul.
feel free to give me a hand. if you find any before i can, put them in a vistor message and send them to me, ill take care of it. remember i cant really do anything about safe spam , but normal spam, i can.
Yeah, I hope so, I notice a lot of terrible posts and I always want to delete them. Hopefully you can find a happy medium of deleting crap posts but not abusing power. XD
thanks i guess. I just want to do the job though. And this should stop some of the spam now since Im active a lot and view most of the forums and stuff.
Congrats on being an S-mod (trial) XD