lol. So did you read the paragraph?
Eff vbulletin 4. It dosen't show how many PMs you have at a glance.
THOMAS, it wont let me PM you again. It says you have too many PM's. Fix that.
Dude wth .
Ok, it's kinda hard to explain. So, I want a page that basically has a grid. Lets call the grid headers X Y and Z. So lets say it has 5 (random number) rows AND the headers XYZ as if though to ask for information. So the grid would be empty, maybe w/ my entry filling out "XYZ" Ok, below this grid, there are three textboxes corresponding with the X Y and Z "headers". So a new user comes along and wants to add their X Y and Z information to this grid so everyone can see. So they just put their information in the corresponding textboxes and hit a "submit" button. After that, there information that they added now appears on the grid for everyone to see. But doesn't delete the other items. Just like an on going list. Ok, so how would i do that? tl;dr A editable table/grid where anyone can input data.
So, what exactly do you want me to do?
Can you not do that or something? Can't you just answer me?! <3
alskjds;ajd;lfjsdl;ajsdl;fjsad;lfkjsdl;fjasldfjsdl fjsdljfslkjflas;js;lkjdfslfjsdlf Woman! .-.
Dudududueudedeudeaufsgdhjvjxfvmhkgcxfvzjgvkcmvlklj cfx,mjkscivdisju dgbj. Dude.
So do you know how to do that? it's two messages below